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Chapter 1152 My heart and actions are as clear as a mirror, and everything I do is justice

Thoras Trollbane was an old-school king of the same generation as Terenas, Genn, Lion, and Daelin.

It is true that Solas is not a great man.

For the benefit of the Kingdom of Stormgard, he, in his prime, sent an army to invade Hillsbrad, and launched an offensive and defensive tug-of-war with the Kingdom of Alterac that lasted for several years. prevailed.

If it weren't for other human kingdoms to intervene in mediation one after another, the war would probably end with the victory of the Stormgard Kingdom, which is capable of conquering wars.

However, Solas can be unanimously evaluated as the hero of Stormgard by the northern countries, not just because of his outstanding performance on the battlefield.

Sarlayan has always believed that the ability to measure a king should not only be based on personal combat effectiveness and commanding ability, but the ability to govern internal affairs is also an important reference standard.

At the same time, it is also necessary to have a good overall view of the overall situation.

There is no doubt that Solas is an excellent king who can put the overall situation first.

When the orcs first entered Azeroth through the Portal of Darkness, in response to the call for help from the Kingdom of Stormwind, the northern countries came up with many weird excuses, explaining that their country could not temporarily dispatch troops to go south for reinforcements.

Leaving aside Lordaeron and Kyrgyzs who have their own plans, Dalaran, who is keen on research, has never been very interested in war, unless they can find something helpful to the pursuit of truth on the battlefield.

Kul Tiras was busy dealing with the increasingly active witch cult in the Drustvar region at the time... In fact, it was the Drusts who did it, and there was a legitimate reason.

The reason why Stormgard and Alterac did not send reinforcements was because the two countries had not signed a formal armistice agreement at that time, and there were still constant frictions in the border areas.

When the news of the fall of the Stormwind Kingdom spread to the north, Solas, who realized the seriousness of the problem, decisively accepted the mediation of Terenas and other kings, and immediately signed a peace with Aiden Perenolde, who had been beaten badly. protocol.

Solas was also one of the first kings who responded to Lothar's call and agreed to form an alliance at the summit meeting of the nations held in the King City of Lordaeron.

Facts have proved that Solas' choice is correct. Under the leadership of Lothar, the alliance with concerted efforts defeated the mighty orc tribe.

However, with his upright personality, he underestimated the greed of human nature after the war.

Before the Second War of the Orcs, Alterac had just experienced a war with Stormgard. Alterac, which was originally not strong enough, was undoubtedly at the bottom of the seven human kingdoms. .

Aiden, the then king of Alterac, was a typical representative of short-sightedness. In order to reverse this situation, he was frightened by the might of the orcs and chose to join the Horde, allowing Orgrim, who led the invasion, to pass through the border. Straight into the heart of Tirisfal Glades.

It was precisely because of Aiden's treachery that Lordaeron's royal city was unexpectedly surrounded by the main force of the tribe.

If Terenas hadn't personally climbed the city wall to boost morale at the critical moment, the King City of Lordaeron, with few generals, might be broken by the orc army if it couldn't wait for Turalyon and Lothar to come back.

After the war, Aiden, who had betrayed the ethnic group and Azeroth, was unanimously agreed by the alliance countries to show the public, in order to warn those who are not firm.

Also contributing a lot in the war between the Alliance and the Horde, both Solas and Jean thought they could get some meat, or at least some soup, when dividing up the interests of Alterac.

However... there is no need to say much about the later development.

Terenas' unbridled greed caused the Alliance to quickly disintegrate after the war.

And Lordaeron, who swallowed Alterac alone, failed to really swallow the fat in the end, and instead made himself in a dilemma because of indigestion.

After recovering from death, Solas thought about it more than once.

If Terenas had not swallowed Alterac alone, but had cooperated with other countries to distribute the territory of Alterac, would the development of the Kingdom of Stormgard be completely different from what it is now?

Of course, Solas also knew that this was just a hypothesis.

The biggest mistake of a generation of hero Solas is that he mistrusted his incompetent and despicable son, Garin, and exiled his nephew Danas, who was really capable of leading Stormgard to continue to grow, far away. Delano.

