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Chapter 1119 - Fatty Ma who can't sit still

Unlike Grom Hellscream, the chieftain of the Warsong clan who was at the pinnacle of his debut, the Saurfang brothers came from very ordinary backgrounds.

The Blackstone clan was one of the largest orc clans before the tribe was officially established, and it was also the best equipped clan, not even one.

This is because the Blackrock clan has mastered superb forging technology that exceeds the current average technological level of orcs. The Doomhammer that Goel inherited from Orgrim is one of the representative works of the Blackrock clan.

Among the Blackstone clan with a large population and long heritage, the Saurfang family is not a famous family.

The reason why this pair of brothers who have already been famous for a long time can achieve their current achievements is entirely based on their own abilities.

There are not many orc veterans who have fully experienced the rise and fall of the Horde, participated in the Battle of Draenei, the Battle of Goria, the First and Second Orc Wars, and have survived to this day.

Due to the relatively long time interval, most of the orcs released from the asylum by Goel and Orgrim only participated in the first and second orc wars in Azeroth. Lano's two massacres were only slightly heard.

Yes, massacres, not regular warfare.

The orcs were originally a single-celled race whose civilization was still relatively primitive and who only advocated strength.

After drinking the blood of the devil, the strength of the orcs who received the "gift" (Gul'dan's words) increased greatly without exception, and the dark emotions in their hearts were completely intensified by the evil energy that entered the brain along with the blood.

After defeating the Gorian Empire and Draenei civilization, the complacent orcs committed many heinous war crimes under the temptation of Gul'dan, some of which were not limited to using ogres and Draenei Soul to fill the energy needed to open the Dark Portal.

As the catalytic effect of the demon's blood gradually faded, the old tribe was finally defeated by the united original alliance.

Because of Terenas' small calculations, these orcs who committed numerous crimes were not executed, but scattered and imprisoned in shelters built in various parts of the Eastern Kingdom.

Without the influence of the devil's blood, some more rational orcs began to calm down and reflect on their past behaviors.

In the eyes of those warlike orcs, Brother Saurfang is a hero who has made a name for himself on the battlefield through his own strength.

But my family knows my own affairs.

As a pure fighter, Brox is quite calm, but Varok, who has more ideas, has always been brooding about the various crimes he committed under the catalysis of the demon's blood.

Knowing that Go'el intends to recover the ancient traditions of the orcs and bring the tribe back to the right path, Varok did not hesitate to accept Orgrim's last entrustment, and fully assist the ambitious young man. big chief.

He hopes to atone for the sins he once committed.

Seeing with his own eyes that Grom, who had a similar experience as himself, drank the blood of the devil again and fell into the darkness. Varok's emotions were quite complicated. He seemed to see another himself, who failed to follow the ambition of the great chief Own.

Brooks didn't think so much, he always kept his duty in mind.

Broxigar Saurfang is the sharp blade handpicked by Go'el. As long as the warchief gives orders, he will wave the weapon in his hand without hesitation and open up a new road ahead for the tribe.

Even if it was his former comrade-in-arms standing opposite, Broxie would never hesitate for a moment.

Rather, as a powerful fighter, Broxie had long wanted to fight against Grom in his heyday, putting aside all concerns, and experience the strength of Goron Killer for himself.

Facing Broxie's provocation, of course Grom, who is extremely self-respecting, would not evade. He pushed away those Warsong warriors clamoring to besiege Broxie and came to the front of the formation alone.

"Broxigar Saurfang, I! Grom Hellscream, chieftain of the Warsong clan, hereby accept your challenge!"

"bring it on!!"

The two orcs who also held battle axes let out loud and clear battle roars at the same time, and swung their weapons with all their strength in front of the two groups of orcs with different philosophies.

Sharlayan had no time to pay attention to the fighting generals in front of the formation for the time being. He was hanging far behind the allied forces of the orcs and the Darkspear trolls, watching the direction of the Devil Slaughter Canyon with eagle eye skill.

"No! No no no! It shouldn't be like this!"

As Sharlayan expected, Mannoroth, who was still waiting for the show, was furious when he found out that the Warsong clan had shifted their focus of attack to the rear.

Although the vanguard of the Warsong Clan has already fought against the Green Dragon of the Great Tree Shade, at least so far, the Green Dragon has not suffered a loss that is enough to hurt the bones.

In other words, Mannoroth's goal of inducing the Warsong clan to drink the blood of the devil again has not been achieved.

Although Mannoroth's brain is not very easy to use, he can at least see why the situation on the battlefield changes unexpectedly.

