Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1149 The Wailing of the Lich King

Kel'Thuzad didn't take up the half-ridiculous and half-probing topic of Ronin, and lightly dismissed this passage with a chuckle.

"The Duke of Deep Shadow is indeed far-sighted, but now is not the time to discuss this topic, the time we have to wait... seems to have come."


Following Kel'Thuzad's bone finger, everyone present looked up to the southeast of Icecrown Glacier, and even the entire Northrend continent.


A thick and long green beam of light suddenly burst through the air without any warning, and in an instant, it bombarded heavily on the open-air platform on the upper floor of Icecrown Citadel - the Frozen Throne.

Kel'Thuzad calmly waved his hands and enveloped several of his companions in the barrier. The broken ice and snow that fell due to the vibration of Icecrown Citadel were firmly blocked by the barrier.

Luo Ning stared at the green light beam that was still bombarding the Frozen Throne with horror on his face: "Where does this terrifying power come from? Does anyone want to completely sink the Icecrown Glacier?"

Icecrown Glacier, as the name suggests, this area is a giant glacier made up of frozen seawater. The thick glacier layer is not the land of Northrend, but the extremely cold seawater of the Arctic.

If this powerful force is allowed to continue to bombard, even the strongest ice will be torn apart by the huge energy, causing the entire Icecrown glacier area to sink into the sea.

"don’t worry."

Kel'Thuzad's expression remained indifferent: "Although I don't know who and where this energy came from, since it was Sharlayan's arrangement, he will not recklessly let this beam of fel energy sink Icecrown Glacier. .”

"After all... he knows better than anyone what is sealed under the Northrend land."

"Once the Icecrown Glacier, which is part of Northrend, disappears, it will speed up the progress of that terrifying existence breaking free from the cage."

Knowing the inside story, Vereesa's eyes moved slightly, but she didn't say anything, just watched silently with the others as the beam of fel energy that showed no signs of fading continued to bombard the Frozen Throne.

Everyone in the area of ​​Icecrown Glacier could hear a painful cry that hit the soul.

Arthas, who was holding Frostmourne in his forehand and was killing on the front line, had the most intense reaction. He pressed his forehead with one hand and half knelt on the ground in pain. The tearing pain from his soul made him unable to hold Frostmourne tightly. .

"My knight! Return to the frozen...throne immediately! Ahhhhh! Quick! I can't last long, this scorching...uhhhhh!"

The Lich King's anxious cry for help was mixed with screams. At this moment, Ner'zhul couldn't care less about pretending to improve his style.

Although the Frozen Throne made of eternally frozen ice has the blessing of the Helmet of Domination, this artifact from the Shadow Realm mainly acts on the soul realm, and its physical defense is not very strong.

Besides, this fel energy beam is also inspired by a divine weapon...or a magic weapon. Even if its power weakens during the long distance, it is not Nie'ol who is trapped in the Frozen Throne and cannot move. Zu can guard against it.

Ner'zhul, the Lich King, has long since ceased to exist. His soul resides in the eternally frozen ice, lingering on the helm of domination.

Once the Frozen Throne and the Helm of Dominion are destroyed, he will be out of his wits on the spot, and he will not even have the chance to enter the Shadow Realm to play the resurrection match.

After confirming that he was unable to fight back and stop the fel beam, the terrified Ner'zhul immediately "guessed" who shot it.

Archimonde the Defiler.

This guess cannot be said to be completely wrong, it can only be said that it is not relevant at all.

In any case, Ner'zhul is still self-aware.

Although he didn't know why Archimonde, who was fighting for the World Tree in Kalimdor, would suddenly try to erase himself, Ner'zhul was still ready to immediately implement the alternative plan he had prepared.

That's right, Ner'zhul, who considered defeat before winning, had predicted that his rebellion would inevitably bring punishment from the Burning Legion when he built the Icecrown Fortress.

Since the soul is sealed in the perpetually frozen ice and unable to move, Ner'zhul must first obtain a living body to carry his soul when he needs to escape from Icecrown Citadel.

