Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1129 Divine Soldiers Descended from Heaven

Sharlayan didn't plan to waste too much time on Mannoroth due to the need to operate multiple lines at the same time.

Mannoroth's personal strength is indeed very strong, but that's all.

The king of the abyss lord does not rely on his strong command ability to lead the army, but his terrifying combat power that takes the lead every time.

A demigod can form an army independently, this sentence is not entirely an exaggeration.

It may be difficult for Nathrezim, who have just stepped into the threshold of demigods, to do this, but Anihelan, who were born for war, are themselves synonymous with war.

When Archimonde conquered the city for the Burning Legion in the universe, Mannoroth was his favorite vanguard general.

The vanguard position requires a lot of force, and Mannoroth is usually perfectly qualified for the vanguard role.

But that being said, Mannoroth is not without weaknesses, on the contrary, his weaknesses are as significant as his strengths.

In addition to his strong personal strength, Mannoroth's military command ability is not even considered average, and his resourcefulness is ranked last among the senior officers of the Burning Legion.

In other words, when encountering Mannoroth on the battlefield, as long as he can show enough combat power to counteract the huge threat posed by his charge, any commander with a little brain can play tricks on him .

However, today's Mannoroth will not underestimate the enemy as he did against Grom and Thrall alone in the original history. He has already started to prepare his army for battle, and he will definitely face the attack of the coalition forces with a complete attitude.

Therefore, Sharlayan must find a way to defeat Mannoroth himself head-on.

As long as this powerful abyss lord is killed, the leaderless demon army will be quickly defeated by the "surprise" that falls from the sky by bypassing the entrance of the canyon.

The three green dragons headed by Lannaris can only barely entangle Mannoroth, but this is obviously not enough.

Before Sharlayan and Tyrande set off from Andarius, he commissioned Malfurion to send a letter to the Alliance camp at the foot of the mountain.

When Medivh was preparing for the ceremony, Onyxia, who had received the call, rushed over as quickly as possible to meet Salayan and Valeera.

Medivh, who deliberately hides his clumsiness, is only in charge of presiding over the ceremony. Go'el, Tyrande, and Talisa stand in three positions to form an equilateral triangle, and the whole body is surrounded by the tightly bound Grom Hellscream. In the very center of the ceremony field.

Witnessed by the three of them, the three of them simultaneously used three purification spells with different principles to the ritual circle under their feet through the coordination of Medivh.


As the purification spell integrated by Medivh entered the body, Grom's forehead, which was tied to only the head, was bulging with blue veins.

The pain from the soul made this tough guy of the Warsong clan unable to bear the screams that were not human.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

After about three minutes, Grom, whose whole body was completely soaked in sweat, fell limply to the ground.

His eyes were still blood red after being deeply eroded by evil energy, but Sharlayan and the others who were watching could feel that Grom's ferocious aura like a beast had weakened, and his sanity was returning.

"Guyle...I...I'm sorry."

Although many negative emotions in his heart were intensified by the blood of the devil, making it difficult to control his own behavior, Grom did not lose his memory during this period, and he clearly remembered everything he had done.

After regaining his self-control, Grom lowered his head in shame under Gouel's disappointed eyes.

"I failed your expectations."

Goyle's expression was a bit complicated: "The decisive battle with Mannoroth is about to begin, and now is not the time to pursue responsibility."

"Grom, if you want to redeem the mistakes you made, come with us. This is our best chance to redeem the curse of the orc blood."


Grom gritted his teeth hard: "Mannoroth...I will split his head with Gorehowl, so that my people can regain their precious free will, and they will no longer be influenced by any external force!"


After making all the preparations before the battle, Sharlayan, who didn't want to waste any more time, immediately ordered the whole army to attack.

The feint attacking troops led by Varok deliberately clamored with gongs and drums and slowly approached the entrance of the first line of sky in the Demon Slaughter Canyon, and soon got a response from Mannoroth, who had been waiting impatiently for a long time.

Because Mannoroth had suffered a loss in personally charging before, this time Mannoroth learned his lesson and did not charge ahead immediately, but sent a small group of demons to test the enemy's attack strength with the help of fortifications.

He himself was standing in the Chinese military position not far behind the entrance of the canyon, constantly monitoring the battle situation ahead.

