Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1136 Breakthrough Array Slash

Sharlayan didn't care about Archimonde's contempt, it would be better to say... He was glad that he hadn't aroused Archimonde's interest for the time being.

Sharlayan, who grew up fighting since he was a child, never cared about whether he fought well or not. As long as he was on the battlefield, winning the final victory was the most important thing.

Due to the gap in realm between them, even with the dragon's physical fitness, the blessing of Goldrinn's fury, and the triple buff of Ursoc's incarnation, Sharlayan was still at a disadvantage when fighting Azgalor in hand-to-hand combat.

This situation was expected by Sharlayan. The good news is that at least the battle situation did not turn one-sided.

The bodies of the Annihilan family are very bulky, and they can only exert their greatest combat effectiveness when they are standing.

When he fell sideways on the ground, Azgalor's thick tail flicked left and right in vain, trying to use the power of the tail to get himself up again.

Although he was at an absolute disadvantage in terms of attack power and defense power in hand-to-hand combat, in terms of close combat skills, Sharlayan was able to overwhelm Azgalor and attack wildly.

After tossing and turning in the mud for a while, Azgalo finally realized that he didn't need a bulky spear in this kind of close combat.

He simply threw the long weapon aside, and directly swung his fists at the giant bear incarnated by Sharlayan.

Azgalor's fist was so heavy that even the defense of Ursoc's avatar couldn't attack him one after another.

Seeing that Azgalor recovered from being beaten on one side, Sharlayan immediately changed his fighting style.

The giant bear, who had been ready to stand up for a long time, suddenly jumped up from the ground with a flexible movement that did not match its huge body, and when it landed, it stepped on Azgalor's side face with its hind foot.

Finally breaking free from Sharlayan's ground-rolling restriction, Azgalo ignored the severe pain on his face, and followed him up using his tail as a support point.

Taking advantage of Azgalo's chance to bend down to pick up the weapon, Sharlayan's body suddenly shrank dramatically, turning into a small and nimble silver wolf.


The condensed moonlight energy cannon spewed out from Sharlayan's wolf mouth, hitting the face of Azgalor who couldn't dodge. The resulting impact made Azgalor back a few steps in embarrassment, knocking him down along the way. There are many towering ancient trees on the inner side of the mountain road.

In the ensuing battle, Sharlayan tried various attack forms including dragon form and human form.

Yet his biggest problem remains unresolved.

Although Sharlayan's attacks could inflict more or less damage to Azgalor, they couldn't deal him a decisive blow.


Sharlayan, holding the double swords of Valaghar, temporarily withdrew from the battlefield in human form, panting heavily, trying to adjust his breathing.

"Sure enough, the gap in realm is still difficult to smooth out through skills. This is simply not enough effort!"

[Indeed, Xiao Sa has already brought his combat skills to the extreme. If it wasn't for the lack of attack power, Azgalo would have died several times. 】

[What to do now? Can you really only use the pressure of a disadvantage to make a breakthrough? This is too risky. 】

[Do you have a better way? Let Sharlayan decide for himself. 】


Taking advantage of the time when Azgalor also adjusted his posture, Sharlayan took the time to glance at the discussion on the barrage.

"A choice? Isn't my decision made from the beginning!"

In recent years, due to the change of identity, Sharlayan has rarely let go of all concerns and charged on the front line.

There is a saying in another world that goes from three to eighty.

Although the experience of his youth gradually became a dark history in Sharlayan's life as his mind matured, his rebellious spirit of daring to punch all the oppressors at that time has been passed down to this day.

pressure? Disadvantage?

At this moment, Sharlayan needs pressure to force himself, and also needs to use disadvantages to force himself to break through.

Because he has no retreat from the beginning.

As the commander-in-chief of the Kalimdor Expeditionary Army, Duke Sharlayan Deep Shadow will never allow failure on the battlefield. He must set an example for his fellow soldiers who are still fighting bloody battles on the same battlefield.

"bring it on!"

Sharlayan spat out the blood in his mouth, and looked at Azgalor with more fierce eyes, as if he had returned to the time when he had nothing but a pair of fists to beat Quel'Thalas more than ten years ago.

The boiling blood gradually merged with the fury that Goldrinn forcibly injected into Sharlayan's body earlier, and his spirit and body reached an unprecedented high degree of unity.

No thought, no thought, no fear, Sarlayan's soul entered a mysterious state, he discarded all worries and negative emotions, and there was only one simple thought left in his clear and clear heart - to overcome the current situation in front of him. strong enemy.


Chromie, who had been sitting on the top of the tower watching the battle in a low-key manner, suddenly raised his eyebrows, and looked at Sharlayan, whose momentum had changed drastically, with great interest.

