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Chapter 1151: Ner'zhul Breaks the Great Defense

Detherok, who was half a beat slow in dodging, was cut a wound on his chest by Frostmourne, and his translucent soul was almost forcibly sucked out by the magic sword.

"No! Balnazar! Help me!"

"Damn it!"

With a dark face, Balnazar pulled Detherok hard, and successfully helped him break free from Frostmourne's soul shackles, allowing Detherok's soul to escape back to the Twisting Nether.

But problems also followed. Looking at the fallen prince who was red-eyed and planned to continue attacking him, Bannazar swallowed with difficulty.

Now that the matter has come to this point, Balnazar is self-aware that he can't defeat the cheating Alsace with his own strength.

"Rotten bug swarm!"

Seeing that Alsace squatted down and prepared to move on, Balnazar released a large number of blood-sucking insects first, and the hypnotic fog, the unique secret technique of the Dreadlord, was also insidiously mixed in the insect swarm.

Alsace's combat experience was not as good as that of Balnazar, who had lived for an unknown number of years. He was so confident that he planned to forcibly break through the fog to kill Balnazar.

But Ner'zhul, who was connected to his soul, suddenly sounded a warning.

"Don't be impulsive! There are hypnotic spells mixed in the swarm, back off!"


The courageous Alsace had a disagreement with Ner'zhul's will, and taking advantage of Alsace's tangled face to stop, Balnazar turned into a group of bats and headed towards Icecrown Citadel without hesitation. Flee in the direction of the gate.


When Arthas temporarily put aside the differences between the Lich King, it is impossible to catch up.

Arthas was a paladin before his fall, wearing a full suit of heavy plate armor.

It's not a problem for him to fight positional battles. Chasing battles... Without a mount, this is not Alsace's strong point.

It was impossible for Alsace to ride his undead horse invincible into the interior of Icecrown Citadel, so he had no choice but to give up his pursuit.

When Arthas was urging to continue to the Savior of the Frozen Throne under the urging of Ner'zhul, Vereesa, who was at the forefront of the team as a vanguard scout, just rushed out from the escape tunnel, and Alsace who had just turned around We had a face-to-face meeting.

For Vereesa, all moving objects in Icecrown Citadel are enemies without exception.

Before seeing Alsace's face clearly, she quickly shot a series of feathered arrows without hesitation.

Arthas, who was inexperienced in combat, didn't react at all. Ner'zhul could only quickly take over control of his body, and waved Frostmourne to block most of the incoming arrows.

Even so, two arrows still hit Alsace's left shoulder and right abdomen respectively, and the special armor-piercing sword easily pierced through the fine-quality heavy armor on Alsace's body.

However, the undead Alsace had long since lost his sense of pain, and this small injury would not affect his activities in any way.

Suddenly being forcibly deprived of control of his body, Arthas was secretly startled, and instinctively became wary of the Lich King, whom he had always trusted.

But at this juncture, Alsace didn't have time to think too much.

After regaining the dominance of his body, Arthas yelled and held up Frostmourne to slash at Vereesa's head.


Vereesa, who was still holding a bow and arrow a moment ago, skillfully and swiftly replaced the eagle claw, which is also a divine weapon, firmly caught Alsace's counterattack, and leaped backward with the help of the shock force, pulling again. Opened the distance between Alsace.


"Holy fire."

Before Alsace launched another pursuit, the support attacks of Ronin and Faol arrived in good time.


Alsace took two steps back to avoid the washbasin-sized fireball and the holy light flames falling from the sky, and frowned as he watched several enemies coming out of a secret passage.

"My lord, what is this secret path? Why do the enemies sneak in one after another through secret paths that I don't even know about?"


Ner'zhul, who was connected to the soul of Arthas, was very embarrassed.

Thinking about it, Arthas, who claimed to be Ner'zhul's confidant, didn't even know the secret path that even the enemy knew.

Anyone who comes here to put themselves in another place can feel the grievance and anger in Alsace's heart at the moment.

Ner'zhul was also puzzled by this strange situation.

"This is the escape route I prepared just in case. Apart from myself, only Kel'Thuzad knows about it."

