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Chapter 1125 Tichondrius: The advantage is mine!

Because of Tyrande's poor ability to govern, Sharlayan didn't think highly of her.

But I have to admit that in terms of personal strength, Tyrande is definitely at the pinnacle of Azeroth's mortals.

Even under certain circumstances, as a divinely favored person, she can temporarily transcend the limits of mortals, and use the power bestowed by Elune to temporarily enter the realm of demigods.

This was also something that puzzled Sharlayan.

Even with the help of Elune to experience the power of the demigod in advance, Tyrande has never been able to cross that threshold for 10,000 years.

Perhaps it was because the High Priest, who was addicted to food, had distracted too much energy from political affairs, or it might be some objective reason that Sharlayan didn't understand.

As far as the conclusion is concerned, Tyrande is still stuck at the last step before becoming a demigod, unable to break through for a long time.

The purification ceremony prepared by Medivh required the cooperation of three different spellcaster professions to complete. Goulben, who represented the shaman, stayed in place and stood by, and Talisa, who represented the arcanist, was also in place.

In fact, the last candidate does not have to be Tyrande. In theory, Maiev, who used to be a priest of the moon god, can also replace her.

The same goes for Shandris.

But at this moment, Maiev was still assisting Garrod at the Timbermaw Stronghold on the front line to slow down the advance of the Burning Legion. Shandris was also leading the Sentinels in the guerrilla raids in Felwood Forest, and neither of them had time to spare.

As for the other priests of the moon god, Sharlayan was worried that they were not capable enough, so just in case, he could only ask Tyrande who had a bad relationship with him.

Sarlayan looked down on Tyrande, who was also a fun-loving person, and the High Priest of Whispering Wind didn't like Sarlayan either.

In her opinion, the reform proposals that Sharlayan made to Malfurion were the main reason why the ten thousand years of rights she held tightly in her hands were taken away.

Salayan didn't bother to explain more to her, anyway, the two of them didn't have many chances of daily contact.

Sharlayan usually negotiates directly with Malfurion when there is a real need for official dealings with the night elves.

After hearing Sharlayan's explanation of the cause and effect of Medivh's purification ceremony, Tyrande, who was already in a bad mood because of Illidan's incident, responded with little interest as expected.

"Orcs? Why should I help those beasts who attacked the night elves' bloodlines purify the pollution?"

Sharlayan patiently and persuasively said: "Your Excellency, High Priest, this is also for the sake of expulsion of the Burning Legion."

"Since drinking Mannoroth's blood for the first time in Draenor, the orcs are still suffering from the side effects of the demon's blood. When they are close to Mannoroth, their will will be affected in varying degrees."

"The national power of the night elves is indeed very strong, and their military strength is also very strong, but... as the leader of the race, no one would want to waste the lives of their own soldiers for nothing when there is obviously cannon fodder as a substitute victim?"

Tyrande's eyes flickered slightly: "You mean...eliminate the hidden dangers of the orc blood, and use it as a bargaining chip, so that they can be used as cannon fodder in the final decisive battle?"

【shock! Did Tyrande actually understand? ! 】

【Hey~ I have been in power for 10,000 years anyway, and Xiao Sa has already talked about this point. If you still don’t understand... then it is not a problem of ruling ability, but a pure IQ problem. 】

Sharlayan ignored the barrage of complaints, and still explained to Tyrande sternly: "That's right, the prophet's purification ceremony cannot solve the orc's blood curse once and for all, it can only temporarily suppress the mental side effects."

"If you want to solve the problem from the source, you must kill Mannoroth, which is the root of the problem."

"Mannoroth is the number one general under Archimonde, if we can send him out in advance, when the final battle comes, we can bear less pressure and put more energy on Archimonde himself. "

Sharlayan pointedly glanced at Malfurion, who had a pensive look on his face: "This is a good opportunity to kill two birds with one stone, as long as the high priest takes a little time to accompany me for a trip, I think It’s totally worth the effort.”

"Taking a step back, the night elves can also take advantage of this opportunity to take the initiative at the negotiating table, and make an agreement with the orcs on timber mining. When facing the attack of the Burning Legion, they will first put aside the differences and conflicts within the Azeroth coalition forces."

Under Sharlayan's persuasive and persuasive explanation, Malfurion, who has a longer-term vision, has already moved his heart. However, as Tyrande's partner, Malfurion has always respected her personal opinion, and it is not good to speak rashly to replace her. Decide.

