Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1157 Troll Agent

Perhaps it is too early to consider the merger of the new Horde with the Mag'har orcs.

At least in the next few years, Go'el, who is eager to gain a foothold in Kalimdor, has no time to pay attention to the Mag'har orcs who have never entered Azeroth and do not intend to enter Azeroth.

Under the restraint of Gaiya'an's grandmother, it is unlikely that Nao Canhou will completely let himself go during this period.

Now he is still in a passive state where his father is the "sinner" who took the lead in drinking the blood of the devil.

"How about this."

After thinking about it for a while, Sharlayan said to the confidante present: "The next few years will be a rare period of peaceful development for Azeroth."

"In order to avoid unnecessary disputes, we will temporarily block news about the other side of the Dark Portal from the tribe."

"Stella, convey my concerns and thoughts to the leaders of various countries, including Kael'thas, and ask for their assistance and cooperation."

Stellagosa nodded: "I see."

As Sharlayan himself said, paper cannot contain fire.

As the orcs gradually recover from the pressures of survival, sooner or later they will turn their attention to other corners of Azeroth, and it is only a matter of time before they find the Mag'har orcs on the other side of the Dark Portal.

What Sharlayan wants to do is to delay the moment of this result as much as possible, so that Azeroth can get more time to recuperate.


The post-war finishing work on the Kalimdor continent is almost done. After attending the thank-you banquet jointly organized by the Kalimdor tauren and the Kaolin tauren, Sharlayan intends to officially embark on the return journey.

The alliance's expeditionary force to reinforce Kalimdor, the Sons of the Night, and the Gaoling Tauren have already been led by the commanders of their respective forces, and returned to their hometown on the troop carrier of Kul Tiras first.

Apart from the native night elves and tauren, only the orcs who came across the sea to open up new homes and the Darkspear giants who planned to build a transcontinental trading port on the Echo Islands remained in Kalimdor. It's crazy.

Although this trip to Kalimdor experienced a tragic war, it also took this opportunity for Vol'jin to see many precious resources unique to Kalimdor.

The Darkspear trolls have been working with the goblins of the Steamwheedle Consortium in Stranglethorn Vale for many years, and Vol'jin is well aware of how treacherous these short greenskins can be.

Instead of giving the profits of cross-sea trade to the goblins who will inevitably take the opportunity to slash, it is better for the Darkspear trolls to establish a trade route between Stranglethorn Vale and the Echo Isles.

Vol'jin's idea is good, but it is not so easy to implement.

The first difficulty in front of him was the problem of ships and sailors.

Unlike the Zandalari trolls who once had a golden fleet, the Darkspear trolls, a branch of the jungle trolls, have always been active only on land, and have never built any serious ships before.

Starting from scratch is not an easy task, and Vol'jin's idea of ​​kicking off the Steamwheedle Consortium and going it alone will inevitably offend the group of goblins who are greedy for money.

Don't forget, the goblins who occupy Booty Bay are a subsidiary company of the Steamwheedle Consortium - the Blackwater Consortium, the Blackwater Bandits and the Blackwater Pirates are all industries under their name.

Even if the Blackwater Pirates were to focus their energy on fighting the Bloodsail Pirates, they still had enough power to take down the self-made Darkspear trolls.

After receiving Vol'jin's request for help, Sharlayan, who was about to leave Kalimdor, changed his mind and took a trip to the Echo Islands.

In this time and space, it can be said that the Darkspear trolls were supported by Sharlayan alone. Their achievements today are inseparable from the support of Sharlayan.

Because of this, Sen'jin and Vol'jin's father and son have always been very grateful and respectful to Sharlayan, and they also have great trust in his layout and planning ability.

This time, Vol'jin really couldn't think of a good solution, so he could only turn to Sharlayan for help, hoping that he could point out a way for the Darkspear trolls who were determined to establish a cross-sea trade route.

"A trade route..."

Sharlayan groaned and touched his chin, his eyes flickered for a while... In fact, he was discussing with Danmaku how to solve this problem.

During the time when Sharlayan was thinking silently, Vol'jin patiently waited for him to recover without saying a word, and his attitude was very correct.

