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Chapter 1154: The False Lich King, The Real Lich King

People will face many forks in their life. Depending on the choices they make at the forks, their future life will also go in completely different directions.

According to the theory of the Bronze Dragon, the different choices made by some people who are powerful enough to shake history at key time points will give rise to a large number of timelines.

There is no doubt that in the history of Azeroth, Lordaeron Prince Arthas is an important figure who can cause changes in the tributaries of the timeline.

As a sane adult, Arthas must be responsible for the choices he made and the consequences of those choices.

When Arthas was determined to give up his human identity and join the Lich King, his ending was already doomed, the only difference being that the process towards the final ending might be different.

After Solas gathered up the fragments of Frostmourne and followed the others towards the Frozen Throne, Arthas' twisted and deformed body in mid-air finally fell back to the ground.

Under the impact of a large number of resentful souls, Arthas' soul was like a candle in the wind, which might be extinguished at any time.

But at this moment, someone from another plane far away made a move.

Under the call of this person, Alsace's soul, which had temporarily lost its autonomous consciousness, drifted unconsciously into a miniature space gap that suddenly appeared beside him.

The whole process was silent, and even Kel'Thuzad, who had excellent soul perception, didn't notice any clues.


The Lich King, who was crazily leaking air, couldn't take care of himself. All he could think about was how to survive the desperate situation in front of him, and he had no time to pay attention to the whereabouts of Arthas' soul.

At this point, Ner'zhul, who was protruded into the face, could be said to have exhausted all possible strategies.

Originally, he planned to make a last-ditch effort to forcibly integrate his soul into Alsace's body, and then let Alsace, who carried the two souls, escape with all his strength, hiding in a corner of the world and waiting for a chance to make a comeback.

However, Arthas, who was Ner'zhul's last hope, also sent it. Ner'zhul, who was trapped in the Frozen Throne and could not move, thought about it and couldn't think of a way to escape.

When Solas and others stepped onto the open-air platform where the Frozen Throne was located, Ner'zhul, who had a strong desire to survive, completely let go of all his self-esteem, and begged for mercy in a very humble tone.

"Wait! Everyone, please wait first! I am willing to surrender!"

Solas raised Stromkar, intending to smash the eternally frozen ice of Ner'zhul's host soul, take out the Helm of Dominion buried deep in it, and officially crown him the second Lich King.

Ner'zhul's undignified begging for mercy made him pause, and subconsciously turned his head to look at his companions behind him.

"What should I do? Do you want to listen to his nonsense?"

As Sarlayan's agent, Vereesa is the person in charge of the escort team. She spread her hands jokingly and complained: "You are talking nonsense, why do you still listen to his nonsense?"

"Ner'zhul is not in Sharlayan's future plans. This guy is useless. Let him go."

"No no no! Please wait! I have important information to tell you! As long as you save my life..."

"Important information?"

Kel'Thuzad walked forward with a sarcasm on his face: "The important information you mentioned is not about the secret assistance from the Shadow Realm, is it?"

"You!" Ner'zhul, who was originally planning to sell it for a price, screamed in disbelief: "Kel'Thuzad! How do you know about the Shadow Realm? Could it be?!"

Kel'Thuzad smiled lightly and shook his head: Of course not, don't confuse me with a duplicitous guy like you. "

"The Shadow Realm did send someone to contact me, but I'm not interested in the chips they throw."

With the winning ticket in hand, Kel'Thuzad leisurely looked at the translucent Ner'zhul soul in the frozen ice and said jokingly, "Didn't you ask me why I 'betrayed' you before? I don't seem to have answered your question directly. .”

"Just take it as a farewell to you, so that you can die more clearly."

"It's not that I betrayed you. From the first day I joined the Scourge, I came with a purpose."

"Since I have never been truly loyal to you, the word betrayal is naturally out of the question."

Although he couldn't see the change in Ner'zhul's expression, Kel'Thuzad could probably guess his mood at the moment.


"Indeed, even I didn't expect that Sharlayan's foresight of the future would be so accurate, and he began to plan for the Scourge several years ago."

Kel'Thuzad looked at the silent Ner'zhul with pity: "In other words, from the day you were thrown into Azeroth by Kil'jaeden... no, maybe even earlier, far away in Dara When you promise, all your actions will be counted by Sharlayan."

