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Chapter 1124 Brother Mo Ruo

The action of persuading Talisa to help went very smoothly. Sharlayan just mentioned that he needed help, and the chief arcanist who was still grateful for the kindness Sharlayan had given to Suramar back then agreed without saying a word.

Anyway, the task of commanding the Nightborne army is in charge of the magic swordsman Aluriel, and Talisa's departure for a period of time will not cause any impact, as long as she can come back before Archimonde leads the main force to arrive.

This is not a problem at all for Talisa, who is an arcanist. She has already recorded the coordinates of the magic net of the camp, and as long as the task is completed, she can send it back at any time.

But next, Sharlayan will be ready to fight a "tough battle".

He wanted to visit the capital of the Dark Night Republic again, and face the stubborn Luna High Priest in person.

Because of Sharlayan's previous sins, Tyrande is furiously investigating the cause and effect of Illidan's "defection".

Although Sharlayan was confident that he would not be found out, after all, this matter had an inseparable relationship with him, and he felt somewhat guilty before going to the door.

By the way, Illidan, who had other plans, left Kalimdor first after receiving the guarantee from Sharlayan that he would be able to kill Archimonde.

He bypassed the night elves' control area and crossed the sea to the Broken Isles on the ship left by the orcs who landed in Durotar.

But before that, Illidan must first take Sharlayan's token and use ancient spells to summon ancient allies on the Broken Shore.

Although Illidan had already connected with the fraudsters who were eager to find a new agent to kill the Lich King, the Tomb of Sargeras, a dangerous legion lair, was as bold as Illidan and would not dare to enter alone. He needs some help.

It hadn't been long since Sharlayan left Andarius last time, and Malfurion, who was still sitting in the center, was a little puzzled by Sharlayan's revisit.

Due to Illidan's escape, Tyrande, who advocated the release of Illidan at the beginning, was unsurprisingly met with a lot of doubts. Recently, Malfurion is also struggling to deal with a series of follow-up matters related to it.

Malfurion and Illidan are brothers with the same mother, but he was often confused about Illidan's strange brain circuit, and he didn't know why he betrayed Tyrande's trust this time.

Regardless of other things, as a brother and a rival in love, Malfurion knew very well how much Illidan had for Tyrande.

Illidan would not have fled the front line at this time if he had not encountered an emergency as a last resort.

Because this will inevitably lead to a dilemma for Tyrande who released him by himself.

After a series of follow-up investigations to restore the situation on the scene, Malfurion can basically confirm that after Illidan left the front line of Ashenvale, he went to Felwood Forest and killed the high-ranking demon officer Anaser who was hiding behind and quietly corrupting the forest. Long.

But after that, Illidan discovered something, why he left at the juncture of the Burning Legion's massive invasion, and Malfurion and Tyrande, who were solely responsible for investigating the matter, were at a loss.

Sharlayan came at the right time. According to the investigation report of the Sentinels, Sharlayan had been to Felwood Forest not long ago. Maybe he would know Illidan's whereabouts.


Sharlayan responded to Malfurion and Tyrande's questions without hesitation: "I did have some contact with him in Felwood, and I probably know his follow-up plan."

The irritable Tyrande immediately patted the table and asked: "What the hell is going on! What is that fellow Illidan thinking?!"

"My love, be safe and don't be impatient."

Malfurion still calmly patted Tyrande on the shoulder: "Be patient and let Sharlayan finish."

Sharlayan didn't care about Tyrande's bad attitude. He shrugged casually and continued, "The reason why he left without saying goodbye is because Illidan... he was worried that he would not be accepted by you as he is now."

Malfurion's green eyebrows twitched slightly, and he suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

"How do you say that?"

"Literally." Sharlayan pointed to his forehead, and at the same time exposed a pair of dragon horns: "In order to defeat the demigod dreadlord Anasseron, Illidan absorbed the head of Gul'dan all the knowledge and power in the

"Simply put...he has also become a member of the devil."


In fact, Malfurion had guessed this when he restored the scene, but he was always unwilling to believe it.

It is impossible for Anaceron to corrupt the huge Felwood forest by relying on his own power alone, he will definitely need the powerful fel artifact to assist him.