"Interesting, I didn't expect to be able to 'witness' this scene again in my lifetime. It is indeed beneficial to live a long time."

Not only Chromie, but even Archimonde, who had been distracted before, noticed the strangeness, and was slightly surprised to turn his attention back to the battle between Azgalor and Sharlayan.

Yes, fighting.

Sharlayan, who had let go of everything, no longer cared about anything except those fatal threats that would make him unable to fight anymore. He would rather exchange injuries for injuries and fight against Azgalor.

It didn't take long before Sharlayan's body, which had never been in armor, was stained red with blood.

With the rapid consumption of physical strength, the powerful self-healing power from the Red Dragon Clan also began to be somewhat stretched.

But Sharlayan, who had entered a strange state, didn't seem to realize it, and almost instinctively drove his extremely tired body to continue fighting.

Under the close attention of countless people inside and outside the battlefield, Sare, who was physically and mentally integrated, suddenly changed his fighting style.

He no longer dodged Azgalor's powerful vertical slash from Azgalor's heavy spear, but instead crossed the double swords of Valaghar, whose body was infested with green blood, over his head, trying to block the attack of the abyss lord.


The loud noise from the clash of weapons resounded throughout the audience. Valeera, who was mopping up the legion spies in the forest outside the battlefield, suddenly felt tense, and subconsciously stopped and looked in the direction of the main battlefield.

The Backlight Blade Elite beside Valeera asked in confusion: "Master Sangunar? Did you find anything new?"

"No, nothing."

Valeera calmed down and shook her head to adjust her emotions.

"Keep moving, keep your spirits up, and never let any mouse pass!"


‘Sharlayan, I believe you will be able to overcome this difficulty, just like you have faced countless difficulties in the past. '



Before the smoke cleared, the sound of Sarlayan, who had received Azgalo's blow forcefully, coughing up blood came out first.

While all the people who were watching the battle were uneasy about this, the corners of Sharlayan's mouth showed a happy arc at this time.

"So, is that so?"

After coughing up the accumulated blood in his chest, Sharlayan felt that he was in a better state than ever before.

If he looked at the world in the past as if looking at flowers through a layer of thin veil, then at this time, Sharlayan has lifted that layer of curtain and entered a brand new stage.


The crossed and raised Valagar swords exerted force at the same time, and Azgalo, who thought the battle was over, was taken a step back by surprise.

Azgalo, who was repelled head-on, widened his eyes in disbelief: "How is it possible?!"

Archimonde, who was sitting at the back of the battlefield, had deep eyes: "Another genius like Azshara? Could it be that Azeroth is really a planet favored by some kind of will?"

Although Archimonde had some ideas about Sarlayan's impromptu breakthrough, it was not enough for him to make a move for a mere demigod.


To die is to die, as long as the strategic goal of this expedition is achieved, Archimonde can revive him after returning to Argus triumphantly.

Archimonde wasn't the only one who saw the end of the battle in advance, Chromie, who was standing on the edge of the city wall, also proudly put his hands on his hips.

"It's worthy of being the friend that I, Chromie, has chosen. It's also worthy of being the partner that the lazy black dragon chose after thousands of choices. He actually broke through the bottleneck that restricts mortals by relying on his own efforts."

"In this case……"

Chromie looked thoughtfully at Stellagosa who was still coordinating various logistical tasks in the city.

"Perhaps, the extraordinary racial privileges given to us by the Titans are also, from a certain point of view, a restraint that locks the upper limit of the dragon race?"

The moment Chromie was distracted, Azgalo, who was retreating in embarrassment, hadn't adjusted his posture when an afterimage suddenly appeared in front of him.


Following the flash of two bright metal lights, Azgalor's body suddenly stood still in place.


The huge cross-shaped wound that exploded on the neck almost completely cut off Azgalo's head, and completely cut off the vitality of this demigod goalkeeper.


After landing smoothly, Sharlayan, who was sprayed all over his face with green blood, looked up at the sky indifferently, with a relieved smile on his lips.

When those who watched the battle thought that Sharlayan was making a breakthrough and realizing his victory, Stellagosa, who was supposed to coordinate the overall situation in the city, suddenly teleported to his side without warning.

Under the watchful eyes of countless people, the seemingly weak and frail little Xingxing hugged Sarlayan who was still holding two big swords horizontally, and jumped ten meters high with his legs slightly bent. Back on the city wall.

Chromie looked at Sharlayan, who was a little speechless, with his eyes still open, but his eyes were no longer bright.

"...Did you pass out while standing? It really happened to you."

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