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Chapter 1150 Sharlayan: Where is my vacation? !

Elisande's worries are somewhat unfounded.

Although the Eye of Sargeras is a divine tool, it is just a jewel named after Sargeras, not really the Eye of Sargeras.

To put it more bluntly, this artifact itself has a limit.

In the original history, the Eye of Sargeras was already at the end of its battle after bombarding the Frozen Throne, and was easily smashed into pieces by Malfurion who rushed over.

The distance between the Broken Isles and Northrend is not close, and Illidan forced the Eye of Sargeras to bombard the Frozen Throne for a quarter of an hour.

Even if Elisande hadn't arrived, the power of this artifact gem was about to be stimulated to the limit, and Illidan estimated that it would completely "explode" in a minute at most.

Even if Illidan recovered it before it was scrapped, at least 80% of the power of the Eye of Sargeras would be lost, and it would be impossible to repeat the great feat of bombarding the Frozen Throne.

The task Illidan received from Kil'jaeden was to eradicate the traitor Lich King, but because he was "stopped" temporarily, he failed to complete the task.

Kil'jaeden has always been very clear about rewards and punishments, and his subordinates who fail to complete their tasks will be severely punished by him.

In order to avoid the wrath of the fraudsters, Illidan will disappear for a period of time, hiding in the remote and unattended Draenor to develop his own power secretly.

Sharlayan's promise to Illidan was only half fulfilled.

After he arrives in Draenor with Vashj and the Naga, Sharlayan still needs to complete the remaining half of the promise - to send the new Scourge Legion to Draenor, and to build this semi-abandoned planet. It became Azeroth's outpost against the attack of the Burning Legion.

But before that, Sharlayan still needs to seize food from Ner'zhul and the Dreadlord first, and hold the authority of the Lich King in the hands of his own people.


"Hey~ It's quite spectacular."

At the foot of Mount Hyjal, Sharlayan, Malfurion and other coalition leaders also noticed the green beam of light piercing the sky.

After finally defeating the powerful polluter, Malfurion planned to discuss the issue of the new capital with Tyrande, Shadowsong, Fandral, and others with mixed feelings of sadness and joy.

The giant beam of fel energy inspired by the Eye of Sargeras startled Malfurion. He thought that the Burning Legion had other followers.

"Don't panic, Speaker Stormrage."

Sharlayan comforted calmly: "Based on the location of the starting point of the beam of light, it should be an attack launched from the Broken Isles, and the target is the Icecrown Glacier in Northrend."

"I have just received a first-hand report from the city of New Sandara. The Scourge is engaged in a dog-eat-dog infighting with the Burning Legion's partisan division to destroy the traitors. This beam of light should be caused by their fighting with each other. "

"The Scourge Legion..."

Malfurion stroked the thick green beard on his chin thoughtfully: "I heard Maiev mention this organization, and I heard that they used to be subordinates of the Burning Legion?"

"That's right."

Sharlayan briefly explained to Malfurion the grievances and grievances between the Scourge and the Burning Legion.

"In a word, Ner'zhul, the Lich King, had long been anti-willed, and Kil'jaeden the Deceiver had also anticipated his plan. That's why Tichondrius followed Archimonde to come to Al. Xerath, this infighting is bound to happen sooner or later."

"Tichondrius? Leader of the Dreadlord?"

Malfurion still remembered the name, and continued to ask with a slight frown: "Archimonde is dead, and his remaining subordinates also disappeared in the aftermath of the Nordrassil explosion."

"If it is really Tichondrius who leads the attack on the Scourge, we must find a way to get rid of this treacherous dreadlord leader as well, so as to prevent future troubles."

"That's nothing to worry about."

Sarlayan shrugged his shoulders a little funny when he said this: "Due to some accidental relationship, Tichondrius was discovered by our people when he sneaked into Stratholme to inquire about news and instigated the number one think tank of the Scourge."

"My mother personally shot, Tichondrius died back to the Twisting Void one step ahead of Archimonde."

"As for the remaining troops of the Burning Legion that are still symbolized by Northrend and the Scourge... they should be almost wiped out by now. Let's take care of the many chores in Kalimdor after the war. The trend of the situation has been arranged otherwise."


Malfurion stared at Sharlayan meaningfully for a while, and finally shook his head and smiled in relief.