Varok Saurfang's order was to lure as many demon defenders as possible to the sky line of defense. The tauren army led by Magatha Grimtotem and the main force of the Darkspear trolls under Vol'jin also They all followed behind the orc army.

Judging from the momentum, the scale of this feint attacking army is very large, and most of the soldiers were deployed by Sharlayan to the frontal battlefield.

And the airborne troops composed of the elites of the three races have also taken off on their respective flying mounts and are on standby.

As long as the green dragon takes full control of the air, the airborne troops can bypass the extremely strong frontal defense line and go straight to the rear, giving the Burning Legion a wave of bread and butter, making the demons on the defense line lose sight of one another.

Since Sharlayan had explained to Lanalis in advance, while he was out visiting Talisa and Tyrande, the green dragons consciously massacred Mannoroth's air force through guerrilla warfare.

At the beginning of the decisive battle, there were very few Doomguards who could guard the skies above Demon Slaughter Canyon.

Although there are some anti-air fel cannons installed on the first line of defense, it is not so easy to accurately hit the green dragon with its good mobility.

Mannoroth patiently observed the changes in the battle situation ahead, and continued to send reinforcements forward according to the pressure faced by the defense line.

Before he knew it, the number of demon soldiers guarding Mannoroth became less and less, and the situation on the frontal battlefield gradually heated up.

However, this was only superficial. The coalition army commanded by Varok seemed to be attacking fiercely, but in Sharlayan's eyes, there was much thunder and little rain.

Unfortunately, Mannoroth, whose brain is not very useful, failed to realize this, and continued to send reinforcements to the front line, causing the defense around him to become weaker and weaker.

But even if he is aware of this problem, Mannoroth, who is extremely confident in his own strength, will not take it seriously.

He is looking for a suitable opportunity to enter the battlefield, trying to completely defeat the offensive of the coalition forces point by point.

At the same time, Sharlayan, who was riding on Onyxia's back and suspended in the sky, began to issue the latest order.

Due to the overly dense vegetation in the Ashenvale forest and the leaves that obscured the sky, Mannoroth didn't even notice that there was a group of Sixth Brothers lurking silently in the sky far above the battlefield in the sky.

After confirming that the defense around Mannoroth continued to be weak with the powerful insight of Eagle Eye, Sharlayan gestured to the airborne troops behind him in the oxygen-poor high altitude, and at the same time used the soul link to notify Onyxia to start action .

"Wuhu! Let's go!"

Onyxia, who loves to play, cheered and increased her speed to the fastest at the moment it started, a huge black shadow broke through the leaves above the forest, and charged towards the middle of the canyon where Mannoroth was.

Flying mounts such as wyverns, giant eagles, and dragon eagles also followed closely behind Onyxia, swooping down through the hollow leaves she knocked out, and the knights on their backs were all ready to skydive at any time.

Such an obvious movement naturally attracted Mannoroth's attention, but when he planned to order the air force headed by the Doom Guard to meet the enemy, he discovered a problem in horror.

Under the continuous attack of the green dragon, his air force has been basically lost.

The airborne brigade headed by Onyxia quickly rushed into the canyon. Sharlayan and Valeera jumped up from her back at the same time, each showing their magical powers and landing smoothly.

In order to clear up a safe enough landing environment for the subsequent airborne troops, Sarlayan activated Ursoc's avatar in mid-air.

The giant bear engraved with magic patterns all over its body is very eye-catching, and a dull block smashed into the place where the demons gather most beside Mannoroth. The huge mass landed and caused a man-made earthquake in a small area.

Valeera also used the hook lock at the right time to maneuver quickly, taking advantage of the chance to escape from the unsteady feet of the demon that fell from the fat bear, and she harvested the lives of several demon officers one after another.

When Mannoroth, who was extremely angry, raised his spear and planned to kill Sharlayan himself, the shadow flame dragon's breath that Onyxia had already brewed sprayed over his head and face.

In desperation, Mannoroth could only dodge backwards with his bulky body, missing the best opportunity to prevent Sharlayan from sweeping across the battlefield.


After spitting out the remaining limbs of the demon in its mouth, the Sharlayan transformed giant bear looked at Mannoroth who was about to explode his lungs with a half-smile.

"Fatty Ma, your performance is over, prepare to exit."

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