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Chapter 1123 Mannoroth's Confidence

"Damn mortals! Ants! Reptiles!"

In the "Devil Slaughter Canyon", Mannoroth, who had returned without success, was furious, and the "boom" sound of the abyss lord punching the mountain with his fists echoed in the canyon.

The demons under Mannoroth's command all tremblingly hid in the distance. After the master's anger calmed down a little and stopped destroying the surrounding environment, a fellow abyss lord who was slightly smaller approached him cautiously.

"Master, what should we do next? Do you want to ask Lord Archimonde for help?"

"No! Of course not!!"

Just as Sharlayan expected, Mannoroth rejected the proposal of his subordinates without hesitation.

His eyes gleamed with dark green fury of evil energy, and he ordered loudly like thunder: "The little setback before was just because we missed the enemy's trap!"

"If it is a frontal battle, how can mere mortals and a few big reptiles stop the invincible front of the Burning Legion!"

Pulling out his double-headed spear from the weapon rack at the side, Mannoroth restrained his violent anger for the time being, and said in a deep voice to the nearby subordinates who were waiting for new orders: "The enemy will not let us retreat and rest. .”

"Within a week at the latest, they will integrate their existing forces and launch a general offensive here."


Mannoroth smashed the tail of the double-headed spear deep into the ground, and shouted imposingly: "Then let them come! This time we will take advantage of the terrain to meet the enemy head-on! Let those ants see the Burning Legion, See the true strength of my Mannoroth!"

Under the leadership of the Big Three, the Burning Legion has traversed the universe for countless years. Except for a big somersault in Azeroth 10,000 years ago, the demon army has never been defeated at the strategic level.

Mannoroth does have the capital of pride and arrogance. As the number one warrior under Archimonde the polluter, even if he looks at the entire universe, there are not many people who can easily handle him.

Demigod-level combat power is not Chinese cabbage, let alone a senior demigod like Mannoroth. Even in the Burning Legion, where there are so many masters, a demon officer of his level is still very important.

Mannoroth has always been extremely proud of his own strength.

You can say that his brain is not easy to use, and he is easily fooled by the enemy's schemes.

But if one-round combat power, under the polluters and fraudsters, no one in the huge Burning Legion dares to say that they can secure Mannoroth.

As the vanguard of the Burning Legion, Mannoroth has never been deflated. After all, with his smooth cerebral cortex, stepping on the traps set by the enemy is a basic operation.

But so far, after every time he suffered a loss, Mannoroth was able to quickly regain his position from the enemy by relying on strong hard power.

The demons who followed him were no strangers to Mannoroth's cruel words, and they also believed that this powerful pit lord could lead them to regain the victory that should have belonged to the Legion.


Mannoroth, who was burning with war in his heart, glared fiercely in the direction of the Warsong Lumber Yard.

"Reptiles, let's keep you happy for a while. If we fight again in the future, I will definitely make you repay this humiliation with interest!"


After Medivh left calmly, Sharlayan also bid farewell to Valeera, Goel, Vol'jin, Magatha and others and embarked on the journey again.

After becoming a griffin, Sharlayan carried Alleria back to the Alliance camp at the foot of Mount Hyjal.

During the time when Sharlayan left, the armies of the alliance countries had worked together to initially build the fortress at the foot of the mountain.

The strong city walls jointly built by humans and dwarves are being raised day by day. The artillery of the dwarves and the magic cannon of Quel'Thalas are all ready to go, ready to be moved to the top of the city at any time.

The training area in the camp is also full of excitement. The joint armies of various countries are practicing coordinated operations under the leadership of their respective officers.

With the initial cooperation experience of joining forces against the enemy in the cursed land, the unfamiliarity between the legions of various countries has eased.

Since the countries of the alliance still focus on the mainland of the Eastern Kingdom, in this patchwork Kalimdor expeditionary force, the identity and prestige of the Duke of Sharlayan is undoubtedly the highest.

Therefore, at the last alliance meeting before the departure of the expeditionary force, the leaders of various countries appointed Sharlayan Deep Shadow as the commander of the expeditionary force based on the principle of the minority obeying the majority.

Although he had a title that seemed to be a formidable one, Sharlayan had always had a clear understanding of his abilities.

