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Chapter 1117 Kil'jaeden: You jump casually, if you talk to me, I will lose

The relationship between Archimonde and Kil'jaeden is actually not as friendly as outsiders imagined.

Among the three consuls of Eredar, Kil'jaeden and Velen were from the same era. The two once had a close relationship and talked about everything.

This is why Kil'jaeden was so angry after Velen gave up Argus and fled. He believed that Velen had betrayed the deep friendship they had formed for tens of thousands of years.

Another archon of the same generation as Kil'jaeden and Velen is Archimonde's mentor Sazir. From this relationship, Archimonde is a generation younger than Kil'jaeden and Velen. There is not much common topic outside.

After leading the whole clan to seek refuge with Sargeras, the two consuls who were also infused with the fel energy of the Demon King were indistinguishable in strength.

The Burning Legion is a brand new starting point for both of them, and their original qualifications and seniority are no longer important.

Compared with Kil'jaeden, who is used to sitting in the rear and strategizing, the younger and more ambitious Archimonde likes to charge on the front line, relying on his leadership to attract more followers in the Burning Legion, which believes in the strong.

Over time, the two gradually gained their own titles within the Burning Legion based on their different styles of conduct.

Fraudster and polluter, from these two titles, it can be seen at a glance that the two have completely different styles.

In an organization rich in martial arts like the Burning Legion, there is no doubt that Archimonde's style is easier to win the worship of demons.

The wily Kil'jaeden didn't care about this, he was happy to let Archimonde stand in front to attract attention, so that he could have more time and energy to hunt down Velen and the draenei.

However, if that's all it is.

The ambitious Archimonde swelled up as his influence grew day by day. He began to look down on Kil'jaeden, the senior who only knew how to "make small moves" in the rear, claiming that his status had already surpassed the fraudsters.

Kil'jaeden was very dissatisfied with Archimonde's almost undisguised publicity, but the fraudster didn't intend to do anything for a while, so that the idiot who was more and more advocating muscles and gradually abandoning thinking continued to expand.

In the past, Archimonde was also a man of both civil and military skills who was good at using intrigues and tricks. The reason why his mentor Sakir fell from the horse was that Archimonde played a lot behind it.

After being imbued with great power by Sargeras, Archimonde discovered a problem.

Many problems that used to require brains to solve can now be easily solved with just a casual hand.

After gradually getting used to this simple and rude way of solving problems, Archimonde could never go back.

As Kil'jaeden thought, Archimonde can always solve problems through pure strength, even if he encounters a strong enemy that he cannot defeat, it doesn't matter, anyway, Sargeras, who has beaten all the invincible opponents in the universe, will make a move.

As the Burning Legion conquered countless worlds in the universe, the name of the polluter who often acted as a vanguard finally officially surpassed the fraudster who rarely went to the front line, and was recognized as the second figure of the legion below Sargeras.

Kil'jaeden's city is extremely deep, and he himself can ignore Archimonde's bravado, but the demons following the Deceiver are very disgusted with the increasingly ostentatious polluter faction.

And Kil'jaeden just didn't care much outside, but he was also on fire in his heart.

If Archimonde was defeated in the invasion of Azeroth, or even died, Kil'jaeden could not take the opportunity to suppress the polluter's power.

By the time Archimonde was resurrected by Sargeras, the internal situation of the Burning Legion must have gone through a round of reshuffle.

However, even the long-sighted fraudster did not expect that Sargeras had no intention of resurrecting Archimonde at all, because he had found a more suitable helper.

A sand sculpture netizen in a different world once told Salayan a common saying - people who are not of my race must have a different heart.

The same applies to Azeroth and to Sargeras.

If he could corrupt the souls of his fellow Titans for his own use, Sargeras would naturally trust his fellow Titans more.

Eredar? Their usefulness is over.

With the help of a large number of high-end technologies and spells provided by Eredar civilization, the Burning Legion embarked on a period of crazy expansion.

However, there is a limit to accumulation and accumulation. After the War of the Ancients 10,000 years ago, Sargeras, who was defeated for the first time, discovered a problem.

