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Chapter 1116 Gathering in

Goel alone led the elite to Stonetalon Mountain for the meeting, and temporarily assigned the civil and military duties of the warchief to the advisor Eitrigg and the brother Saurfang who led the army.

The orc clan whose civilization development process is still relatively backward has very few specialized civil servants, and the custom of respecting the strong has long been engraved into the bones of the orcs.

Goel, who received a human-style education since he was a child, knows the importance of civil servants. After thousands of selections, he finally found a civil consultant who can meet his standards—the old orc Eitrigg who had already lived in seclusion in the mountains.

Due to the butterfly wings fanned by Sharlayan, Eitrigg, who lived in seclusion in East Tirisfal, was not caught by the Knights of the Silver Hand who were busy resisting the Scourge, and naturally did not induce the follow-up Tirion Fordring The orcs who were released privately were deprived of the Holy Light.

Under Goel's personal unannounced visit, Eitrigg reunited with the tribe's army without any surprises, and followed the great chief across the sea to Kalimdor.

When Go'el was away, Eitrigg could only handle various complicated clerical tasks, and the military dispatch was handed over to the Saurfang brothers from the Blackrock clan.

As early as the Second Orc War, Varok Saurfang had become the right-hand man of Orgrim Doomhammer, the former chieftain of the Blackrock clan.

Compared with his elder brother, Broxix Saurfang, Varok's individual combat power is not as good, but he is more talented in battle formation. He is a natural handsome talent, and he is deeply valued by Orgrim. Bring him by your side and train him yourself.

Comparing the alliance side, it's like Anduin Lothar has been giving Tulayang his orders.

Unlike Varok, who is in charge of commanding the entire army, Brox is a pure fighter, he does not need to consider those complicated things. The task Goel gave him is to protect Varok and prevent him from being killed by Devil's hand.

According to the information provided by the barrage, Brooks should travel back in time and space one day after the end of the third war to return to the battle of the ancients ten thousand years ago, and at the end of his life, he tried his best to cut and wound Sargeras, the demon king of Rath.

But that's all for later, at least for now, Sharlayan is not interested in this powerful warrior who can only obey orders.

In order for the orcs to send troops to the Warsong lumbermill without the warchief's orders, he must also convince Eitrigg and Varok, the civil and military warchiefs, to act as agents.

"You mean, Grom will drink the blood of the demon again under the lure of Mannoroth?"

After hearing Sharlayan's analysis, Eitrigg's already gray eyebrows frowned tightly.

"Mannoroth..." Varok Saurfang, who was in his prime, had a cold gleam in his eyes: "I still remember this name. The demon blood that Gul'dan took out came from him."

"Eitrigg, you and I know Grom's temper and his thirst for great power."

Varok rubbed his temples worriedly: "If it is true, as Duke Deep Shadow said, Mannoroth just extended a 'helping hand' when the Warsong clan was in trouble..."

Eitrigger patted his forehead with a wry smile, looked up at the top of the animal skin tent and sighed: "Even if that one-minded guy knows that the other party has other plans, there is still a high probability that he will step on it." go in."

Varok asked with a solemn expression: "So? What should we do? Are we going to send troops?"

Eitrigger's expression fluctuated for a while, and he finally gritted his teeth and patted his thigh: "Get out! The battle opportunity is fleeting, and we can't just sit back and watch Grom take the old path that has been proven to be unworkable again."

"If the great chief punishes us for sending troops without authorization afterwards, I will bear all the responsibility!"


Varok chuckled and stood up abruptly, carrying the sharp battle ax on his shoulder.

"I am the one who leads the army on behalf of the army. Even if there is a punishment, it will not be your turn to bear it."

When he turned his eyes to Sharlayan who was waiting for their final decision, Varok's expression became serious again.

"Duke Deep Shadow, let's set off now, I hope... there is still time."


At the same time, Alleria, who was riding a dragon eagle, happened to meet the main force of the tauren who was about to send troops to attack the rear of the Burning Legion in the northern part of the barren land.

As early as when the Burning Legion and the night elves were at war on the border of Ashenvale, the tauren planned to join the battle to help the night elves.

Jarod stopped the tauren's reckless advance, however.

At that time, Archimonde was in the center of the Burning Legion. If the tauren disturbed his "elegant mood" to watch the battlefield... the consequences would be disastrous.