The father and son Sen'jin and Vol'jin were born in the small clan of Darkspear. Although they lived a poor life since childhood, it also allowed them to develop a more simple character than those leaders of the big clan who grew up in intrigue.

When Sen'jin was young, he went to Zuldazar, the capital of Zandalar, to study abroad, which broadened his narrow horizons.

Compared with those jungle trolls who are obsessed with gains and losses in one city and one place, Sen'jin has a longer-term vision. Of course, the teachings of the Zandalari trolls have contributed to this, and Sen'jin's own talent and personality have also played an important role. effect.

Vol'jin is the heir taught by Sen'jin, and his philosophy is also in line with his father's.

Sen'jin and Vol'jin value the safety of the entire Azeroth more than a single clan...or even the right to speak of the jungle troll tribe.

From this perspective, Sen'jin, who had received Zandalari education, did not blindly follow the Zandalari philosophy.

From Senjin's point of view, although the Zandalari seemed very generous when teaching the children of other clans who came to study abroad, they talked one after another.

But in daily practical actions, Senkin can vaguely see the wrong double standards of a large part of them.

Even King Rastakhan, who is praised by countless Zandalari, failed to break out of the vicious circle of using force to restore the honor of the Zandalari ancestors, which eventually led to the tragic defeat that ruined the entire golden fleet a few years ago.

According to Sen'jin's thinking, if the Zandalari want to revive their past prestige, there is no need to fight Kul Tiras to the death at sea.

The ocean of Azeroth is vast enough that even if there is bound to be friction between them, it can fully accommodate two maritime powers to put aside their disputes and jointly develop.

But it doesn't make sense to say this now, things have already happened, but Sen'jin, one of the chiefs of the jungle trolls, can't influence the thoughts of Rastakhan, the king of Zandalari.

Sharlayan is half high elven, descended from the Highborne.

From his standpoint, reconciliation with the Zandalari trolls, who have a deep-rooted hatred for the Highborne, is impossible.

It is impossible to take the first step, let alone the follow-up cooperation.

What? Are the forest trolls at odds with the high elves? Nothing to do with Zandalari?

During Queen Azshara's reign, the entire ancient continent of Kalimdor fell under her shadow.

The invincible Zandalari troll was even beaten to the gate of the capital by the army of the night empire, and was forced to sign the alliance under the city in humiliation.

If it wasn't for the arrogant Azshara who had long looked down on these "tiny" disputes in the planet and started to focus on the vast universe, it would not be difficult for the Night Empire in its heyday to destroy Zandalar.

Something happened that made the Zandalar even more unacceptable.

Azshara... didn't take them seriously at all. She just urged the Zandalari to withdraw their troops without hesitation after they owed the humiliating truce agreement when it was obvious that they could win a complete victory.

The troops are withdrawn... the army is... gone.

This kind of should I put it, is undoubtedly the top-level torture for some people in Zandalar who value dignity more than life, and it is enough for their children and grandchildren to remember this humiliation for thousands of years.

From the macro point of view that Sharlayan is focusing on now, Zandalari is an ancient powerful country whose overall national strength is second only to the night elves. kind of waste.

Wanting to take the most difficult first step to reach a cooperation with the Zandalari, as the descendant of the highborne who is most hated by the Zandalari, Sharlayan himself must not come forward in person at the first time, he needs a suitable agent.

The Darkspear troll, who has always maintained good cooperation with Quel'Thalas...or the Duke of Shadow's forces, is the most suitable choice.

This is also the main reason why Sharlayan suddenly changed his mind and came to the Echo Islands before leaving.

He wanted to use the Darkspear trolls as a breakthrough to establish a preliminary cooperative relationship with the Zandalari trolls, who could no longer go to sea after losing their golden fleet.

Although the Golden Fleet has been wiped out, the Zandalari trolls have a tradition of cultivating the navy after all, and there will be no shortage of people in the shipbuilding industry or the crew.

And this happens to be the biggest shortcoming of the Darkspear troll who laughs at himself as a "landland duck".



After considering the pros and cons of this plan, Sharlayan looked at Vol'jin with bright eyes.

"Do you want to follow in the footsteps of your parents and go to Zandalar to gain knowledge?"

Vol'jin: "...huh?"

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