Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1134 Give yourself a million points of pressure

Although Archimonde looked as if victory was within easy reach, in fact he did not let his guard down completely.

According to the information provided by Kel'Thuzad, the head snake of Azeroth, the demigod of the wilderness who fell in the War of the Ancients has indeed not yet recovered. Only Cenarius, who was saved by the white stag Malorne, is still active in Azeroth. everywhere.

However, it is worth noting that during the War of the Ancients, the Dragon Clan, which failed to devote itself to the war due to Deathwing's rebellion, still maintained a relatively complete organization.

In addition to Deathwing, who had already betrayed his own race, the four guardian dragons were still alive and well. These four difficult lizards would surely become the biggest obstacle for Archimonde to absorb the power of the new Well of Eternity.

The good news is that without Neltharion, the Black Dragon King with the strongest comprehensive combat power and the highest defensive power, the formation composed of the four guardian dragons has obvious weaknesses.

Although the red dragon queen Alexstrasza has amazing self-healing ability, she still cannot completely replace the position of the black dragon king.

Once Alexstrasza focuses on the counter lane, the demigod squad of Dragon Aspects will be short of healers, and vice versa.

From the standpoint of the Burning Legion, Deathwing, who made it clear that the chariots and horses had defected to the side of the void, was undoubtedly an enemy, but at least in the current situation, Archimonde was very grateful that the ancient gods had instigated the black dragon king in advance.

Archimonde was very confident in his own strength. If he used Sharlayan's added version of Hawkeye to observe, he would find that the Defiler's level had reached level 69, which is the peak of a demigod.

And the four guardian dragons headed by Alexstrasza are only level 66, and there is a gap of 3 levels between them and Archimonde.

Regardless of the mere level 3, after stepping into the realm of demigods where progress is extremely slow, even the gap of only one level cannot be underestimated.

If the five guardian dragons are complete, even Archimonde cannot guarantee that they will be able to break through their defense.

But... who made them lack the most critical piece of the puzzle?

Because the information provided by Kel'Thuzad was not comprehensive enough, Archimonde at this time did not know that Cenarius was not the only demigod of the wilderness who survived the War of the Ancients, but also Tortola who had been sleeping and recuperating before. and Goldrinn.

In terms of overall combat effectiveness, the tortoise demigod Tortola is not at the top among many demigods of the wilderness, but his combat characteristics can just fill the vacancy left by Deathwing.

What worries Sharlayan is that the demigod of the wilderness has never really cooperated with the guardian dragons before, and it is uncertain whether the two sides can hold off the violent offensive of the polluters for a long time when they cooperate to fight against the enemy.

The new Horde, eager to prove their abilities and stand through this battle of Mount Hyjal, is desperate.

However, under the full attack of the Burning Legion, even with the support of the solid fortifications built by the Alliance, Goyle and the others only lasted for three days before they had to abandon their position and retreat to the forest.

After breaking through the camp at the foot of the mountain, the Burning Legion did not pursue the remnants of the tribe that retreated in an orderly manner, and continued to climb the mountain to the mountainside under the personal command of Archimonde.

Sarai watched as the Burning Legion stormed the camp at the foot of the mountain.

Although Archimonde did not directly appear on the front line, the attack efficiency of the demon army under his personal supervision and command was significantly improved.

If the Horde hadn't made huge sacrifices and delayed the defense until the end of the third day as planned, the Burning Legion would have had the opportunity to advance the front line faster than Sharlayan expected.

"This is the true strength of the Burning Legion."

The Prophet Velen walked up to the frowning Sharlayan with his staff: "Archimonde has changed a lot. He no longer makes plans and moves as he did when he was the consul of Eredar, he has become more used to using hands than brains." .”

"However, what has been learned is not so easy to forget. In terms of battlefield command, Archimonde is indeed better than me and Kil'jaeden."

Sharlayan looked back at Velen who was still calm and said, "Your Excellency, are you sure you want to participate in this war in person? Aren't you worried about meeting Archimonde? What if he is like Kil'jaeden..."

"Will not."

Velen smiled and shook his head: "Unlike Kil'jaeden, the relationship between me and Archimonde before the fall is just a simple colleague relationship. He is not as persistent as Kil'jaeden to me."

