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Chapter 1153 Come out to mess around, you will have to pay it back sooner or later

Stromkar and Frostmourne are both two-handed swords, but they were designed for completely different purposes.

Stromkar was originally Thoradin's personal sword.

In order to integrate the human tribes that fought separately in the early days of the Arathor Empire, Thoradin integrated the iconic weapon of each tribe into Stromkar, and shaped this weapon into a very representative sword of the king.

Due to the addition of a large number of weapons of various races to build together, when the Stormka finally took shape, the first impression it gave was...heavy.

In the early days of the Arathor Empire, Thoradin preferred to wield the troll-slayer Sharlayan called the ax of dominance, the Trollbane battleaxe.

After cooperating with the high elves to win the troll war, the invincible forest troll suffered a devastating blow and was no longer as strong as it used to be.

As Thoradin grew older and more prestigious, it was obviously inappropriate for him to continue to wield the ferocious battle ax after he had long since had to go to battle.

Therefore, in the later period of Thoradin's reign, he began to use the king's sword Stromkar more.

In the end, Thoradin, who made a big mistake because of his arrogance and excessive thirst for knowledge, died while holding Stromkar tightly with both hands.

Until Salayan and others entered Tyr's Tomb and completely killed Zakaz, Stromkar had been stuck in the forehead of this Xeraki.

Because of this, Stromkar has inevitably been infected with the void power from Zarkaz for thousands of years, and its destructive power is even greater than before.

In short, today's Stromkar has gained decent destructive power in addition to its heavy texture.

In contrast, as the first prototype of the Sorrow Sword series, Frostmourne is far more functional than practical.

This thing is not so much a sword, but a sword-shaped magic weapon for soul enhancement.

Its biggest function is to continuously absorb foreign souls to enhance the soul power of the holder, and then improve the strength of the holder in all aspects.

In a word, Frostmourne's appearance is crazy and cool, and the ability blessing for the holder is also higher than Stromkar.

But in terms of the sturdiness of a two-handed sword itself, the fancy Frostmourne is far inferior to the heavy and low-key Stromkar.

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

Under Solas' strong request, Kel'Thuzad, Rhonin, Vereesa and Faol unanimously acquiesced in his single-handed battle with Arthas.

After Ner'zhul's clumsy control of Arthas' body barely blocked Solas's first sword, Arthas, who couldn't stand it anymore, decisively chose the top, and forcibly regained control of his body.

Alsace was an excellent young paladin who had received Uther's strict training, and had just changed his job to a death knight under the guidance of Ner'zhul not long ago.

Note that the death knight that Alsace transferred is an orthodox inheritance from the Shadow Realm, not a Sibei product that Gul'dan messed up.

Although there is still a lack of actual combat experience, the foundation of Alsace is still very solid.

Under the blessing of the powerful soul power transmitted by Ner'zhul through Frostmourne, the newly promoted death knight Arthas fought Solas 50-50 in a short period of time.

Solas' combat experience and combat skills were superior, but Arthas insisted on maintaining the balance of power with the infusion of foreign power from the Lich King.

Solas seemed to have expected this, he still took the initiative to attack Alsace calmly, blocked Alsace's evasion space with his advantages in experience and skills, forcing him to frequently raise his sword to block.

As the weapons of the two continued to collide, Vereesa, who was also the holder of the melee artifact, gradually discovered the problem.

"Could it be..."

Vereesa looked thoughtfully at the weapons in the hands of the two who were fighting fiercely.

Luo Ning curiously approached Vereesa and asked, "Did you see anything? Who will win the final victory?"

"Hmm..." Vereesa hesitated for a moment before saying uncertainly: "Let me state first, I'm not a full-time melee fighter after all, so I don't guarantee that my guess will be correct."

"If you continue to fight like this, according to my speculation..."

Vereesa raised her round chin to the battle circle where the crisp "sound of iron striking" was still heard: "Solas will definitely win in the end, and Alsace will lose terribly."

Rhonin and Faol were somewhat puzzled by Vereesa's guess, but Kel'Thuzad, as a high-ranking member of the Scourge, immediately understood what she meant, and looked at Frostmourne's sword meaningfully.

"So that's what Ms. Vereesa said."

Kel'Thuzad scratched his bare chin with his bony fingers with great interest: "If Arthas... or Ner'zhul can't discover the problem in time, they will lose this battle."