Subsequent investigations also proved this point. It is clear that there was a super-powerful fel artifact near the heart of the forest. It was through this artifact of unknown origin that Anaceron was able to corrupt Felwood.

However, when the night elf investigation team arrived on the scene, there were only a large number of fragmented demon corpses near the heart of the forest.

The heavily corrupted Heart of the Forest remained intact, but the fel artifact that was supposed to exist has long since disappeared.

At first, Malfurion thought that Anaceron had completed the task and evacuated with the artifact, but after discovering the small amount of ashes left by Anaceron and the solid skull that had been drained of evil energy, this guess was naturally rejected. It's self-defeating.

At that time, Malfurion speculated that it might be Illidan who killed Anaceron.

Only a demigod can kill a demigod.

Although under the influence of certain objective factors, this theory is not absolute, but it is still applicable in most occasions.

Although Illidan's strength is good, he is still a step away from stepping into the threshold of a demigod.

There are only two possibilities for him to kill Anasseron. One is that Illidan breaks through in front of the battle, and the other is that other people step in to help.

The traces of battle left around Anasseron's body proved that Illidan was not the only one who fought against him, and the wreckage of the siege hellfire that Sharlayan dismantled remained in place.

However, with Sharlayan's personal confirmation, all the luck in Malfurion's heart disappeared.

He had to admit that the worst possibility he thought of came true.

"how come……"

Although Tyrande is the object of Illidan's love, but her opinion of Illidan... How should I put it.

Directly copying the description of the barrage, it is like a goddess looking at a spare tire, with a certain understanding, but not a complete understanding.

In terms of understanding of Illidan, she is far inferior to her brother Malfurion, who is a compatriot from the same mother.

As the High Priest of the Moon God who participated in the War of the Ancients, he is one of Azeroth's staunchest defenders.

No matter how many stupid actions Tyrande made, it was only because of her lack of personal ability, and she has always been upright in the standpoint of right and wrong.

At least Tyrande's hatred of demons and love of this world is absolutely false.

Knowing that Illidan would not hesitate to become a demon himself in order to gain power, Tyrande was stunned for a while but failed to recover.

"Why did he do this?"

Sharlayan and Malfurion glanced at each other, with helplessness showing in their eyes at the same time.

'Why? Do you need to ask, because he doesn't have much sense of belonging to the night elves...'

Illidan is not the kind of person who is obedient and obedient after being used to pua. The naturally rebellious demon hunter is not just talking.

From Illidan's personal point of view, he doesn't think he did anything wrong 10,000 years ago.

The power of the Well of Eternity is a scourge in the eyes of Malfurion and Tyrande, but Illidan believes that this magic well will become one of Azeroth's trump cards against the Burning Legion in the future.

On this point, Illidan agrees with the Highborne headed by Dath'Remar, which is one of the reasons why he gave one of the bottles of Eternal Well Water to Dath'Remar for safekeeping.

After creating a new Well of Eternity on the top of Mount Hyjal, Illidan was unanimously punished by the people who had PTSD against the Well of Eternity, and Malfurion was powerless to resist public opinion, so he could only reluctantly put his own brother into prison .

And this level is a full ten thousand years.

Thinking about it differently, if Sharlayan had been imprisoned by his own people for ten thousand years because of this shit, he would no longer have even the slightest sense of racial identity with the night elves.

Besides, Illidan was originally a staunch pragmatist. As long as he could increase his strength, the change of appearance didn't matter to him at all.

The only thing Illidan could care about was the high priest of the moon god in front of Sharlayan who was still in a trance.

Sharlayan was not interested in asking about this complicated love triangle. He should have known all about it from the barrage.

"Cough~ About Illidan's follow-up plan, he just casually mentioned that he wants to kill the Lich King. I don't know the specific situation."

"The matter of Illidan is not important for the time being, Speaker Stormrage, you and I both know that he will not do anything that endangers Azeroth."

Sharlayan cleared his throat and brought the topic back: "Compared to Illidan's whereabouts, let's get back to business."

"High Priest Yufeng, there is a very important matter that needs your help right now."

"If this plan can be implemented smoothly, we can cut off one of Archimonde's arms and greatly weaken the combat effectiveness of the Burning Legion."

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