Because of Garin's perverse actions, Stormgard had been miserable for the past few years.

After Garin's disappearance, the Regent Council tried its best to maintain the regime of the Stormgarde Kingdom.

In terms of the international situation at that time, they could only go so far, and the revival of the kingdom was still far away.

As the nascent alliance was rebuilt under the call of Quel'Thalas and Lordaeron's new king Calia, Stormgard finally saw the dawn of breaking the deadlock, and restored the relationship with the Kingdom of Lordaeron after many years. trade.

Not only that, but even greater good news followed.

The Dark Portal, which had been closed for many years, was restored and opened by the Burning Legion. Danas, the descendant of the Trollbane family, returned safely with the Alliance Expeditionary Force, which had been lost for many years.

Just as the Regency Council was happily planning to welcome Danas back, the other party categorically refused to return to the motherland, obviously still grieving over the unwarranted exile back then.

Solas also happened to be awakened from the dead by the Scourge's lich at this time.

After 10 years of long talks with Danas, Solas, who sincerely repented, finally got his nephew's forgiveness.

In exchange for Danath's return to Stormgard, Solas must take over the burden of the Lich King as an undead.

He wants to use the power of the Helm of Domination to restrain the undead army that is gradually forming a climate, lead the Scourge to Draenor, and establish an outpost against the re-invasion of the Burning Legion.

After the emergency special training by Alonsus Faol, Solas gradually became familiar with this undead body which was very different from his life.

Sharlayan unreservedly told Solas about his arrangements for the Scourge, as well as potential threats to Azeroth, such as the Burning Legion, the Old Gods, and the Shadow Realm.

The reason why the fearful demon kings chose to build the Frozen Throne and Icecrown Fortress in the extremely cold Icecrown Glacier was not just because there were few people there, and it was suitable for the Lich King who had nothing to start from scratch.

The more important reason is that Icecrown is the special node closest to the Shadow Realm in Azeroth.

When necessary, the Dreadlord can use the power of the Helm of Domination to tear open the channel between Azeroth and the Shadowlands, allowing the two independent planes that should have no connection to be directly connected.

And this opportunity is the cataclysm that the ancient gods are secretly planning.

The Great Cataclysm, Sharlayan called it the Return of the Elements event.

The four elemental worlds sealed by the witch Hela in the ancient times can take this opportunity to narrow the distance with the material world. Always loyal to the ancient gods, the fire element and the wind element can add two powerful armies to the ancient god faction.

The cataclysm will not only shorten the distance between the elemental world and Azeroth, but all planes, including the Emerald Dream, will gradually approach the material world in the process.

Of course Sharlayan can use this opportunity to revive many wilderness demigods who have already returned from cultivation in the Blazing Wilderness, but at the same time, the Warden and Denathrius who have been eyeing Azeroth will officially start to intervene in Azeroth. Xerath affairs.

Sending Solas and the Helm of Dominion to Draenor kills two birds with one stone.

Without the Helm of Domination as the "key" to open the door, it would not be so easy for the Shadowlands to intervene in Azeroth.

On the other hand, the Scourge, which does not need food and water supplies, can also plug and play to gain a foothold in the increasingly barren Draenor, and cooperate with Illidan to build this planet-level outpost.

However, Sarlayan's series of arrangements has a major premise.

Solas must take the Lich King's throne from Ner'zhul, take the Helm of Dominion under his control, and become the second and first Lich King loyal to Azeroth.

Holding Sharlayan's complete plan in his hand, Solas had a very clear view of the path he was going to take in the future, and he was not at all confused when he attacked Ner'zhul.

Because he knows that his future career is just and beneficial to the development of Stormgard... and even the entire Azeroth.


Facing the heroic leap and slash of Solas, who had already made up his mind, Ner'zhul, who was not good at melee combat, could only hastily raise Frostmourne in front of him to block.

As the same artifact, the overall quality of Frostmourne is not much different from that of Stromkar, but their emphasis is different.

And it is precisely these small differences that determine the final outcome of the battle between the two generations of Lich Kings.

Thanks to "Invincible Big Light Bulb" for the reward.

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