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Chapter 1158 Wolf is a Tsundere Creature

With the defeat of Archimonde and the Burning Legion, the night elves, tauren, and orcs who have just experienced a bloody battle need to recuperate. There should be no large-scale conflicts in Kalimdor in the next few years .

The roots of the Darkspear trolls are still in Stranglethorn Vale. The Echo Islands are just an attempt by Vol'jin to open up overseas territories and trade across the sea. He has no intention of deeply intervening in Kalimdor.

In other words, as long as the Darkspear trolls stationed in the Response Islands do not take the initiative to show aggressiveness, no matter whether it is the nearby orcs or the tauren and night elves far away, they will not come to trouble them for nothing.

In the foreseeable future, the biggest crisis that the Echo Islands will face will come from the sea, not the land.

That's right, it's you, murloc.

What? Naga?

Indeed, in the original history, Senjin who led the ethnic group across the ocean died at the hands of Naga.

But today is different from the past, the orthodox Naga headed by Queen Azshara obviously will not embarrass Sharlayan's younger brother, this is not the style of that proud queen.

She looked down on trolls ten thousand years ago, and nothing will change in ten thousand years.

As for the Fallen Naga under N'Zoth's command, they have the heart to jump out and make trouble.

However, in the previous battle of Estorante, the Fallen Naga was ruthlessly calculated by Sharlayan, and was seriously injured under the encirclement of the multi-party coalition forces including the water element.

The Fallen Naga does not have the powerful violent force ability of the orthodox Naga under Queen Azshara, and it will not be possible to recover in just a few years.

At this moment, they are still hiding at a certain angle in the depths of the sea and licking their wounds. It takes all their strength to avoid the pursuit of Neptulon and the water elemental lords, and they have no time to attack the Echo Islands.

Naga is not the only aquatic race in Azeroth. Murlocs and sea giants also have established groups.

Especially murlocs.

This amazingly reproductive little thing can be found everywhere in Azeroth where there is a source of water.

Their individual combat effectiveness is very weak, and they usually suppress the enemy with absolute numerical superiority.

Speaking of murlocs, some people in the barrage still have lingering fears.

They still remember the scene when they were overwhelmed by a large number of murloc "Ulala" charges when they were playing Warcraft games, which has become a lingering shadow in their game life.

After some discussion and consideration, Vol'jin decided to follow Sharlayan's plan and take the initiative to study in Zandalar as the heir to the Darkspear troll chief.

This was originally a tradition of the troll clan, and Sen'jin was also invited by the Zandalari side by relying on the same identity.

However, with the destruction of the Golden Fleet, it became very difficult for the Zandalar to rely on this method of cultural transmission to strengthen the cohesion of the Zandalari suzerain clan.

Under the strict blockade of the Kul Tiras fleet, the newly established small fleet of Zandalar did not even dare to enter the open sea at will, and could no longer travel across the sea to pull people everywhere like before.

That being the case, Sharlayan changed his plan a bit.

As the saying goes, if mountains don't turn and water turns, Zandalah can't get out, so he simply sends Wojin in.

As long as Kul Tiras cooperates with the Zandalari, who are worrying about how to continue to maintain their status in the cultural field, they will happily accept Vol'jin who has come all the way to seek the truth.

Considering that this plan requires the cooperation of Kul Tiras, Sharlayan still needs some time to perfect the details.

Before the plan is officially launched, Vol'jin will continue to stay in the Echo Islands and lead the Darkspear trolls to drive away the remaining murloc tribes on the island first, so as to solve his worries before traveling to study.

After discussing the outline of the follow-up plan with Vol'jin, Stellagosa and Jaina jointly opened the portal.

Before entering the door, Sharlayan felt something in his heart and looked up at Durotar across the sea from the Echo Islands.

Valeera pushed Sharlayan from behind in confusion: "Let's go, what are you doing at the door? Do you think you don't need magic power to maintain the portal?"


Sharlayan smiled lightly and waved his hands in the direction of the seemingly empty barren hill: "Let's go, it's time for us to go home."

After the portal was closed, a giant wolf with silver fur jumped out from behind the red mountain that Sharlayan waved, and beside him was a strange creature with a human head and a deer body.

"Goldrinn, why not say goodbye to him frankly?"