"Forget it, I believe you know what you're doing, I just hope you don't play too much, it's not good to burn yourself."

Sharlayan smiled and nodded: "Thank you for the reminder, Speaker Stormrage, I will definitely be cautious."

As Sharlayan said, although Archimonde and all the remaining troops under him were wiped out by sacrificing the World Tree and the new Well of Eternity, Kalimdor still has a lot of messy things to deal with.

The first to bear the brunt is the aftermath of Mount Hyjal after a very large arcane explosion.

Archimonde is the second most powerful person in the Burning Legion after the fallen Titan Sargeras. Even if the new Well of Eternity exploded with arcane power to neutralize it, the fel pollution left by his corpse still needs to be dealt with as soon as possible. .

That's right, corpses.

Archimonde's body is indeed very strong. In the zero-distance explosion, Archimonde was sure that his death was correct, and his soul escaped back to the twisting void like other demons.

But the corpse of the polluter remained almost intact under the world tree with only stumps left.

As for Salayan's half-joking appointment with Archimonde to meet again in the Shadow Realm... it was actually unlikely to happen, and the reason was just to create a wave of Archimonde's mentality before leaving.

Archimonde's soul has long been bound to Argus, no matter how many times he dies, his soul will be automatically pulled back to the planet Argus to wait for resurrection.

Even if Sargeras doesn't plan to resurrect him for the time being, it's impossible to hand over such a powerful soul to the Shadow Realm as fuel to accelerate the decay of the Titan soul, isn't it good?

In addition to the environmental pollution problems after the war, the conflicts between the night elves and the orcs because of their mutual interests also need to be resolved through negotiations.

As a third party independent of the two, Sharlayan has a very wide network of contacts and has a good relationship with both parties. At the same time, he received invitations from Goel and Malfurion, and will temporarily stay as the intermediary between the two forces. Mediator.

In addition, the reason why the Kaolin tauren participated in this war also had a lot to do with Sharlayan.

At the celebration banquet after the war, Ulan Gaoling and Kane Bloodhoof held a wine barrel and drank together all night. The two agreed to express their sincere thanks to Sharlayan for the reunion of their relatives.

As the commander-in-chief of the Kalimdor Expeditionary Force, Sharlayan was obliged to bring the remaining troops of the Alliance countries that survived the war back to the Eastern Kingdom.

At the same time, he also needs to send the ashes of the soldiers who died heroically in this war back to their hometowns.

Due to the different funeral customs in different countries, not everyone can accept cremation.

However, considering the time and difficulty of transporting the remains across the sea, no matter how stubborn people are, they can only accept the plan proposed by Sarlayan to be cremated first and then return to their hometown.

All kinds of miscellaneous things kept Sarlayan from getting rest for a long time after the war, and Northrend could only be left to Rhonin, Vereesa and others to play freely.

"Stella! Come and help me, and send this letter to the Sun King!"

The tired-looking Stellagosa rolled her eyes helplessly: "Yes yes yes~ Can you let me take a breath first?"


While Sarlayan was still dealing with many complicated post-war affairs on Mount Hyjal, Vereesa, Kel'Thuzad and the others finally waited until the beam of fel energy disappeared, and the violent vibration inside Icecrown Glacier gradually subsided.

Now there is no need to say anything more, the members of this elite team unanimously followed the secret path to the Frozen Throne quickly.

At the same time, Ner'zhul, who finally managed to survive the bombardment, had a sense of gratitude that he survived the catastrophe.

Even so, his form is definitely not good.

Ner'zhul's soul essence was still leaking out, but Arthas, the container he chose, was stopped by two dreadlords who somehow sneaked into the interior of Icecrown Citadel.

At this critical juncture, Ner'zhul hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to put all his eggs in one basket.

He instilled most of his remaining soul power into Alsace remotely through his connection with Frostmourne, allowing him to have a fighting power close to that of a demigod in a short period of time.

Infused with strength, Arthas swept away the previous decline, and swung Frostmourne to suppress the two dreadlords who were not good at fighting.

Due to the huge gap in strength shown by Alsace before and after, Balnazar and Detherok didn't react for a while.

The high-spirited Arthas unexpectedly sped up his action, and with both hands tightly holding Frostmourne, he charged in front of Detherok and swung his sword down.

"Devil, die!"

Thanks to "Invincible Big Bulb" for the reward.

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