Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1118 Eat melon and eat it on your head

Gronn, a species unique to Draenor, are known as the Sons of the Stone.

All living things on Draenor fall into two distinct... degeneration lines.

Yes, you read that right, degeneration, not evolution.

To put it simply, there are only two intelligent races in Draenor: spores and rock descendants.

Among them, the spore creature is the native species of Draenor. Before the Pantheon Titan, the Avenger Aggramar, discovered Draenor, the entire planet was occupied by the spore creature.

With the intervention of Aggramar, the rock creatures who were titan-forged joined Draenor's degenerate chain, and followed the titan-forged Grond-Rock Djinn-Magoron-Gronn-Cyclops-Eater Human-monster-orc route degenerates.

Strictly speaking, Gron, who is the fourth layer of the degradation chain, should be regarded as the ancestor of the orcs, but in Draenor, where the development of civilization is still very primitive, neither the orcs nor the Grons recognize this blood relationship. A common occurrence.

Compared with the orcs whose physical strength is severely degraded, Gron's individual combat power is far superior to that of ordinary orcs. If you want to hunt Gron, you often need to dispatch an orc hunting team of at least a dozen or twenty people, and you may not be able to win.

When Grom was young, he held the Hellscream family's heritage battle ax, Gorehowl, and single-handedly killed a gronn, which made him famous among the orc clans.

The Warsong clan did not participate in the main part of the Second Orc War. They were sent to Azeroth by Ner'zhul, who took over the position of Warchief temporarily after the defeat of the old tribe, to collect artifacts.

Therefore, Grom has never seen the giant dragon of Azeroth with his own eyes, and he heard about the dragon clan from Zulushid, the former chief of the Dragonmaw clan.

Zuluhed is the old chieftain of the Dragonmaw clan and the last shaman of the Dragonmaw clan.

He also followed the old tribe chief Blackhand and Gul'dan to invade Azeroth.

After Nekros accidentally brought back the Devil's Soul and enslaved the Red Dragon Queen, the old and frail Zuluhed handed over the position of chief to Nekros, and returned to Draenor alone to try to spend the time peacefully. the rest of my life.

Grom, who was staying in Draenor, heard a lot of information about powerful creatures in Azeroth from the returned Zuluhed at that time, including the dragon family.

Grom, who has recovered his fighting power at his peak, is very confident in himself. If he meets Goron again, he is fully confident that he can kill him solo.

However, Grom, who was inflated in self-confidence at the moment, ignored a problem.

Leaving aside the question of who is stronger on land, the dragons and the Grons are weaker. Unlike the Grons who can only crawl on the ground, the dragons can fly.

These young green dragons are the guards guarding the entrance of the big tree shade dreamland.

The green dragons of the great tree had already detected the local conflict that was close at hand, but they had no intention of intervening in the battle between the night elves and the orcs, who were also mortals, until they received further orders from Wyrmrest Temple.

Yes, mortals.

No matter what the night elves think, in the eyes of the dragon clan, they are still a member of mortals, and they have not really achieved detachment.

However, just as the green dragons, like Mannoroth, hid aside and watched the show happily, the orcs who had been suppressed and beaten before suddenly came to a super evolution, which in turn turned the night elves who had the upper hand into a battle. rout.

More importantly, the green dragon, who is very sensitive to vitality, saw an abnormal increase in vitality from the orcs, and the disgusting smell of fel energy made them instinctively disgusted.

After some discussion, the three adult green dragons sitting in the shade of the big tree decided to send scouts to closely observe the reason for the sudden increase in the strength of the orcs.

If it is really related to the demons of the Burning Legion, they no longer need to abide by the principle of the dragon clan not to intervene in mortal wars, and purify these green-skinned monsters whose brains have been washed away by evil energy on the spot.

"hold head high!"

After confirming that all the orcs had a strong demonic aura, the five young dragons who were the vanguard no longer hesitated, and spit out the acid dragon breath unique to the green dragon clan to the Warsong clan below as they passed through the air.

Draenor also has a flying creature with a dragon in its name, but the double-headed dragon is essentially not the same type of species as the dragons of Azeroth, and there is a huge difference in strength between the two sides.

