Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1155 Jiading: I OOXX you OO!

Since the Frozen Throne was bombarded by the Eye of Sargeras at an ultra-long range, Ner'zhul, who had lost a lot of soul power, could no longer maintain the natural disaster undead network formed by the power of the Helm of Domination.

Before Solas took over the Helm of Dominion, the undead of the Scourge acted of their own volition.

Low-level undead do not have the ability to think, they will only continue to act according to instinct and the last command received before the soul network is disconnected.

The Burning Legion of Icecrown Glacier has fallen into an absolute disadvantage on the battlefield after Balnazar and Detherok left together.

Under the frenzied impact of the massive low-level undead sea that never retreated, the already powerless Burning Legion was quickly slaughtered, and the undead who lost their targets wandered aimlessly on the cold Icecrown Glacier. wandering.

If no one restrains these low-level undead who have no ability to think for themselves, sooner or later they will follow the instinct of the undead to hate the living and set off a catastrophe on the Northrend continent.

And high-level undead with self-awareness like Gadin and Anubrekan recovered their own free will at the moment the Helm of Dominion network collapsed, and were no longer under the control of Ner'zhul.

To put it plainly, without the restraint of the Helm of Domination, the Scourge completely became a mess.

After Anubrekhan left the battlefield, he once wanted to return to his hometown - Azronelub.

However, just when he was about to take action, he suddenly remembered the "feat" he led the undead spider demon to almost destroy the motherland a few years ago.

Anubrekhan, who felt shameless and returned home, stood blankly on the barren glacier, his heart full of desolation and loneliness.

As Ner'zhul's soul power continued to drain, more and more undead broke free from the control of the Helm of Dominion, and a group of undead nerubians who also recovered their will gradually gathered around Anubrekan.

"General, what shall we... do next?"

Anubrekan's lieutenant also looked blank: "The world of the living can no longer accommodate us, and everyone including me no longer wants to work for the Lich King who forcibly manipulates our will, so where is our destination? "

Anubrekan smiled wryly and shook his head: "I don't know, let's wait and see what happens."

As the commander of Azjonelub's army and a member of the Nerubian royal family, Anub'Brikan is not just a simple warrior.

After regaining his free will, he quickly realized the source of the current mutation.

"If I'm not mistaken, the Lich King... I mean Ner'zhul, who is being attacked by an unknown enemy, maybe the Burning Legion, or something else."

After sorting out his complicated emotions, Anubrekan looked around at the undead nerubians following him.

"If it was the Burning Legion that defeated Ner'zhul and took the Helm of Dominion, we will leave here immediately and find another place to settle."

"If the local forces of Azeroth got the Helm of Domination... perhaps, there will be a turnaround that we didn't expect."


Coincidentally, after the high-level psychic artist Gading left the battlefield, he immediately summoned his direct subordinates.

However, his thinking is different from that of Anub'brakan.

Gading, who had been arrogant and arrogant during his lifetime, did not want to be inferior to others anymore. He planned to start anew and pull up an army of undead that belonged exclusively to him.

However, Gading, like Anubrekan, did not rush to take smart actions. He also planned to wait and see what happened for the time being, and adjust his action mode according to the actual situation after the situation was completely clear.

Most of the high-level undead scattered throughout Icecrown Glacier have similar plans. Except for some Tie Hanhan whose muscles are moving faster than their brains, who are rushing to Icecrown Fortress, everyone who has a little thought is waiting patiently for the final The results are out.

With the help of Faol and Kel'Thuzad, Solas fused the memory and knowledge that Ner'zhul left in the Helm of Domination, and completely controlled the Helm of Dominion. The Frozen Throne spread out rapidly from the center.

All the high-level undead swept by this soul ripple trembled all over their bodies.

However, just when Anubrekan and the others pessimistically thought that they would be manipulated by the Helm of Dominion again, a strange voice delivered an impassioned speech to them through the soul network that connected all the undead.

After the words echoing in the soul gradually faded away, Anubrekan's eyes were a little complicated.

The adjutant of the undead spider demon asked in an uncertain tone with a confused face: "General, what does this passage mean... we are completely free from now on?"


