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Chapter 1133 Archimonde's ambition

With Sharlayan's physical fitness, he shouldn't be so tired. His tiredness came more from the huge psychological pressure.

It is not a joke to count a big man like Archimonde who can traverse the universe. Once there is a mistake in one of the links, the entire Azeroth will suffer Sharlayan... and even the unacceptable loss for everyone .

In order to ensure that Archimonde died under the World Tree, Sharlayan persuaded the demigods and dragons of the wilderness through many campaigns, using Nordrassil and the new Well of Eternity as bait, and sacrificed the eternal life of the night elves.

The purpose is to effectively keep Archimonde in Azeroth forever, and completely eliminate a general of the Burning Legion.

Although the guardian dragon and the demigod of the wilderness still had doubts about Salayan's subsequent prediction about Archimonde's fate, they also agreed with Salayan's plan to use the World Tree to kill Archimonde.

Relatively speaking, this is already the least damaging plan for Azeroth.

As for the night elves who were injured by this?

Even Ysera and Cenarius, who had the best relationship with the night elves, acquiesced in the execution of the plan.

After all, for the past 10,000 years, the night elves have been enjoying the war benefits after the victory of the War of the Ancients with peace of mind. There is no reason in this world to just enjoy without paying.

Besides, Sharlayan's plan is not to destroy the night elves' clan, but to remove the immortality that shouldn't belong to mortals, so that the night elves can return to the ranks of mortals.

It is true that the bosses can see that this plan is more or less mixed with some selfishness of Sharlayan.

Strictly speaking, the Sunwell owned by the high elves can also be used to lure Archimonde.

Sharlayan played some tricks to make everyone, including the night elves, think that the Sunwell was seriously overdrawn due to the theft of a large amount of well water to summon Archimonde.

As for whether the claims made by Quel'Thalas are true... only they know best.

Without compromising the overall situation, the bosses chose to turn a blind eye to Sharlayan's selfishness.

It has been more than ten years since Sharlayan "debuted". During these ten years, he has used his actual actions to prove to all the guardians of Azeroth that he has a firm stance to guard his mother planet and a strong layout and planning ability.

With such a small mind in order to protect the motherland, big bosses who have an eye on the overall situation will not go online and use it to criticize him.

In order to make the plan as perfect as possible, one can imagine the psychological pressure on Sarlayan who needs to carry out multi-line operations at the same time.

Even so, under the full attention of the bosses, he still fulfilled his duties very well, and even adjusted quickly when there were some changes in the plan.

"Sharlayan, I have something to do..."


When Alleria opened the tent and planned to discuss things with Salayan, Valeera, who was standing by the door, suddenly teleported to her side to signal silence, and silently pointed her finger at the girl who was leaning against Oni. Sharlayan was snoring lightly in Xia's arms.

The black dragon princess, who used to show people with a cynical attitude, showed a gentle expression that outsiders had never seen before, and let Sharlayan lie in her big and soft chest without moving.


Alleria lowered her voice knowingly: "I come at the wrong time?"

Valeera shook her head with a smile, and whispered in Aurelia's ear, "Let's go out and talk. If your matter is urgent, I'll come over and wake him up later."



After a rare sleep until he woke up naturally, Sharlayan's consciousness was still a little fuzzy after he had restarted his brain after breaking out of the lethargic state.

After opening his eyes, he stared blankly at the familiar yet unfamiliar Zenith.



A familiar voice sounded above Sharlayan's head: "Good morning, how did you sleep this time?"


Sharlayan rubbed his brows and sat up, only to turn around to find that Onyxia's movements hadn't changed from before he fell asleep.

"How long have I been sleeping? Didn't I press you down?"

Onyxia shook her head indifferently: "It's only been a few hours, and you underestimate the black dragon's physical fitness too much."


Sharlayan shook his head and laughed: "Well, my fault."

After a short period of rest, Sharlayan felt his mind cleared up a lot, and he was no longer as tired as before.

"Did anything important happen while I was asleep?"

"No, at least there is no major event that must be handled by you personally."

Valeera, who had been guarding outside to intercept the visitors, opened the tent and walked in: "Sister Aurelia came here, and she wanted to discuss with you whether the Farstriders can specialize in guerrilla warfare like Shandris' sentinel troops. Fight to harass the Burning Legion."


Sharlayan raised his eyebrows and asked, "How did you answer?"

Valeera shrugged and said, "To be determined, we said we will give her an answer after you wake up."

"However, I guess that you will most likely agree with her suggestion. After all, a relatively loose non-governmental organization like the Far Traveler really doesn't cooperate well with other professional legions."

Sharlayan smiled and nodded: "Sure enough, you still understand me, so answer her like that, is there anything else?"

"Yes." Valeera pointed to the tent door behind her: "Stella Gosa also came here not long ago, Northrend has already started operations according to your plan, and there is no more news yet. .”


Sarlayan stood up and moved his body, and said to the two people in the tent refreshed: "Enough rest, it's time to cheer up and continue working."

"Let Stella keep an eye on the situation in Northrend, and let me know when there is any major progress."

"Next, we will focus our work on Archimonde."



The polluter Archimonde mentioned by Sharlayan was already standing at the entrance of Mount Hyjal, looking up at the towering giant tree on the top of the mountain.

"Although those mortals who like to pretend to be smart try their best to cover it up, but standing here, you can feel the pure and strong atmosphere of arcane energy emanating from under the tree."

Archimonde hooked the corners of his mouth with great interest: "A new Well of Eternity? Hmph! That trash Ner'zhul himself has no ability, but his little lich has quite accurate information, so it's a pity to leave it to Ner'zhul gone."

"As your lord said."

Doom Lord Kazrogar echoed respectfully: "According to the information Balnazar sent from the front line of Icecrown Glacier not long ago, Tichondrius has persuaded Kel'Thuzad to betray the Lich King and help us break into Icecrown Fortress. End Ner'zhul's reign over the Scourge."

"Maybe, after this farce is over, we can consider arranging him a position in the legion?"


Archimonde sneered and waved his hands: "Since Tichondrius personally recruited that little lich, Kil'jaeden will definitely not let him fall into my hands."

"Now is not the time to turn against Kil'jaeden, let him go."

Looking at Nordrassil, the world tree that seemed to have infinite charm, Archimonde's eyes flashed with a strange look.

"When I absorb the huge energy of the new Well of Eternity, maybe I will be able to... Hehe~ Deceiver."

Regarding the intrigue between the bosses, high-level demon officers like Azgalo and Kazloga dare not intervene at will.

However, their positions were all on the side of the polluters. Although they didn't say anything, the two of them also expected the polluters to go one step further and completely suppress the fraudsters within the Burning Legion.

"Let's go!"

Always full of confidence, Archimonde raised his finger to the orc camp at the foot of the mountain, which was already ready to face the battle: "My soldiers, break through the positions of the green-skinned traitors for me! Victory is within sight!"

"Follow the will of the Burning Legion and let the flames purify this sad world!"


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