The development potential brought by the Eredar civilization to the Burning Legion began to be gradually exhausted, and they could no longer give more help to the Burning Legion, which still needs to expand.

That being the case, when the Titan's soul was about to be corrupted and joined the legion's expedition, it was time for the demon lords of the old era headed by Kil'jaeden and Archimonde to withdraw from the front line.

Sargeras was not stupid, he would not have told the fraudster and polluter himself of his plan to upgrade early.

Sargeras has been fighting in the universe for countless years, isn't it easy to kill with a borrowed knife?

Sharlayan didn't know whether Sargeras had expected that Archimonde would be defeated in Azeroth. Anyway, once Archimonde died, Sargeras, who had other plans in mind, would never kill him again. resurrection.

For the time being, I don't know that Kil'jaeden, who is planning in Sargeras' mind, will not let go of the power vacuum period after Archimonde's death and has not been resurrected. He will foolishly treat Mannoroth, Archimonde's absolute confidant Resurrection first?

Obviously impossible.

Among the high-level demons who invaded Azeroth, except Tichondrius and other dreadlords who were originally sent by Kil'jaeden to "assist" Archimonde, once the others die, they will return to the Twisting Nether for a long time. It won't be possible to revive for a while.

Sharlayan has no hand in the open and covert struggle between the two giants of the Burning Legion, and has no plans to intervene.

He is happy to see the success of this, and this inevitable demon internal friction will inevitably affect the overall combat effectiveness of the Burning Legion, allowing Azeroth more time to enrich its own strength.

At this moment, Mannoroth was still looking forward to seeing what kind of surprises the Warsong clan would bring him. Sharlayan planned to make him happy for a while, anyway, he only had this last happy time.

After confirming the route of the Warsong Clan, Sharlayan quickly folded his wings and swooped back to the Warsong Lumber Camp.

"How about it?"

As soon as Sarlayan landed and transformed back into a human form, Varok Saurfang, who was anxious in his heart, immediately approached him to ask about the situation.

"I see them."

Sharlayan looked at King Saurfang calmly: "Unfortunately, judging from the stench of evil energy emitted by the Warsong clan when they marched in groups... we are indeed one step late."


In fact, Varok had already expected this, but he was still a little depressed when he heard this fact with his own ears.

As the tribal military leader when the warchief was away, Varok quickly adjusted his mentality.

"I can't help it. In order to prevent those single-minded guys from causing more trouble, we can only subdue them first."

Sharlayan agreed with this, but he also issued a warning: "Be careful, after drinking the blood of the devil again, the fighting power of the Warsong clan has returned to the peak state of the old tribe."

"Varok, you should know their current strength better than me."

Varok nodded solemnly: "Duke Deep Shadow, please leave the matters on the battlefield to me. I will do my best to suppress the resistance of the Warsong clan."

"Compared to this, I am more worried about the handling of the war after the war."

Sharlayan knew what Varok was worried about, so he raised his hand and patted his solid shoulder to comfort him: "Regarding this, I believe that Go'el will be able to solve the problem of the devil's blood smoothly after returning from Stonetalon Mountain. Just focus on the present moment.”


It is not Goel who can solve the problem of demon blood contamination, but Medivh who will inevitably follow him.

As an astral mage, the last Guardian of Tirisfal, and the previous master of Karazhan, Medivh was very knowledgeable.

When Sargeras induced him to do various acts that endangered Azeroth, although it was not out of his own will, Medivh also passively learned a lot of advanced knowledge related to fel energy from the Demon King.

If you ask who in Azeroth knows the best about fel energy, no one can match Medivh.

As Sharlayan predicted, after getting used to the attack strength of the degraded version of the orcs, the sentinel troops lacked sufficient defense against the counterattack of the Warsong clan that suddenly doubled in strength, and they were defeated in one hit as expected.

Grom was not busy slaughtering the night elves whose formation had been dispersed, because stronger enemies had already approached the door on their own initiative.


Grom, whose body and spirit had been reinvigorated by the blood of the devil, grinned ferociously as he watched the huge creatures flying from afar.

"Is this the Azeroth dragon that that old guy in Zuluhed said? Let me try, which one is stronger, you or Gron!"

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