"Reptiles! Don't try to hinder my plan!"

Mannoroth's idea is very simple. Since I can't solve the problem, I will solve the person who caused the problem.

The abyss lord who had planned to wait and see for a while couldn't sit still anymore. He personally led the main army under his command to file out from the Demon Slaughter Canyon, aiming at the rear of the orcs and Darkspear trolls to charge at full speed.

The abyss lord's size is very large, and the movement caused by charging at full speed is very terrifying.

Mannoroth's combat power is by no means comparable to those of Anasseron. Even without mentioning the difference in race and combat talent between the two, the gleaming level 65 mark on his head alone makes Sharlayan extremely wary.

In a head-to-head fight, Sharlayan is definitely not Mannoroth's opponent, and it is even difficult to break through his thick-skinned defense.

Fortunately, Sharlayan still has a backup, he doesn't need to face Mannoroth's berserk all the way.

Valeera, who acted ahead of time, slipped into the position of the Green Dragon Clan at some point.

Through the token given by Sharlayan, Valeera gained the trust of the three adult green dragons who lead the defense of the Great Tree Shade.

The dragonmen and young dragons were left behind to continue to suppress the vanguard of the Warsong clan. The three adult dragons followed Valeera and flew towards the rear of the battlefield, just in time to see the giant monster charging at full speed.

"Abyss Lord Mannoroth!"

The leading green dragon is named Lannaris. Since the fourth green dragon in the dream was recalled by Ysera to the emerald dragon sanctuary, Lannaris has taken over from Tailar, who was originally in the shade of the big tree.

After many years of cultivation in the Emerald Dream, the nightmare corrosion on the four green dragons of the dream has been basically eliminated.

As far as Sharlayan knew, Ysera was planning to take the opportunity of the Burning Legion's re-invasion to return them to their original positions.

However, because Sharlayan deliberately delayed the dispatch of the dragon clan, the four green dragons in the dreamland have not yet officially returned.

Lana Lisi originally planned to return to the Emerald Dreamland to rest for decades after standing on the last shift, but she didn't expect to be missed by Mannoroth at this time.

Being able to be sent by Ysera to guard the entrance of the dreamland, Lana Lisi's strength is obviously not weak.

But if she fights Mannoroth one-on-one, Lana Lisi thinks that she is no match for this powerful abyss lord.

Fortunately, there are two adult dragon compatriots who are less powerful beside her to support her. Even if she can't defeat Mannoroth, she can still hold him back.

"Valeera, you leave our side first!"

While speeding up and diving downward, Lana Lisi shouted loudly to Valeera who was riding on her back: "Leave this guy to us to hold him back. I hope Sharlayan can really find a way to push back his army!"

"hold head high!!"

After entering the range, the three green dragons spit out the long-brewing acid dragon breath at the same time.

At the same time, Valeera jumped out of Lanalis's back nimbly, and landed firmly in the forest with the help of the hook lock.

On the other side, before the reinforcements arrived, Sharlayan could only bite the bullet and face the impact of Mannoroth with Vol'jin, who also left behind.

"Stationary Barrier!"

Vol'jin, who had practiced the professional skills of the witch doctor, took the first step, and the troll-style totem pole inserted in advance was automatically activated after Mannoroth entered the range of action.

There was a momentary pause in the momentum of Mannoroth's charge. Although it was only about a second, when he forcibly broke through the spell restraint, the forward speed of the heavy tank slowed down slightly.

Sharlayan also started to move after Vol'jin. He squatted down and slammed his emerald green hands on the ground.

The special tree species that had been buried long ago began to grow wildly under the catalysis of the power of life. A large number of thorns and vines appeared on the ground, and many ferocious thick branches appeared in the woods on both sides.

But none of the preparations made by Sharlayan could really stop Mannoroth. The abyss lord broke through with sparks and lightning all the way, relying on pure physical strength to smash all the obstacles away.

However, there was a price for this. When Mannoroth smashed through the last thorn and came in front of the broken troops who were clenching their teeth, the impact brought by his speed was basically exhausted.

"Bugs! Do you think you can stop the mighty Mannoroth like this!"


Mannoroth had no intention of stopping at all, raised the huge double-headed spear in his hand high, and swung it down at Sarlayan's position condescendingly.

When the green dragon's breath was about to spit out onto Mannoroth's folded wings in a defensive motion, no one could help Salayan block this powerful smash.

Valeera, who had just landed, also saw this scene, and while speeding up towards Sharlayan, her heart was beating a bit.

‘Sharlayan said that he was confident that he could block Mannoroth’s blow, it really all right? '

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