The young and energetic Arthas did not discover the hidden dangers that Vereesa and Kel'Thuzad hadn't pointed out directly, and he was immersed in the sense of accomplishment of being evenly matched with the hero of Stormgard, Solas.


However, at this moment, Frostmourne, who was blocked by Arthas on his chest again, suddenly let out a discordant wail.


Ner'zhul and Arthas exclaimed at the same time, subconsciously wanting to step back to check the situation.

The blue soul fire in Solas' eyes flashed, and he who had been waiting for this opportunity did not give Alsace a chance to retreat and adjust.


"Giant strike!"

After grasping the most critical breaking point of this battle, Solas did not hesitate to activate the reckless skill of attacking and defenseless, and Stromkar pressed Frostmourne, who was injured by the sword edge, to launch a second force from zero distance.


Under the terrified stares of Ner'zhul and Arthas, Frostmourne... from the split wound as the breakthrough point, was cut into two pieces by Stromkar.

Stromkar, who was still unabated, continued to slash, cutting through the armor before the wide-eyed Arthas could react, leaving a deep bone-deep sword wound on his chest.

If it's just like this, that's all. After all, Alsace's body has long been undead. As long as the fire of the soul is still intact, a few wounds will not cause fatal damage to him.

However... Alsace let out a miserable scream the second after he was struck by the sword.

"Uh ah ah ah ah!!"

Since Ner'zhul bestowed Frostmourne on Arthas, the fallen prince has used this magic sword to absorb the souls of many fallen soldiers, including the radical Lordaeron lords and their soldiers who were forcibly executed by him .

There is a saying in the barrage, if you come out to mess around, you will have to pay it back sooner or later.

The breaking of Frostmourne freed these souls who were forcibly bound in the magic sword as augmentation materials, and they couldn't wait to scream and break free from Frostmourne's control.

Full of resentment towards Arthas, these souls rushed to his body frantically.

If Arthas was still alive, under the condition that the body and soul were very solidly combined, the simple soul impact would not cause much damage to him.

But... At this time, Arthas is an undead who relies on the soul to drive the body. The souls of the same quality and the same origin collide with each other, causing equal damage to both parties.

After all, forces are reciprocal.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Ner'zhul resolutely gave up his possession of Arthas, resisting the backlash caused by Frostmourne's fracture to his soul, and retreated to the Frozen Throne.

Not to mention Ner'zhul returning to the leaky Frozen Throne.

Arthas, who was still screaming and screaming, was lifted into the air by the crazy impact of countless souls, and the broken Frostmourne had already slipped from his hands to the ground.

"Tsk tsk~"

While the others watched this tragic scene with their mouths wide open, Kel'Thuzad smacked his lips with interest.

"This is what Sharlayan said about self-inflicted crimes, you can't live."

"How unscrupulous you were when you used Frostmourne to absorb the soul before, how helpless you will be when the backlash comes."

"Let's go."

Kel'Thuzad lost interest in Alsace whose ending was already doomed, and was the first to turn around and move on in the direction of the Frozen Throne.

"This guy is completely hopeless. Let him reflect on the mistakes he made over the years at the end of his life. It's time for us to witness Ner'zhul's final struggle."

With a complicated expression, Luo Ning finally took a last look at Alsace, whose body was distorted and not humanoid: "I knew this before, so why bother."

Faol put his hands together and prayed in a low voice: "May the holy light heal your soul, child, and I hope you can learn this painful lesson in your next life, and don't go astray again."


Vereesa curled her lips and complained: "Archbishop Faol, it's not that I want to tear you down, it's just that he looks like this now... I'm afraid he won't be able to go to the Shadow Realm to atone for his sins."

Faol smiled indifferently: "Perhaps, General Windrunner doesn't need to care. Praying for the dying is just my professional habit."

Solas calmly ignored Arthas who was suspended in mid-air and was gradually unable to scream. He knelt down and collected the broken Frostmourne.

Looking at the Broken Sword that had lost its divine aura, Solas turned his head to Vereesa in doubt: "Is this it really useful?"

Vereesa shrugged and said, "Perhaps only Sharlayan himself knows. Since he asked you to bring back the fragments of Frostmourne, there must be other arrangements. As the executors, we simply follow suit."

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