Alsace is his chosen container.

As the Frozen Throne was hit head-on by the Eye of Sargeras, Ner'zhul's soul essence was flowing out through cracks in the eternally frozen ice.

Some high-ranking undead with powerful souls in the Scourge suddenly fell into a trance, and stood there dumbfounded and began to doubt life.

Among them is the leader of the undead nerubians who once broke free from the control of Ner'zhul's soul during the battle of Azjonelub - Anub'Brikan.

"What the hell am I doing?"

Anubrekan, who had followed Alsace to advance forward, suddenly froze in place.

When Anubrekhan's mind began to flash back to what he had done in the past few years after his death, Arthas also struggled to stand up from the ice field, dragging Frostmourne backwards and staggering step by step against the direction of the undead army Go to Icecrown Citadel.

The two commanders went offline from the Helm of Dominion network one after another, and the undead army without further instructions gradually fell out of control, mechanically executing the last order issued by their superiors - to destroy the Burning Legion.

Alsace and Anubrekan were like two stubborn rocks standing in the middle of the river. A large number of undead bypassed their area and continued to charge forward.

Coincidentally, Gadin, a high-ranking psychic who sits behind the army, also broke free from Ner'zhul's brainwashing control.

However, he didn't fall into self-reflection like Anubrekan, and just left the barracks quietly after thinking for a while in the tent.

In today's chaotic situation, no one paid attention to where Gadin went, and everyone's eyes were focused on the end of the evil beam.

When Arthas stumbled back to the interior of Icecrown Citadel, he accidentally bumped into the two Dreadlords who were about to enter the Frozen Throne to destroy Ner'zhul in one fell swoop.

Balnazzar and Detherok also felt the vibration of Icecrown Citadel, but they didn't know what happened because they couldn't see the sky, and they still planned to behead Ner'zhul according to the original plan.

Neither Arthas nor the two Dreadlords expected to bump into each other at this juncture.


Arthas is in a very bad state at this time. The powerful soul power bestowed on him by the Lich King to manipulate Frostmourne has disappeared, and the magic sword, which is usually as light as a hair, is now as heavy as a thousand pounds, unable to give him the blessing of power from the artifact. .

Alsace, who was temporarily beaten back to his original form, was left with only his own strength, an ordinary mortal who had not yet entered the legendary realm.

Although I don't know why Prince Alsace, who was still high-spirited before, suddenly became so weak, for Balnazar and Detherok, this happened to be an excellent opportunity to avenge their compatriots and eradicate those who stood in their way.

As the battle between Arthas and the Dreadlord was about to start, Illidan, who was manipulating the Eye of Sargeras far away in the Broken Isles, suddenly moved his expression slightly, and stopped a large number of magic rituals that were drawing energy from the magic net.

Illidan turned his head and looked, and the nightborne troops led by the great magister Elisande himself were approaching his position from a distance without haste.


Illidan showed a knowing expression on his face: "It seems that it's time... Vashj, let's withdraw."

Vashj: "Yes, Lord Illidan."

Sharlayan mentioned when he interviewed Illidan in Kalimdor that someone would show up to stop him at the right time.

Brother Stormrage was born in Valsharah, which was also managed by Suramar City at that time. Of course, Illidan knew Elisande, the city lord of Suramar.

Upon seeing the Grand Magister at first glance, Illidan realized that she was the one Sharlayan had spoken of.

Sharlayan had already proved his ability to Illidan through practical actions, and Illidan didn't want to conflict with him prematurely because of some unnecessary persistence.

When Elisande led the team to the destination, Illidan and Vashj had already evacuated the scene in an orderly manner.

"This power..."

Elisande frowned slightly and looked at the center of the ceremony field where the Eye of Sargeras had been installed before, and squatted down worriedly to check the complicated pattern of the magic circle engraved on the ground.

"Sharlayan, are you really sure you can restrain this unrestrained demon hunter? If he blasts us with the power of the Eye of Sargeras... the consequences will be disastrous."

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