Anubrekan sighed and said, "To be precise, we have the opportunity to freely choose our future."

"Those who are willing to stay and continue to follow the Scourge, the new Lich King will lead them to a strange world called Draenor to settle down."

"People who are unwilling to leave Azeroth, the Lich King will not force them, and respect their personal wishes to stay at will, but..."

The soul fire in Anubrekan's eyes flickered, and he didn't say something clearly in front of his subordinates.

'The high-level undead with self-will do have the right to choose, but... what about the low-level undead who can only obey orders? '

The promise of the Lich King sounded attractive at first, but as the general of the army, Anub'Brikan immediately realized the tricks.

That's right, high-level undead can stay or stay as they please.

But... if there is no large amount of cannon fodder willing to follow them, how far can the undead go without leaving the house in this world dominated by the living?

Of course, the self-proclaimed wise man Gading can also think of the problems that Anubrekan can think of.

Compared with Anubrekan's indifference, Gadin was so angry that he was jumping.

Without a large number of low-level undead, it is not easy to accumulate a family business enough to dominate one side with just a dozen or so psychics like them.

You know, Ner'zhul used Alsace's identity as a springboard to draw away nearly 40% of the population of Lordaeron, which created the current grand occasion of the Scourge.

Due to the rapid rise of the Scourge with the help of the invasion of the Burning Legion, all countries in Azeroth have increased their vigilance against the "pulling people" method of necromancers. Gadin wants to build his own power from is not easy.


Far away in the city of Stratholme in the Eastern Kingdom, Baron Rivendell, who had not completely transformed himself into an undead, learned the whole story from a lich specially left behind by Kel'Thuzad, and leaned his slightly stiff body against the chair. There was a relieved smile on his back.

"It's finally over. Now, I can transform this fragile body into an immortal undead body without any scruples."

Due to being weak and sick since childhood, Titus Rivendell desires to have a healthy body free from illness more than anyone else.

Even the saint Alonsus Faol was unable to cure his strange disease, and the desperate Baron Rivendell could only pin his hope on the alternative immortality of the undead.

After learning the details of the Lich King, the master behind the Scourge, from his childhood friend Kel'Thuzad, Baron Rivendell followed Kel'Thuzad's persuasion and only carried out some undead transformations on his body.

In this way, life can be extended without being affected by the soul network of the Helm of Dominion, and one can have the free will that all high-level undead dream of.

However, this method is only a stopgap measure after all. As his physical condition continues to deteriorate, Baron Rivendell will need to completely transform himself into an undead sooner or later.

Now, the sky is finally dawning, and Baron Rivendell, who has been worrying about gains and losses for several years, finally let go of the big stone in his heart.

"His Majesty Thoras Trollbane? For those of us who have been transformed into undead from human bodies, Lord Stormgarde, who was also human in his lifetime, is undoubtedly the best leader."


Baron Rivendell suddenly thought of the mood of some ambitious people at the moment, and laughed involuntarily.

"A few families are happy and some are sad. I'm afraid some people with ulterior motives are busy cursing the streets right now?"

The lich who followed Lord Rivendell was named Les Frostwhisper.

That's right, it was the Grand Lich who personally resurrected Solas.

Unlike Kel'Thuzad, Les Frostwhisper had been included in the control list of the soul network of the Helm of Dominion before, and only rarely had a moment of self-will.

And it was during this very short "release" time that Kel'Thuzad learned about his determination to be free.

Before Ner'zhul's downfall, Kel'Thuzad did not intend to put Les Frostwhisper in charge of any important work, nor did he tell him any important information.

His only task is to protect Titus Rivendell on his behalf, which does not conflict with Ner'zhul's orders to him.

With the temporary collapse of the soul network built by the Helm of Dominion, Les Shuangyu woke up like a dream, and gained freedom after a long absence.


After listening to Baron Rivendell's words, Les Shuangyu, who was so guarded that the clouds opened to see the moon, said sarcastically: "For example, Gadin's ambitious megalomaniac."

Thanks to "Small Time Power General Attack" for the reward.

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