Rather than letting the tauren army die in the hands of Archimonde, Jarod hopes that they can be used in more valuable places.

As a result, Jarod had the Tauren Vanguard ready before withdrawing from the line.

After the defense line on the border of Ashenvale was breached and Archimonde followed the army north into Felwood Forest, they launched a surprise attack from the rear.

At that time, the Quel'Thalas Air Force stationed at the base camp at the foot of Mount Hyjal will send people to greet them, and transport the tauren army directly to Mount Hyjal through giant eagles with amazing gravity, adding an extra layer of insurance for the final decisive battle on Mount Hyjal .

The vanguard army that Alleria encountered was led by Magatha Grimtotem. As one of the three giants of the tauren clan, Magatha, who led the army to go out, had a high right to make decisions on the fly.

Knowing that Sharlayan, who is benevolent to the tauren clan, asked for something, Magatha changed the direction of the army without saying a word, and followed Alleria to march towards Durotar.

At the same time, Magatha also arranged for a raptor druid to send the news back to Thunder Bluff to Warchief Cairne Bloodhoof.

When Magatha and Alleria hurriedly crossed the River of Rage and entered the red land next door, Sharlayan and Valeera had already led the Darkspear trolls and the Horde coalition forces into Ashenvale, all the way to Warsong. The direction of the lumberyard is rushing rapidly.

When the joint forces rushed to the Warsong Logging Ground, only some laborers and wounded soldiers who were in charge of logistics were left in the camp.

From these wounded soldiers, Varok asked a piece of bad news that worried him.

"About two days ago, Grom led the elite clan to a canyon in the west, and never returned to the camp after that."

Varok rubbed his eyebrows with a headache: "I have a bad feeling, I'm afraid we're a step late."


Sharlayan smacked his lips a little irritably: "You guys stay where you are and continue to ask them for information. I'll do some reconnaissance in the nearby sky."

After taking off in the form of a storm crow and spreading his wings, Sharlayan activated the eagle eye technique without hesitation, scanning around the sky with his greatly enhanced vision.

If the information provided by the barrage is correct, Mannoroth should be guarding the canyon not far to the west of the Warsong Lumbering Ground.

In the future of the original history, this is where Mannoroth and Grom Hellscream died, and it will later be named Demonslaughter Gulch.

"Sure enough, it's here."

Under Sharlayan's purposeful search, he soon found traces of demonic activity around the canyon.

But the bad news is that he didn't see the Warsong clan that was supposed to be here, and most of the demons here looked to the north with gloating expressions.

"Is it still late?"

Sharlayan sighed softly: "The matter has come to this, we can only temporarily adjust the plan."

Sharlayan originally planned to personally rush over to warn Go'el after the orcs landed, telling him to pay attention to Grom's mental state, and not to be seized by Mannoroth to take advantage of the opportunity.

However, a sudden storm at sea disrupted his plans, causing the orcs to land on Kalimdor a little later than expected.

Fortunately, Sharlayan has always liked to make two-handed preparations.

As early as the barrage told him that Grom would recklessly drink the blood of the devil in the original history, Sharlayan considered that variables might cause this to happen.

In order to avoid the worthless death of Cenarius in this local conflict and further intensify the hatred between the night elves and orcs, Sharlayan deliberately asked the forest demigod to rush to Mount Hyjal in advance, avoiding his original plan. destiny.

The combat power of the Warsong clan that just drank the blood of Mannoroth will be greatly improved, and the sentry troops that could suppress them may be taken away by a wave if they are caught off guard.

Influenced by the blood of the devil, where the bloody Warsong clan will attack next, there is actually no need to think too much.

If Sharlayan were Mannoroth, he would definitely use words to induce the Warsong clan that had returned to the peak to continue attacking the big tree shade guarded by the green dragon, cutting off the possibility of the dragon clan rushing to the front line quickly through the dream network.

"Heh~ Ma Pang, who pretends to be smart."

Sharlayan quickly locked on the marching route of the Warsong clan, which stinks of evil energy, with Eagle Eye, and a sneering smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Transport the dragon army through the dream network? If I really have this plan, do you think you can still sit here safely and watch the show?"

Taking a last glance at the depths of the "Devil Slaughter Canyon", a sharp light flashed in Sharlayan's eyes.

"Take it as a meal to kill your head, let you be happy at the end."

"After this death, you, Archimonde's confidant, will never have a chance to be resurrected."

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