"The orders you thought you gave out of your own will were actually made under the secret guidance of Sharlayan and me."

"You, the so-called Lich King Ner'zhul, are nothing more than a pitiful pawn for a higher-level standard-bearer to compete for the advantage of the board from beginning to end."

"The only difference is whether the chess player is Kil'jaeden, Denathrius or Sharlayan, that's all."

Solas carried Stromkar on his shoulders and said in admiration: "When I first heard the full picture of the Duke of Deep Shadow's plan, I was also shocked. I didn't expect that there are such calculating people in this world. Play everyone around for the chessboard."

"The Scourge? The Lich King? They're all just marionettes created under his plan."

Rhonin, who had known Sharlayan for many years, also sighed and said, "Ner'zhul, the value of you and the original Scourge is to attract the attention of the Burning Legion."

"During the period when Archimonde led the Burning Legion to invade Azeroth, the Scourge with a heartbeat will draw the attention of the Burning Legion headquarters headed by Kil'jaeden."

"Archimonde has died in Kalimdor, so your usefulness will come to an end."

After Ronin's explanation was finished, Kel'Thuzad took over the topic again: "The information you can provide has already been grasped by us, and the rest... I also have a way to get the information you left behind. Find it in the memories of the Helm of Dominion."

"For the sake of playing your role well over the past few years, we don't intend to torture you anymore, so let's go on our way with peace of mind."

After receiving the signal from Kel'Thuzad's eyes, Solas slashed Stromkar into the eternal ice with his sword in his hand.

After being bombarded by the Eye of Sargeras, the surface of the ice was already riddled with holes. Solast deliberately found a crack and cut the great sword into it. Split.

Ner'zhul seemed to be still immersed in the shock of the truth that Kel'Thuzad and others uttered, until Solas took out the helmet of dominance from the ice fragments, and the gradually dissipating Ner'zhul's soul did not do anything. no response.

The mysterious person who took in Alsace's soul before seemed to have no interest in the first Lich King, and let his soul dissipate between the heavens and the earth after breaking away from the protection of the eternal frozen ice and the helmet of dominion, leaving only a sound full of blood. Sighs of remorse and unwillingness.

"Our mission has been successfully completed."

Solas casually tossed the Helmet of Domination in his hand, strode to the Ice Throne and sat down with a big horse.

"General Windrunner and Speaker Luo Ning, thank you both for your great assistance in this operation."

"Next, it's about us undead. In order to avoid unnecessary accidents, please leave first."

Vereesa and Ronin glanced at each other, and nodded goodbye to the three undead present at the same time.

"His Majesty Solas, Mr. Kel'Thuzad, and Archbishop Faol, please take care of the three. I hope we will have the opportunity to meet again in the future."

The cold climate of Icecrown Glacier is not suitable for the living to stay here for a long time, and the Frozen Throne is the coldest place in the entire region.

The constant temperature magic that Luo Ning has been blessing on himself and Vereesa can't hold the extremely cold temperature here. After entering the area of ​​the Frozen Throne, his mana consumption will increase exponentially. Ning's whole body's mana was drained.

According to Sharlayan's plan, Solas will wear the Helm of Domination to take over the Scourge and officially become the second generation Lich King.

Kel'Thuzad and Faol, who are also undead, will stay to protect him, ensuring that the back door left by someone in the Shadow Realm in the Helm of Domination cannot affect Solas' personal will.

After receiving Stromkar Warbreaker from Solas, which he had borrowed from the Tirisfal Council, Rhonin opened the portal and sent himself and Vereesa back to the city of New Sandarra.

Solas on the throne held the Helmet of Dominion with both hands and was silent for a few seconds, then he finally strengthened his faith and put it on his head.

The solid ice visible to the naked eye quickly froze Solas' body. Faol and Kel'Thuzad each stretched out a hand and pressed on the surface of the ice, concentrating on assisting Solas to fuse Ner'zhul's legacy on the Helm of Dominion. The memory of the remnants of the soul.

About an hour later, Solas' eyes exposed outside the helmet of domination suddenly lit up with two bright soul fires, and the thick layer of ice covering his body also automatically collapsed to the ground.

"I, am...the Lich King."

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