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Chapter 1128 Translation translation, what is surprise?

From the moment he recognized Inas, Tichondrius realized that he might be in danger.

At the same time, certain experiences from 10,000 years ago began to scroll in his mind unconsciously, and the king of Nathrezim, who had always been fearless, couldn't help trembling a little.

Kel'Thuzad was curious about Tichondrius' unusual reaction.

‘So, what happened in the War of the Ancients? Look to scare the kid. '

Although Kel'Thuzad, who has a strong thirst for knowledge, wanted to get to the bottom of it, but as a wise man with an excellent overall view, he at least knew that it was not the time to ask questions.

Inas also didn't learn from the smug commentary of those big villains in art works. When Tichondrius got up, Inas suddenly disappeared from the spot, and appeared in front of him in the next moment.


A small snow-white hand that looked as smooth as jade pierced the armor and skin on Tichondrius's chest with ease, as if there was no hindrance.


Tichondrius, whose left chest was pierced, immediately coughed up a mouthful of dark green blood. At this time, Inas, who had succeeded in the blow, had pulled back, her bloody hand was still holding a heart that was still beating.


Inas crushed his heart with one hand without mercy, and looked at Tichondrius who was lying on the ground with a sneer.

"Old friend, let's talk about something heart-to-heart first."

The heart was pulled out and crushed, and even a demon with amazing vitality would fall into weakness. Tichondrius sat on the ground with a wry smile and looked at Inas, who was the same as before.

"Devil, give me a good time!"


Inas smiled and squatted down, patted Tichondrius' shoulder with her dirty right hand, and rubbed it a few times seemingly intimately.

Kel'Thuzad, who was watching not far away, was a little speechless. He could tell that Inas' purpose was to control Tichondrius so that he could not "move around".

...By the way, wipe off the blood on your hands.

‘Is Sharlayan’s mother such a person? I always feel... a little scary. '

If Tichondrius knew what Kel'Thuzad was thinking, he would surely retort with a wry smile.

"Just saying something out of the bottom of my heart is already being merciful. If you go back 10,000 years ago and see the 'devil' that made many high-level demons turn pale, you won't think so. "

As Tichondrius thought, after getting married and having children, Inas has indeed become "gentle" a lot, and is no longer as sharp-edged as she was in the War of the Ancients.

In Tichondrius' memory, Inas had never smiled like this.

When I met her a limited number of times before, this terrifying woman always had a cold demeanor of killing the enemy.

If it's just like this, that's all. According to the internal information of the Burning Legion, all the demons caught by Inas... death is a kind of relief.

Tichondrius himself has a deep understanding of this, and he absolutely does not want to experience the experience of being sent to the experimental table by Inas again. It is no different from being tortured by being thrown to the Silvara Witches.

"You know my temper."

Inas maintained the posture of pressing Tichondrius' shoulder with one hand, and sat cross-legged in front of him, still maintaining a half-smile expression on her face.

"If you don't want to suffer, just honestly tell all the information you know."

Inas didn't want to expose Azeroth's important information about the relationship between Nathrezim and Denathrius so early.

After all, it is more convenient for Sharlayan to further calculate these big bats if the enemy is clear and the enemy is dark.

Therefore, what Inas wanted to ask was information about the Burning Legion.

It just so happened that Tichondrius, who had another master behind his back, was not as loyal to the Burning Legion as Kil'jaeden thought.

With one party pretending to be stupid and the other party willing to cooperate, Inas successfully asked the King of Nathrezim for a lot of information related to Kil'jaeden's plan, and kept his promise and gave it to Tik Dios was happy.

Seeing Tichondrius's relieved face turn into black ashes and dissipate with his own eyes, Kel'Thuzad silently labeled Inas "absolutely not to offend" in his heart.

"Ms. Inas, what should we do next?"


Inas sorted out the information that came out of Tichondrius's mouth, put her chin on her hand and said thoughtfully: "Layout calculation is not my field of expertise, I am a biologist."

The fire of soul in Kel'Thuzad's eyes flickered: 'God TM biologist... I think you are an expert in torture, right? '

Inas didn't know what Kel'Thuzad was thinking. She shook off the black ash left on her hand and said, "Anyway, let's pass this information on to Sharlayan first, hoping to help him with his follow-up plans."

"If my predictions are correct, Northrend... should start to move."


Due to the time difference, when Sharlayan and Tyrande arrived at the Warsong Logging Ground, Inas and Kel'Thuzad hadn't officially started the net collection operation.

During the time when Sharlayan left, Valeera led the elite of Backlight Blade to closely monitor the movement of Demon Slaughter Canyon.

With the cooperation of Guyel and others who were interested in training soldiers, Backlight Blade patiently pulled out all the eyeliner that Mannoroth had placed outside the canyon, making Mannoroth who was trapped in his lair completely "blind".

Without the interference of enemy scouts, the military operations of the coalition forces will be bolder.

Unbeknownst to Mannoroth, but expected, a coalition of orcs, darkspear trolls, and tauren surrounded and set up camp in Demon Slaughter Canyon.

Mannoroth was not without resistance either. Three days before Sharlayan arrived, he personally led an army to break through a relatively weak orc camp.

However, the partial victory of the Burning Legion has little impact on the overall situation.

As a mobile force, the green dragon came immediately after receiving the news of the attack on the camp, and used three adult dragons to entangle Mannoroth again, while the other dragons mercilessly launched large-scale air strikes on the demons on the ground.

With the coordinated help of the high-mobility light cavalry of the coalition who also came to reinforce after hearing the inquiry, Mannoroth, who had just achieved a little victory, could only leave dozens of corpses and fled back to the Demon Slaughter Canyon in embarrassment.

Since then, Mannoroth has never taken the initiative to attack again, and made up his mind to use the canyon's terrain advantage to fight a beautiful counterattack.


After learning about the changes in the battle situation in the past few days, Sarlayan sneered and sneered: "He's thinking about farts, really thinking that we will foolishly break through the entrance of the first-line sky that is easy to defend and difficult to attack?"

A gleam flashed in Sharlayan's eyes as he stared at the topographical map of the battlefield: "Don't the Burning Legion like to play airborne combat when they invade other planets? Just in time, let Mannoroth help us taste the airborne combat mode of Azeroth. "

"Lady Lanalis."

Hearing Sharlayan, the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, call her name, the green dragon Lannaris, transformed into a female human, took the initiative to take a step forward.

"I'm here, please tell me."

Inas has half the blood of green dragons, and as her only son, Sharlayan has a high degree of affinity in front of red dragons and green dragons.

Moreover, Lana Lisi also knew that Sharlayan was a rising star that even Queen Ysera was very optimistic about. She didn't want to show off in front of Sharlayan, and she had always been very cooperative.

With military affairs in hand, Sharlayan no longer had the gentle attitude of the past, and asked Lanalis seriously: "How is the training progress of the airborne combat? Are you ready for actual combat?"

Lana Lisi nodded earnestly: "The training progress is very smooth. If necessary, the airborne troops can be sent to the battlefield at any time."

"very good."

Sharlayan's fingers walked around the entrance of the Demon Slaughter Canyon, and tapped heavily in the middle of the canyon.

"When Medivh's purification ceremony is successfully completed, we will start to act according to the plan and send a big 'surprise' to Mannoroth."

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