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Chapter 1135 Ugly battle?

Sarlayan is not an impulsive person who likes to be brave. Under the influence of a large number of barrage netizens from different worlds for a long time, the Tie Hanhan who was once full of recklessness has long gone forever.

The reason why he volunteered to face the abyss lord Azgalor was because Sharlayan was really sure that at least he would not lose to him.

When the vanguard of the Burning Legion fought fiercely with the orcs in the camp at the foot of the mountain, Sharlayan stood halfway up the mountain and looked down, and unabashedly activated the eagle eye technique to personally confirm the high-ranking demon officers such as Azgalor and Kazrogar Strength.

Of course, Archimonde the Polluter was also included.

At this stage of the war, Archimonde and others already knew that the coalition forces would send people to monitor the battlefield in real time, and they didn't care about people peeping from a distance.

However, when confirming Archimonde's strength, Sharlayan almost overturned.

The side effect of the added eagle eye technique given by the system will make the person under observation feel a sense of threat. When Archimonde realized that someone was looking directly at him with sharp eyes, he with a tough personality showed no sign of weakness to Sharlayan. He stared back from where he was.

Due to the huge gap in realm and strength between the two sides, Sharlayan was almost broken on the spot by the astonishing stare of the polluter.

This was not because Sharlayan was timid, but because of the instinctive reaction of the bodies caused by the huge gap in strength between them, just like ordinary people who have no power to restrain a chicken for the first time facing fierce beasts such as lions and tigers.

After some confirmation, Sharlayan had a preliminary understanding of the strength of the few remaining senior officers of the Burning Legion.

First of all, of course, is Archimonde, the polluter with the strongest sense of presence. This guy’s level is as high as 69. Sharlayan speculates that he is not too far away from breaking through the bottleneck and becoming a true god. Maybe he is short of what the new Well of Eternity provides strength.

This can also explain from the side why Archimonde left the Eastern Kingdom's superiority in a hurry and traveled across the ocean to Kalimdor to chew on the hard bones of the night elves.

After Anaseron and Mannoroth died one after another, there were only four senior officers left in the Burning Legion below Archimonde.

Two of them are the abyss lord Azgaro and the doom lord Kazloga who have been serving as the vanguard generals.

The other two are the backbone generals who lead the main force of the legion, they are the Arch Lich Reggie Donghan and Darlian from the Silvala clan.

It is important to note that Reggie Winterchill is not a Lich from the Scourge, but a general of the Burning Legion who has been following Kil'jaeden. He and Tichondrius were ordered by the Deceiver to assist Ah Kermond's.

Unlike Tichondrius, who had another mission, Reggie Donghan's mission was to serve as Archimonde's staff officer.

Kil'jaeden also knew that his "young" colleague gradually gave up using his brain after gaining great power, and his acting style became more and more straightforward and radical.

For the sake of the overall situation, Kil'jaeden does not want to see the Burning Legion smash Azeroth again.

One can be said to be accidental, but both fell into the hands of the same group of people... This will inevitably deal a huge blow to the prestige of the legion.

In order to avoid major problems caused by Archimonde's impulsiveness, Kil'jaeden specially arranged for Reggie Donghan to come to assist Archimonde, hoping that this resourceful archlich could persuade Archimonde as much as possible. Mond thinks more.


In the opinion of the more self-willed Archimonde, this annoying lich was sent by Kil'jaeden to watch him.

When he was still the consul in Argus, Archimonde was always told by Kil'jaeden and Velen as juniors because of his seniority. The condescending attitude of the two of them always made Archimonde very unhappy.

Everyone has a rebellious mentality, let alone a person like Archimonde who is already proud but has powerful hands.

Kil'jaeden asked you to assist me as an advisor? I bother! I, the dignified polluter, still need you, a little lich, to make suggestions?

Before Archimonde gained the tyrannical strength that completely overwhelmed Kil'jaeden, he was temporarily unable to completely tear apart the face of the fraudster, and it was not easy to send Reggie Donghan to the front line as cannon fodder.

However, the polluter didn't give the big lich a good look either. From the beginning to the end, he never spoke a few words to Reki Donghan, let alone listened to persuasion.

Although Reggie Donghan was very helpless about this, he didn't dare to say anything in the middle of the battle between the two big bosses. He could only obey Archimonde's order and command the central army together with Dalian.

After Mannoroth's death, among the remaining four high-ranking demon officers, the most powerful is Doom Lord Kazroga, whose level is 63.

