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Chapter 1127 Old friend, do you miss me? (Happy Chinese New Year)

Chapter 1127 Old friend, do you miss me (Happy Chinese New Year)

In order to avoid arousing the suspicion of the person who replaced Scareye in advance, although Inas and Tinagosa have been monitoring his every move, they did not get too close to him.

Relying on this kind of long-distance observation alone, the elites of Backlight Blade can only preliminarily determine that this person is transformed by the Dread Demon King, and they don't know the specific identity of "Scar Eye".

It wasn't until Inas came to the scene in person and felt the familiar energy fluctuations of this person at close range that she was finally able to confirm that this "Scareye" was the leader of the Dreadlord clan——Tichondrius.

The Nathrezim are the elder demons who joined the Burning Legion from the very beginning, and even Sargeras never doubted their identity.

Because of this inertial thinking, Kil'jaeden, who claims to be unparalleled in intelligence, has always trusted the resourceful Tichondrius.

If Mannoroth is Archimonde's right-hand man, Tichondrius has almost the same status as Mannoroth under Kil'jaeden.

Of course, it's still that sentence.

Those who are not of my race must have a different mind. This concept is universal everywhere, and Kil'jaeden is no exception here.

Although he puts full trust in Tichondrius on the surface, Kil'jaeden doesn't put his eggs in one basket like Archimonde.

In addition to Tichondrius, Kil'jaeden has another backup.

That is Kil'jaeden's eredar kin, the two high-ranking lieutenants he has been hiding behind the scenes, the eredar twins-thaloras and aurethes.

The Eredar twins are warlocks, one masters the power of evil fire, and the other is proficient in shadow magic.

However, even though they were called Warlocks, these two were the highest-level spies of the legion. From a certain point of view, they were even better at infiltrating and infiltrating than Nathrezim.

What? Why do you say?

It can only be said that everyone who understands understands, some people just like this one, but they just like horns and hooves.

Since Archimonde the Polluter led the main attack of the Burning Legion this time, Kil'jaeden did not intend to overwhelm the host, but sent Tichondrius to "assist" Archimonde.

It is said to be assistance, but in fact the tasks of the two do not overlap.

As the vanguard of the Burning Legion, Archimonde's goal is to destroy the guarding force of Azeroth, get a powerful magic source as soon as possible, and create conditions for subsequent legion reinforcements to enter Azeroth.

The task Kil'jaeden entrusted to Tichondrius was to get rid of the traitor Ner'zhul and take back the forces of the Scourge.

Archimonde traveled west to Kalimdor, while Tichondrius set off to the cold Northrend continent first. The scope of activities of the two is completely different.

At least, there will be no further contact between the two parties until Tichondrius cleans up the Lich King.

Kil'jaeden's plan was formulated in an orderly manner, but whether the plan can be carried out smoothly still depends on the on-site performance of the executors.

Sharlayan's advantage is that he knew the cards of the Nathrezim clan in advance, and predicted that Tichondrius and other dreadlords would not carry out Kil'jaeden's plan wholeheartedly.

They who have always been loyal to Denathrius must have other plans, and they may make some small moves in the attack on the Lich King.

Except for a very small number of his own people, no outsiders knew that Sharlayan had planted an eyeliner in the Scourge several years ago, and that he was the highest-level spy like Kel'Thuzad.

With Kel'Thuzad providing information at any time, plus the windfall after Scareye was murdered by an unknown person.

Before Tichondrius realized that he had been exposed, he was tricked into the ditch by the mother and son of Inas who had a lot of information in advance.

When "Scareye" followed Kel'Thuzad into the experimental warehouse with a flattering face, his sensitivity as a top spy made him immediately discover something was wrong.

This Kel'Thuzad's private warehouse does store a lot of goods covered with dustproof cloths, but Tichondrius found through energy perception scanning that almost no energy fluctuations could be felt on these goods.

And that's obviously not normal.

Even if you think about it with your ass, you should know that those that can be treasured by Kel'Thuzad and put into the private experimental warehouse must be important materials and equipment, and more than 90% of them will be contaminated with various types of magic.

'Could it be? ! '

The highly vigilant Tichondrius immediately had a bad premonition, and subconsciously wanted to exit this secret room without even a window.


Just when Tichondrius raised his foot and was about to retreat, Kel'Thuzad activated the barrier he had prepared earlier, and the entire secret room was completely enveloped by the strong power of death.

This is the mage tower of Kel'Thuzad, and the spellcasters sitting at home can often display fighting abilities beyond their own limits.

Even so, Tichondrius was not too flustered.

In his view, even with the blessing of the Mage Tower, Kel'Thuzad, who has not yet reached the peak of a mortal, cannot exert strength beyond the limit of a mortal, and cannot pose a fatal threat to him.

Tichondrius, whose brain was running at high speed, quickly drew a logical and self-consistent inference through the status quo.

Kel'Thuzad didn't know how to detect that he was an impostor, but the Grand Lich didn't know his specific identity and strength.

Based on the inertial thinking of mortals, Kel'Thuzad, who is very confident in his own strength, deliberately set up this situation. He never thought that what he locked up was a senior demigod demon that mortals would never be able to defeat.

Thinking of this, Tichondrius' panicked state of mind quickly calmed down.

He didn't waste time continuing to flirt with Kel'Thuzad, but asked with a playful low smile, "When did you discover the anomaly? Can it satisfy my curiosity?"

Tichondrius thought that his calm attitude would make Kel'Thuzad look surprised when he stepped into a trap.

However, this is not the case.

Kel'Thuzad turned his head and looked over, although he looked very alert, but did not show the reaction Tichondrius expected, which aggravated the uneasiness in the Dreadlord's heart.

"When?" Kel'Thuzad said confidently, "From the day you replaced Scareye."

Of course, this is just Kel'Thuzad's bragging, but Tichondrius doesn't need to know that.

The two facing each other entered into a weird confrontation state of "I predicted your prediction". The only difference is that Kel'Thuzad is really confident, while Tichondrius is getting more and more panicked.

"Okay, Kel'Thuzad, don't talk so much nonsense with him."

A small door suddenly opened on the edge of the enchantment that was supposed to be completely closed.

Aware of the strangeness behind him, Tichondrius, who was feeling more and more uneasy, immediately turned around and planned to escape from the confined space.

"Want to go?"

Tichondrius, who was about to turn into a bat, was suddenly held down on his smooth forehead, and a large amount of alien energy injected into his body forcibly stopped the spell that Tichondrius was about to take effect.

"Don't be in such a hurry, it's rare to come here, let's sit down and talk about the old days... let's go!"

After controlling the powerful Nathrezim King with one hand, Inas suddenly exerted force and threw Tichondrius, who had not yet returned to his original form, hard to the edge of the barrier on the other side of the warehouse.

Due to the intrusion of alien energy, the energy in Tichondrius' body was out of balance, unable to control the posture of flying upside down, and fell on all fours in a very embarrassing situation.

When he was struggling to sit up again, a person who he had seen once and would never forget was standing at the other end of the warehouse and waving to him with a smile.

"Hi~ old friend, did you miss me?"


Tichondrius's vest shivered for a while, and he pointed at the "devil" with gradient-colored hair with trembling fingers.

"I... Irena Strasza! Are you plotting against me?!"

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