Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1122 This is a lie

Goel grew up receiving the education of the Three Views of Human Beings, and under the careful training of Blackmore, he read many books on the history of human civilization, among which happened to be the book that recorded Medivh's life.


Goyle looked at Medivh, whose expression had not changed, and a complicated look flashed in his eyes.

"Your Excellency the Prophet, is what the Duke of Deep Shadow said true? Are you really Medivh?"


Medivh sighed lightly with a flat expression: "That's right, I am Medivh, the sinner of Azeroth."

"Since the Duke of Deep Shadow can recognize my identity by chance, it means that you have already investigated everything about me, right?"

Sharlayan smiled and nodded, and explained to Goyle in harmony with Medivh: "There are other reasons behind Medivh's depravity, and this is a long story."

"To put it simply, it was not the original intention of 'Guardian Medivh' to introduce orcs into Azeroth. At that time, he was bewitched by the demon king Sargeras who was attached to his soul."

"As for the Medivh in front of you..."

The Sare installation pretended to blur a layer of arcane aura in front of his eyes... In fact, this has no practical significance.

"I can be sure that he is not under the control of the Demon King now, let's just listen to what he wants to say."

Medivh smiled and bowed to Sare to appease his chest: "Thank you Duke Deep Shadow for your explanation... Great Chief Goel, after knowing my identity, are you still willing to trust me?"

Goel looked at Medivh with complicated eyes: "It was you who brought the orcs into Azeroth, and now you are guiding us to the strange continent of Kalimdor. What is your purpose?"

Medivh shook his head and said: "My purpose is very simple, I just want to redeem the sins I committed in the past... just like Chief Goel, you plan to pay back the sins owed by the old tribe by protecting Azeroth. .”

"You are right. I brought the orcs into Azeroth by myself. No matter which side I stand on, I have the obligation to lead the orcs into the right path."

"Let's get down to business."

Medivh pointed back at the door with the tail of Ebon Chill's staff: "As for the demonic blood in the Warsong clan, I have a solution that can temporarily suppress their negative emotions of not being affected by the demonic blood. intensifying impact."


Goyle frowned and asked, "Why is it temporary? Can't the influence of the devil's blood be eradicated?"

"Sure, but that's another story."

Medivh still calmly explained to Goel: "You need to tie the bell to untie the bell. The source of the demon blood drunk by the Warsong clan comes from the abyss lord Mannoroth."

"As long as he is still alive, unless he can delay the time until the blood of the devil is automatically invalidated like the old tribe, no treatment plan will be able to play a decisive role."

"In the same way." Medivh raised his finger and pointed at Goel's chest: "All orcs who have drank the blood of Mannoroth will continue to be affected by Mannoroth. Symptoms can also vary in severity.”

Medivh's explanation reminded Goel of the uncomfortable symptoms that the orcs of various clans showed successively when the tribe first landed on Kalimdor, among which the symptoms of the Warsong clan were the most serious.

"No wonder..."

Goyle touched his chin with a solemn expression: "The closer you are to Mannoroth, the more serious the symptoms of the sequelae?"


Medivh tapped the ground lightly with his staff, and a holographic projection of the abyss lord modeled by arcane appeared in the tent.

"If the orcs really want to get rid of the curse of the demon's blood, the most effective way is to kill Mannoroth and completely cut off the blood connection with him."

"And that's one of the reasons I'm here uninvited."

Goel stared intently at Medivh's eyes that seemed to be bottomless: "Are you going to help us kill Mannoroth yourself?"

"No, of course not."

Medivh smiled wryly and shook his head: "After dying once and being resurrected again, my strength has long been inferior to before. It takes a lot of energy just to maintain my shape."

Sharlayan pursed his lips cryptically: "Just pretend, even without the power of the guardian, you old boy is still standing at the pinnacle of mortal mages." '

Considering Medivh's notoriety in the Eastern Kingdom, it is indeed not suitable for him to appear under the eyes of the Alliance army in a fair manner before he completes his own redemption.

Goyle could also understand Medivh's concerns, so he didn't get too entangled in this matter.

"Your Excellency Medivh, what do you mean?"

Medivh stepped back, pointing at the Warsong captives still hanging outside the camp gate.

"As I said before, I can temporarily block the influence of the devil's blood on the soul level of the Warsong orcs through a secret ritual, so that they can retain their will while retaining their peak fighting power."

"If I remember correctly, Grom Hellscream, chieftain of the Warsong clan, is one of the most powerful warriors in the Horde."

"I believe that he should also hope to redeem his wrong decision to take the lead in drinking the blood of the devil by killing Mannoroth."

"Is it redemption again?"

Goyle sighed with some emotion: "Your Excellency Medivh, what preparations do you need us to make for your ceremony?"


Medivh turned to listen to Sharlayan: "I need the Duke of Deep Shadow to mobilize his huge network of contacts. My ceremony needs the full assistance of the Priest of the Moon God, and I also need a powerful arcanist."

"In addition to this, the power of the shaman is also essential."

Seeing that Goel also turned his head to look at him, Sharlayan rested his chin on his hand and said thoughtfully: "My relationship with the High Priest of Whispering Wind is very ordinary, but through the Speaker Stormrage who understands righteousness, we should make peace. You can also ask her for help."

"As for the Archmage, this is quite simple. Ms. Talisa, the chief arcanist of Nightborne, is on standby at the Alliance camp at the foot of Mount Hyjal. I can ask her to come and help at any time."

Medivh nodded in relief: "Then it's settled. I'll leave first to collect the materials needed for the ceremony. During this time, you can gather people."

"I'll be back within a week at the latest, and I hope the two of you will be ready by then."

This is a lie.

The last time Sharlayan met with Medivh in Dalaran, he discussed with Medivh the various possibilities for the subsequent development of the situation, and Grom's convulsion and relapse mentioned in the barrage happened to be the most likely one.

For this reason, Medivh made relevant preparations in advance.

Collect materials? If it doesn't exist, he has already brought the materials needed for the ceremony with him.

The reason why a week was deliberately given was mainly to allow Sharlayan to bring Talisa and the stubborn Tyrande over as planned, and by the way, let Goel prepare to march immediately after the ceremony.

Watching the Maddie culture spread its wings as a crow and leave, Sharlayan patted Goel's shoulder heavily: "Leave the problem of shaking people to me, and the tribe just took advantage of this time to get acquainted with the Tauren and Darkspear trolls." joint operations."

"Mannoroth is the number one warrior under Archimonde, that guy has a strong self-esteem."

"Unless it is absolutely necessary, he will not take the initiative to ask Archimonde for help, because it means that his mission has completely failed, which Mannoroth, who has always been conceited, cannot accept."

"One week, after this week, you have to let the tribe get used to the tacit understanding on the battlefield with the Tauren and Darkspear trolls, especially...the group of elite combat forces that must participate in the final beheading operation."

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