Reki Donghan and Dallian are both level 62. Although they are not considered high, at least they can be regarded as gaining a firm foothold in the demigod realm.

The weakest one was Sharlayan's opponent, Azgalor. This guy was a veritable demigod goalkeeper, and he had only just reached level 61 of the demigod realm.

Sarlayan's current warrior level has reached the 60th level of the mortal peak. As long as he can break through the final shackles under the pressure of the battle, it is not impossible to win the battle.

When breaking through the camp at the foot of the mountain guarded by the tribe, Dallian, a destroyer with high attack and low defense, was accidentally slashed by Grom, who exploded with full strength, and his two severed arms have not been reattached yet.

Although Dallian's backhand blow also opened a fatal wound on Grom's chest, with the full assistance of the shaman Goel, who is proficient in all disciplines, it should not be a big problem to save his life.

At least when attacking the mountainside camp, it is unlikely that Dallian, who has not recovered from his injuries and has greatly reduced combat power, will be sent to the front line again.

In other words, there are only three high-ranking demonic officers that Sharlayan and the others have to face.

Kazroga, who is the most powerful, is solved by Onyxia. It is not a big problem for the 64-level black dragon princess to suppress the 63-level Kazroga.

After Dalian was injured, Reggie Donghan was the only one in command of the central army. Before the vanguard tore through the line of defense, he probably wouldn't take the risk of cutting into the battle. This is not the style of a wise archlich.

But just in case, Sharlayan specially transferred Chromie from the top of the mountain.

If Lei Ji Donghan launched a surprise attack uncharacteristically, the Bronze Dragon Hunshi Demon King who also has a level 64 will greet him well.

The direction of the battle was just as Sharlayan expected.

Azgalor and Kazloga were still at the forefront. The two were in charge of the Burning Legion's air force and army respectively, and launched a fierce attack on the mountainside camp that had already set up a defensive posture in coordination with the air and ground.

"hold head high!"

Onyxia was the first to lead a mixed air force of various races to meet him, aimed at Kazlo and took a breath of the shadow flame dragon.

The overwhelming scorching dragon's breath immediately attracted the attention of Kazloga and other demon air forces. Before the smoke cleared, Onyxia rushed into the enemy's line first, and the coalition air force followed closely behind.

The Giant Eagle Knight and Chimera Tu, who have the strongest resistance to the line, are at the forefront to attract firepower.

Griffin Knights, Dragon Eagle Knights, Horned Eagle Knights, Wyverns, Faerie Dragons, and Raptor Druids each found their own positions, and launched a fierce air battle with the demon air force led by Kazloga.

At the same time, Sharlayan also appeared in the form of a giant bear at the front of the ground defense line. Before Azgalor raised his weapon to destroy the city wall, he forcibly stopped the abyss lord who had already charged up.


The huge Annihilan charging was not a joke. Sharlayan stretched out his two bear paws and tightly hugged Azgalor's raised hands, and his two hind legs were heavily pressed into the ground under the force of the impact. Two long traces were pulled back.

It was not until his heels touched the edge of the city wall that Sharlayan finally used his strength to stop his retreat.

"Give me... be quiet!"

The blue veins on the giant bear's forehead were bulging, and under the blessing of fury, Sharlayan used all his strength to hug and throw the astonished Azgalor to the ground.


The huge movement caused by the two behemoths hitting the ground brought the entire ground battlefield to a standstill for a short time, and Archimonde, who stayed behind to command the army, also looked at this side with a smile that was not a smile.

"Is it the incarnation of the giant bear demigod? Huh! Now Azeroth can only do this little trick."


As the active attacking side, Saracen adjusted his posture one step ahead of the still a little confused Azgalo. He raised his giant palm and wanted to continue hitting Azgalo on the head.

"Mortal! Don't push yourself too far!"


The abyss lord who was still on the ground swung his spear horizontally in embarrassment, tripping Sharlayan who was using his feet as a fulcrum to rise up.


The swept Sharlayan didn't think much, and tried to adjust his posture in mid-air, and pressed the bear's paw heavily on Azgalor's chest with the help of the impact of the fall.


The behemoth rolled to the ground and wrestled into a ball again, raising a lot of dust on the scene, and Archimonde shook his head in disdain and looked away.

"What an ugly battle, what a farce, compared to this..."

The polluter looked thoughtfully at the black dragon princess who was pressing down on Kazloga's explosive hammer: "Didn't it mean that the black dragon clan has long betrayed its own kind? Where did this powerful black dragon come from?"

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