After bowing his head in thought for a moment, Tyrande turned around to ask Malfurion for his opinion on the matter as expected.

Seeing this scene, Sharlayan could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Malfurion is not a narrow-minded person like Tyrande, with him making peace from the sidelines, the matter will be settled.


When Sharlayan hurried back to the Warsong lumberyard with Tyrande, who was still a little emotional, Tichondrius, who was lurking in Stratholme under the guise of his identity, finally took action.

It is very difficult to supply the Scourge at this stage, and they can only rely on those smugglers who want money and life to purchase the materials needed to build ordnance and fortifications.

Tichondrius, who replaced Scareye's identity, has been doing well among the smugglers by virtue of his outstanding abilities during this period.

Scareye's smugglers, who already had a good foundation, are getting more and more attention from Kel'Thuzad and Baron Rivendell. In the past half a month, they have even placed three orders with Scareye.

Under the overall management of Tichondrius, who is good at controlling people's hearts, the three smuggling orders were successfully completed without any risk, and "Scareye" was finally officially received by Baron Rivendell in person.

On the other side, Inas and Tinagosa, who had sensed something was wrong in advance, had also been secretly staring at the "Scar Eye" who suddenly became exquisite.

In order to avoid alarming others, Inas did not immediately inform Kel'Thuzad of Scareye's possible swap.

After his team gradually entered the core layer of Stratholme City, Tichondrius finally couldn't hold back and prepared to take action.

When the next batch of goods is handed over three days later, the materials needed for Kel'Thuzad's experiments will be mixed in, and Kel'Thuzad will personally inspect the goods at that time.

This is the best time for Tichondrius to get in touch with Kel'Thuzad in private, and Inas and Tinagosa agree that he will never let go of this opportunity.

When Kel'Thuzad urgently received a secret contact from Unicorn City, the Archlich, who had always been as stable as a mountain, was also taken aback by the information provided by Inas.

"Dread Demon King..."

If it wasn't for the fact that he didn't have the function of sweating after becoming an undead, Kel'Thuzad would probably break out in a cold sweat from fright at this time.

Kel'Thuzad had long received news that the Burning Legion, led by Tichondrius, the leader of the Nathrezim clan, was fighting back and forth with the remaining troops of the Scourge on Icecrown Glacier.

After all, Mal'Ganis and the others disappointed Tichondrius.

After Tichondrius left, several high-ranking Dreadlords came to the front line to assist the advance of the front line, and once gained a greater advantage on the battlefield.

But as Arthas, holding Frostmourne, led his army back, the armies of both sides fell into a stalemate again on a vast glacier in front of the gate of Icecrown Citadel.

What annoyed Tichondrius even more was that Mal'Ganis and Varimathas were both sent away by a sneak attack by Alsace who had just rushed to the front line due to his inattention.

Although the souls of the two were not sucked into the magic sword by virtue of their familiarity with Frostmourne, but fled back to the Twisting Nether, the fact that the two subordinates fell almost at the same time was enough to make Tichondrius furious.

With the cooperative efforts of Arthas and Nerubian Lord Anubrekan, the Burning Legion, which lost two generals, was even at risk of being repulsed in reverse.

This is also one of the reasons why Tichondrius couldn't sit still. He was anxious to solve the problems on Kel'Thuzad's side and then rushed back to Northrend to stabilize the situation.

According to Tichondrius, who is good at insight into people's hearts, he has observed Kel'Thuzad during this period of time, and he can basically confirm that the Grand Lich Kel'Thuzad does not have the so-called absolute loyalty to the Lich King, and everything is for personal interests.

This conclusion made Tichondrius very satisfied, which meant that as long as he gave enough chips to make Kel'Thuzad tempted, he would have the opportunity to instigate him from the Lich King.

As long as the Grand Lich, who is the right arm of the Lich King, jumps back, no matter how Arthas jumps up and down in the front line, a backstab from someone who absolutely trusts will also put the defenseless Ner'zhul in a desperate situation.

But... as the saying goes, the mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind.

When Tichondrius was gearing up to use this meeting opportunity to persuade Kel'Thuzad to jump to Denathius's command, Inas and Stellagosa also prepared a plan to close the net at the same time.

Inas, who secretly came to Stratholme City to reconcile with Kel'Thuzad, stood on the upper floor of the Mage Tower, staring coldly at a three-story hut that was the lair of "Scareye".

"Come on, let me see which 'old friend' you are. I have prepared a lot of time for this surprise for Sharlayan, so don't let me down."

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