Sand sculpture netizens in different worlds once said that the games they know that tell the story of Azeroth will return to full status when they are upgraded.

Even if he was seriously injured and on the verge of death a moment ago, he can be resurrected with full blood at the moment of upgrading.

Unfortunately, the real Azeroth where Sharlayan is located does not have this benefit.

Leapfrog challenges are already very difficult, not to mention that Sharlayan has crossed a large realm and forcibly challenged a powerful enemy that he should have been unable to defeat at this stage.

In order to ensure that warrior professions can take the lead in breaking through the boundaries, Sharlayan must reduce the use of skills of non-warrior professions as much as possible in battle, which is equivalent to tying one of his hands in battle.

Fortunately, the final result was very satisfactory. Sharlayan, who had exhausted his physical strength and fought, finally pierced through the last layer of window paper in his extreme state, and a brand new world suddenly appeared before his eyes.

However, at this time, Sarlayan had already exhausted his exhaustion because of everything he had done. After forcing his spirit to complete the final beheading, he stood there and lost consciousness before he had time to comprehend the new experience of stepping into the demigod realm.

The barrage system bound to Sharlayan is linked to his subjective consciousness.

When Sharlayan was in a coma, the barrage could only see a black screen cutscene.

However, sand sculpture netizens at least don't need to be as anxious as Stellagosa. Due to the characteristics given by the system, no matter how long Sarlayan is unconscious, in their eyes, it is just a black screen for a second.

When Sharlayan reopened his eyes and woke up in a daze, the muscle soreness and confusion caused by the overdrawn physical strength in the battle had already healed.

With better hearing than before, Sharlayan could clearly capture the chaotic footsteps coming and going outside the tent, and his more sensitive sense of smell could also smell the faint smell of blood and the stench of objects corroded by evil energy.

But contrary to Sharlayan's expectations, he did not hear the sound of fighting.

After a large number of barrage discussions and reminders flashed in front of him, Sharlayan quickly came to a preliminary conclusion.

He should have been transported to the rear of the battlefield after being unconscious, probably in the last mountaintop camp guarded by the night elves himself.

Sharlayan didn't know how long he slept, and it was even more impossible to know the barrage that had no concept of time passing.

After sitting up from the bed, Sharlayan, who had already recovered from his body, strode to the door of the tent and opened the curtain without caring about tidying up his condition.

Sure enough, it can be seen from the height difference of the mountain that he looked up, that he was indeed moved to the camp on the top of the mountain.

To Sharlayan's surprise, he actually saw Jarod who was supposed to stay in the camp on the mountainside to command the battle by the bonfire in the middle of the camp.

"Garrod? Why are you here? What happened to the battle on the mountainside? What about Oni and Stella?"

Hearing the suspicious sound coming from behind, Jarod, who was asking about logistics and supplies, turned his head hastily, Sharlayan could clearly see that he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thanks to Elune, you finally woke up before the decisive battle began."

"Without your help in coordinating the cooperation between the demigods of the wilderness and the dragon clan and the mortal army, I have lost a lot of hair during this time."

Sharlayan rolled his eyes angrily: "You are still in the mood to joke, which means the situation is not very urgent."

"Tell me, how long have I been in a coma? How is the battle going?"

Jarod shrugged with a smile: "Thanks to you, everything is under control."

"You and Onyxia fought off Azgalo and Kazloga successively. In the subsequent offensive and defensive battles, Reki Donghan was also killed by Chromie."

"Although the mountainside camp was still broken by the angry Archimonde himself, the situation did not develop beyond expectations."

"Don't worry." Jarod could see what he was worried about from Sharlayan's slightly frowning brows: "Onyxia was only protected by Archimonde when the Quel'Thalas army was withdrawn at the end. The spell is slightly affected, and the injury is not serious."

"Stellagosa and Valeera are still completing their respective tasks, and the losses of the Kalimdor Expeditionary Force are within the expected range."

"Oh, right."

Jarod suddenly remembered something, patted his forehead and said: "Not long after you were sent to the rear in a coma, Ms. Jaina Proudmoore came with reinforcements from Dalaran."