"Azeroth is the shelter we found with great difficulty. In order to protect this planet with the Titan's star soul from being breached by the Burning Legion, the Draenei must also do their best."

"All right."

Sharlayan took a deep breath, looked at the Burning Legion marching slowly on the winding mountain road and said in a deep voice: "The time for the decisive battle has come, we must hold this line of defense for five days."

"Everyone, please lend me your strength."



Under the continuous harassment of Farstrider Rangers and Sentinel troops, the marching speed of the Burning Legion was seriously disturbed.

Whenever Archimonde was annoyed and tried to kill those annoying flies himself, the guerrilla troops who could advance and retreat freely would immediately retreat into the familiar mountains and forests, making it impossible for Archimonde to vent his anger.

However, no matter how much delay there was, the Burning Legion arrived at the mountainside camp within the expected time error.

Archimonde, suffocated, immediately ordered Azgalo and Kazloga to lead the vanguard to attack.

The huge abyss lord made a lot of noise when he was running at full strength, but with the experience of facing Mannoroth before, Sharlayan didn't think that Azgalor, who was a demigod goalkeeper, was so difficult to deal with.

"According to the plan."

Sharlayan, who was sitting in the tent of the central army to coordinate the overall situation, calmly ordered: "Onyxia, you will command all the conventional flying units of the coalition army, and aim at the air units of the legion!"

"When necessary, I will ask the Dragon Clan to send reinforcements to assist you. Be sure to wipe out the air force of the legion headed by Azgalo!"

In order to ensure that Archimonde cannot discover the "surprise" hidden by Sharlayan under the World Tree from the air, the Legion's air force must not be allowed to walk to the last line of defense on the top of the mountain alive.

The Horde relied on the fortifications left by the Alliance to cause a lot of damage to the army of the Burning Legion. The task of the second line of defense was to completely cut off the wings of the Legion.

At the same time, Valeera will personally lead a joint column composed of spies from various countries to block the intelligence, ensuring that not even a single devil spy can slip past the defense line to the rear to inquire about intelligence.

"As for Azgalor..."

Sharlayan patted his chest firmly and said, "Leave that guy to me to deal with. The others will follow the instructions of the commander-in-chief of Shadowsong. Don't let me hear that someone is delaying the fighter plane at a critical moment!"


In theory, it would be very difficult for Sharlayan to defeat Azgalor, the abyss lord who is a demigod.

However, after the previous battle in the Demon Slaying Canyon, Sharlayan had vaguely touched the threshold of a breakthrough, and it was only a little bit of inspiration for the final step.

He intends to use the current situation to put extreme pressure on himself, maybe he can break through the final door under strong pressure.

Jarod, who took over the command from Salayan, still had a bloody bandage on his shoulder. He asked Salayan with some concern, "Are you really sure of defeating Azgalor?"

"You are the commander-in-chief of the Kalimdor Expeditionary Force. If you fail on the battlefield, it will definitely deal a huge blow to the morale of the coalition forces."

Sharlayan calmly smiled at everyone present: "Trust me, even if I can't win the battle quickly, I am sure that I will never lose to that empty-headed Annihelan."

"After all... Mannoroth has shown us the greatest weakness of the abyss lord with his life. As long as I can find a way to break through Azgalor's defense, the probability of killing him is not small."


Garrod sighed softly: "Okay, then I'll leave it to you, I will let Krono... Chromie be on call at any time."

"If you need her help, you know what to do."

Sharlayan turned his gaze to the little dwarf who was sitting in the corner of the tent of the Chinese army with dangling legs and a smile on his face: "If it is not necessary, let the elite of the dragon clan save their strength until the end."

"No kidding, the third line of defense, which Archimonde personally took action, is facing the greatest pressure. There is no need to play the hole card at this time."

"Azgalor..." Sharlayan clenched his fist and hammered his chest, and said firmly, "I will definitely kill him with my own hands, this is my promise."

Thank you for the reward of "received more than three or five buckets". During the Spring Festival, I was busy visiting relatives and friends, and I really didn't have time to add more updates. I will make up after this busy period.

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