The Warsong clan had also participated in hunting the two-headed dragon. Facing the attacking green dragon, they originally planned to take the opportunity to counterattack and cut off the enemy's wings when the opponent descended and showed its sharp claws.

However, the green dragon started spitting acid from far away in the sky, which was completely beyond the expectation of Grom and others.

Due to the lack of sufficient intelligence, they failed to make correct countermeasures, and this round of dragon's breath breath caused the Warsong clan to suffer a lot.

Even if they are strengthened by the blood of the devil again, the orcs are still mortals, and mortals with flesh and blood cannot withstand the corrosion of strong acid.

Any little bit of acidic dragon's breath, the orc's muscle tissue will quickly rot, screaming and losing its fighting power.

Seeing the clansmen being ravaged unilaterally by these green dragons, the furious Grom clenched his teeth, and he clenched the handle of Gorehowl's ax with both hands to accumulate strength silently.

When the green dragon, which had circled in the air, turned around again to breathe out the second round of dragon breath, Grom, who had been prepared for a long time, aimed at one of the young dragons without hesitation and threw his battle ax in his hand.

Among all the orcs, Grom has a ceiling-level strength. After being strengthened by the blood of the devil, he has even touched the door that breaks through the limit of mortals.

The scales of the young dragon couldn't resist the tomahawk thrown by Grom, and the young dragon that was unfortunately hit in the chest fell from the sky screaming on the spot. His fate... Needless to say.


Grom's action of shooting down the green dragon angered several adult dragons who were still watching from behind the scenes. They originally planned to continue to wait and see and immediately took off, leading all the green dragons sitting in the shade of the big tree to join the attack on the Warsong clan middle.

At the same time, a large number of dragonmen also swarmed out from the shade of the big tree, colliding with the roaring and screaming Warsong clan in unison.

"Hahaha! Well, well done!!"

Mannoroth, who was also watching from a distance, clapped happily.

He didn't care about the life and death of the Warsong clan at all, he just wanted these consumables to cause damage to the green dragon as much as possible, so that he could break through the big tree shade, destroy the dream portal, and complete the task assigned by Lord Archimonde.

However, just as Mannoroth cheered cheerfully, a resonant charging horn sounded from the rear of the Warsong clan who was fighting with the green dragon.

Grom had just pulled out the Blood Roar from the dead dragon's body. He was about to pursue the victory with his blood boiling and fighting fiercely, when the familiar sound of the horn from behind poured on his head like a basin of ice water.


There was a conflict between bloodthirsty and warlike instincts and reason, and Grom raised his hand to press his forehead a little dizzy.

"This is... the Horde's attack order? Who is the target?"

When Grom, who was constantly struggling in his heart, saw the orc commander riding out of the woods on a wolf, he immediately understood what the other party was aiming at.

"Varok? Why... attack us?"

"Damn it!"

The bloodthirsty impulse intensified by the demon's blood overwhelmed Grom's briefly recovered rationality, and his eyes turned blood red again.

"Roar! Victory or death! Warriors of the Warsong clan! Fight back with me!"

"Obey! Power and glory! Blood and thunder!"

Even Grom, the most sensible chieftain of the Warsong clan, lost himself, let alone ordinary warriors. The Horde army launched a counter-charge.


A hint of helplessness flashed in Varok's eyes, holding the ax in one hand and lowering his center of gravity: "Sure enough, we can only subdue them first...Brox!"

"Oh! Leave it to me!"

Brox Saurfang, who was also riding a war wolf and followed closely behind Varok, came out in a row, raised his hand and slapped the war wolf below him for strength, and then rose into the air.

While he was still in the air, Broxie stepped on the air and launched a heroic leap, and was the first to jump into the army formation of the Warsong clan.

Relying on the impact of his heroic leap to the ground, the heroic Brox cut down the two Warsong orcs rushing to the front, and in the midst of the enemy line, he uttered a provocative roar at Grom with blood-red eyes .

"I am the Blade of the Warchief - Broxigar Saurfang!! Face me! Hellscream!"

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