"The Dreadlord is the designer of Icecrown Citadel. They are good at infiltrating and infiltrating. They found the abnormality of the castle and it is reasonable. As for these living... Could it be?"

Because Kel'Thuzad had been loyal and capable in the past few years, Ner'zhul really didn't suspect that he would betray him.

Now that the facts are in front of us, after eliminating all the wrong answers, no matter how absurd the last remaining possibility is, it must be the correct answer.

"Kel'Thuzad! You actually betrayed me?! Why!"

Ner'zhul's angry questioning sound echoed in Icecrown Citadel. Kel'Thuzad, who was walking at the end of the team, sighed silently, and floated out without touching the ground to confront Arthas (Ner'zhul).

"Why? Good question, but..."

Kel'Thuzad asked indifferently: "Since when did you have the illusion that I would be loyal to you? The incompetent orc chief of the Shadowmoon clan—Ner'zhul."


Having his vest broken by Kel'Thuzad in public, Ner'zhul was furious but also a little guilty.

"How do you know the name? Did Kil'jaeden tell you? Or is the Dreadlord behind it?"

Ner'zhul's soul essence was still slowly leaking out, delaying time would be more beneficial to Kel'Thuzad, he didn't mind using words here to hold Ner'zhul's attention.

"Heh~" Kel'Thuzad sneered, "You might as well guess a little more boldly, you won't forget what I said when I decided to join the Scourge, right?"

"Since you, an old orc with a memory loss, can't remember, I don't mind consolidating your memory."

"I said at the time that I joined the Scourge in order to pursue the path of truth that suits me best, hoping to gain more useful knowledge of the dead."

"You ask yourself."

Kel'Thuzad confidently pointed at Alsace with his bone finger...or, in other words, Ner'zhul hiding in Alsace's body.

"For so many years, have you given me any substantive knowledge besides drawing big cakes and talking about him?"

"No, not at all!"

Kel'Thuzad sarcastically said to Arthas: "Poor prince, haven't you seen the true face of the so-called Lich King?"

"Do you really think that he thinks highly of you and will help you rebuild your Kingdom of Lordaeron?"

"Innocent child, you should have woken up from your sweet dreams long ago. Touch your chest and think about it. What exactly does Ner'zhul want from you?"

"Shut up!"

After being exposed by his most trusted subordinates for many years of lies that he thought were perfect, and began to instigate his last hope in public, Ner'zhul completely broke his defense without accident.

He no longer made any concealment, forcibly controlled the body of Alsace who was struggling in his heart, and raised Frostmourne, which was flickering with blue light, and rushed towards Kel'Thuzad.

"Want to silence? It's not that easy."

Kel'Thuzad, who had been prepared for a long time, launched a transposition teleportation, and once again returned to the back of the team.


As the only warrior in the team, Thoras Trollbane stepped forward without hesitation, raised the great sword in his hand to block Ner'zhul's furious attack.


Effortlessly relying on cleverness to flick Frostmourne, Solas scornfully complained: "This is the Lich King's fighting skills? My useless son is more stable than your sword!"


As soon as the great sword broke away from Frostmourne, Solas immediately slashed with a powerful backhand.

Before his death, Ner'zhul was just a shaman who was good at stargazing, and close combat was not his strong point, so he was easily forced back by Solas' counterattack with both strength and skill.

If it weren't for Alsace's physical fitness blessed by the Lich King's soul power, this blow would be enough to knock Ner'zhul who was not good at melee combat to the ground.


Ner'zhul looked at the great sword that was still intact in Solas' hands in astonishment.

As the owner of Frostmourne, he knows better than anyone else how sharp this demonic sword is. It is impossible for ordinary weapons to block Frostmourne's full-strength slashing.


Solas vigorously shook the magnificent sword in his hand: "Stromkar Warbreaker, the King's Sword once used by Emperor Thoradin of the Arathor Empire, an artifact-level weapon lent to me temporarily by someone. "

"The magic sword in your hand is indeed sharp, but... it is far from enough to injure Stromkar!"


Solas launched a heroic leap and jumped high into the air, and mercilessly chopped out the great sword in his hand with the strength of his fall.

"Stupid orcs who don't deserve virtue! Hand over the Helm of Domination and the Lich King's Throne! Those are not treasures you should get your hands on!"

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