"Regarding the situation in Northrend, Ms. Proudmoore has something to report to you. She happens to be in the camp right now. Do you want to see her?"

"Not urgent."

Sharlayan rubbed his brows and said, "Go ahead, I'll sort out the situation first."


As the general commander of the coalition's military affairs, Garrod was indeed very busy. After briefly explaining the development of the situation to Sarlayan, he turned around and continued to discuss the unfinished topics with the logistics officers.

After discovering that Sharlayan had woken up, the Backlight Blade thief who stayed behind to deliver the information quickly informed Valeera who was still on the go.

When Valeera temporarily handed over the work at hand to her deputy, and hurriedly prepared to rush back to the camp on the top of the mountain, Sharlayan had already figured out most of the things that happened after she fell into a coma.

Although the breakthrough in front of the battle gave Sharlayan a bite back to a certain extent, but due to the excessive overdraw in the battle, he was still in a coma for 3 whole days.

After Sharlayan killed Azgalor, Onyxia, who was worried about his physical condition, completely gave up defense, and quickly killed Kazroga, the doomsday lord who couldn't adapt to the change of rhythm, in an attack-for-attack manner.

Archimonde was a little dissatisfied with the successive deaths of the two vanguard generals, but considering that the demons could be resurrected, he didn't take it seriously, and instead ordered Reggie Donghan to lead the main force to go up.

With Onyxia acting as a sudden arrow, the Burning Legion's air force was almost wiped out, including Kazloga.

After completing the task assigned to her by Sarlayan, Onyxia handed over the follow-up finishing work to Garrod, and hurried back to the camp to check the situation of Sarlayan.

After discussing with Stellagosa, the two decided to send the unconscious Sharlayan back to the rear for recuperation.

When Onyxia settled Sharlayan and returned from the hilltop camp, poor archlich Reki Winterchill was killed by Chromie's playful game.

Three high-ranking demonic officers were killed one after another. Archimonde took over the command without hesitation and led the entire demonic army to launch a fierce offensive against the mountainside camp regardless of losses.

Under Jarod's ingenious command, Archimonde, who claims to be excellent in command, has been unable to open up the situation for a long time. The Polluter, who has been going smoothly since joining the Burning Legion, finally got impatient.

He decided to do it himself.

Having learned the painful lesson of the destruction of Timbermaw Fortress, Garlock raised his vigilance when Archimonde showed impatience, and ordered the soldiers on the defense line to be ready to evacuate at any time.

In the end, under the full protection of Onyxia and Chromie, although Archimonde destroyed the mountainside camp blocking the army's way as he wished, the soldiers of the coalition army did not suffer like the comrades in the Timbermaw Fortress. Devastating blow.

When Sylvanas, Velen and the others led their troops into the forest behind the camp according to the planned retreat route, they happened to encounter the tribal army coming through the forest from the mountain under the leadership of the dryads.

The two sides joined forces, followed Jarod through the mountains and forests, and returned to the camp on the top of the mountain to join up with the main force of the night elves, and began to prepare for the last line of defense.

When Sharlayan woke up from the coma, Archimonde was still extremely restless and slowly marched towards the top of the mountain despite the continuous harassment of the guerrillas.

As Garald himself said, while leading the military affairs of the coalition forces, he also needs to coordinate the running-in between the giant dragon and the demigods of the wilderness and the mortal army. In the true sense, he is too busy to touch the ground.

After Sharlayan woke up, the coordinating work of the Transcendent Battlefield could just be handed over to him, which could greatly reduce the burden on Jarod's shoulders.

Sharlayan has officially entered the extraordinary realm, and he already has a close relationship with the demigods of the wilderness and the Dragon Clan. It is better for him to be in charge of this matter than to let Jarod be distracted.

But before that, Sharlayan still needed to meet Malfurion, who was not yet mentally prepared.

Up to now, according to the progress of the situation on the scene, Malfurion has vaguely realized that he wants to minimize the loss of personnel including the night elves. He defeated Archimonde, blessed and blessed the night elves for 10,000 years. Hill might not be able to keep it.

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