His strength lies in the layout and calculation outside the battlefield, which is better than strategy but weaker than tactics.

If necessary, he can also charge forward as a sharp knife on the battlefield.

But if you want him to command the army... it's really difficult.

As the saying goes, there are specializations in the art industry.

It is better to entrust professional matters to professional people than to direct them blindly.

Because of the natural disasters that the mainland was facing, the alliance countries did not pay much attention to Kalimdor's reinforcements. Most of them just sent some second-line troops over symbolically, and the generals who led the troops were not well-known internationally.

That being the case, after Sharlayan had consulted with the heads of state, he simply took over and assigned most of the command power to Quel'Thalas, who had done his best to rescue distant relatives.

Oh, by the way, there are also the Nightborne and Gaoling Tauren who also sent a large number of elite troops to help.

The leader of the Nightborne side is Ms. Talisa, the chief advisor of the great magister Elisande, and she is also accompanied by Aluriel, the leader of the magic swordsmen who is in charge of commanding the army.

The Kaolin tauren side is even more heavyweight. Their great chief Ulan Gaoling personally led the reinforcements to join. Quel'Thalas, who initiated the call, lost face.

Of course, the Kaolin Tauren sent such a large-scale reinforcements not just at the invitation of Quel'Thalas.

The Broken Isles have been separated from the ancient continent of Kalimdor for many years, and the Kaolin Tauren and Kalimdor Tauren have not communicated for thousands of years.

Taking the opportunity of this expedition to Kalimdor, Ulan Gaoling, the chief of the Gaoling tribe, wanted to re-establish the connection with his distant relatives.

For such an important matter, Ulan thought that sending only his subordinates would not be enough attention. He simply led the team to join the expeditionary force himself, planning to have a direct interview with the great chieftain of the Kalimdor tauren, Kane Bloodhoof.

The several legion commanders sent by Quel'Thalas are all well-known generals in the Eastern Kingdom, and the second-line troops of the alliance countries do not mind accepting their command.

In a joint army that was put together improvised, the most feared thing is to make two orders.

The prestigious Duke of Sharlayan, Deep Shadow, is in charge of the military affairs. The chiefs of the major legions of Quel'Thalas quickly integrated their assigned troops, and they have initially kneaded into combat effectiveness.

Sharlayan originally wanted Alleria, one of the five heroes of the Alliance Expeditionary Force, to lead an army alone.

But Alleria, who was as free as the wind, patted her butt and handed over the task of integrating the army to Halduron, and quietly followed Valeera and left the barracks to run around.

Sharlayan was a little dumbfounded about this, but he had to admit that Alleria's uniqueness did help him a lot, otherwise it would be really hard to say who would win the melee in the eastern part of Ashenvale.

After sending Alleria back this time, Sharlayan told her not to run around again.

Garald was still trying his best to slow down the advancing speed of the main force of the Burning Legion at Timbermaw Fortress, and the demons were unable to attack Mount Hyjal in a short time.

During this period of time, Alleria was able to catch up on the progress of the work that had been pulled down before.

Sharlayan didn't have any prejudice against Halduron. Halduron Brightwing, who abandoned the lazy, was a qualified officer, but... Aurelia obviously could do better than him.

"Okay~ I see."

Before leaving, Alleria smiled and rubbed Sharlayan's head: "I will listen to you this time, and I will stay in the camp to train the army and wait patiently for the Burning Legion to come to me." .”

Alleria sighed with some regret: "It's a pity that I couldn't participate in the battle to encircle and suppress Mannoroth, so I can only give up the opportunity to perform to the orcs."

As a meritorious general who fought against the orcs for a long time in the Second World War, Alleria was surprised to find that the tribe orcs under the command of Goel had a great difference with the group of crazy beasts in her memory. different.

Under the guarantee of Sharlayan, Alleria began to believe that the orcs really had a plan to atone for their sins and integrate into Azeroth.


Alleria confirmed to Sharlayan seriously: "With the current strength of the Warsong Lumber Mill, can Mannoroth really be defeated?"

Sharlayan also put away his joking gesture, and nodded solemnly to her: "As long as Goel can integrate the armies from three different forces, it is absolutely sufficient in terms of combat power."

"And in this battle, the performance of the army is not decisive. In the end, it depends on whether the beheading team can successfully complete the task."

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