Godrin the wolf snorted coldly and turned his head: "What's the rush? That kid has the same immortal lifespan as us, and he will have a long life in the future. Let's see how far he can go in the future."

Seeing Goldrinn walking away towards the Barrens without looking back, Cenarius, the demigod of the forest, shook his head helplessly.

"Why are you so duplicity, you are actually very proud of having such a talented follower?"

"Noisy! How come I don't remember Malorne teaching you these raps?"



The four guardian dragons borne the greatest pressure in the battle with Archimonde. Although they successfully completed the task with the help of the three wilderness demigods, their bodies were not lightly damaged.

Especially Alexstrasza, who was at the forefront and suffered damage for a long time.

After the battle of Haishan, the four exhausted dragon kings bid farewell to the other comrades-in-arms of the coalition army immediately, and planned to return to their respective holy places in the dragon bone wilderness to recuperate for a while.

Before they left, they made a promise to Malfurion and Tyrande.

Once the night elves decide to plant a new world tree, they will visit Kalimdor again, and give the dragon king's blessing to this brand new world tree just like ten thousand years ago.

However, due to the loss of the new Well of Eternity as a source of magic power, the effect of the New World Tree's blessing can no longer be as powerful as Nordrassil.

Regarding the planting plan of the New World Tree, Fandral Staghelmet, who is solely in charge of the matter, has already made preliminary preparations.

Not long after Malfurion decided to sacrifice Nordrassil to kill Archimonde, Fandral, who heard the news, urgently picked a tree seed of Nordrassil.

According to Fandral's prediction, it only needs a period of cultivation and improvement, and this tree species can rapidly develop and mature in just one month after being planted in the soil.

As for where the World Tree will be planted, the members of the Council of Darkness still have some disagreements on this.

Tyrande suggested that the new capital should be far away from Mount Hyjal, which has not yet completely got rid of the fel pollution. She prefers an uninhabited desert island in the west of the Dark Coast... which is where the new capital of the night elves was located in the original history.

Maiev suggested that the new world tree be planted in the center of the Ashenvale forest. After all, this is the core territory of the night elves, and it is not too far from the original political center, Mount Hyjal.

Garrod, who was not interested in government affairs, chose to abstain.

Fandral proposed to plant the new world tree in the Luna Lake in the center of the Moonglade, and Tyrande pointed at his nose and scolded him as expected.

As the person with the final decision-making power, Malfurion hopes to set up the new capital in Felwood Forest, replace the Forest Heart partially corrupted by Gul'dan's head with the World Tree, and completely purify Felwood Forest with two birds with one stone.

Judging from Sharlayan's opinions before he left, the Council of Dark Night may eventually adopt Malfurion's plan of killing two birds with one stone, planting the world tree in the center of Felwood Forest.

If this is the case, the future of the night elves will have quite a divergence from the original history.

When bidding farewell to the guardian dragons who left first, Malygos, the most knowledgeable blue dragon king, promised Sharlayan that he would start to search the information immediately after returning to Wyrmrest Temple and the Nexus to find out why Sharlayan The reason why it cannot evolve into a dragon.

One thing to say, Malygos is also very interested in this strange phenomenon. He suspects that Sharlayan's problem may be related to the series of genetic adjustments made by his mother Inas back then.

In view of this, Sharlayan planned to pass the news to his mother after returning home, and asked her to take a trip to the Demon Nexus and have an in-depth discussion with Malygos on this matter.

Although there were some problems with the dragon form, Sharlayan's realm at this time has indeed surpassed the limit of mortals, and he has officially become a member of the demigod.

After finishing the work at hand, Sharlayan will accept Malfurion's invitation to come to Kalimdor again.

At that time, he will witness the planting of the new world tree with his own eyes, and by the way, he will give pointers to Malfurion, Tyrande and others who have been stuck in the last step for thousands of years based on his breakthrough experience.

Sharlayan and his party, who had been teleporting home the entire way, first made a transit trip to the Broken Isles, and then used the magic net energy of Nathalas College to launch the long-distance teleportation again.

Due to his business affairs, Sharlayan resisted the urge to go home and teleported to the Tower of Sunfury in Silvermoon City, planning to report to Kael'thas the details of the Seamount Battle first.

"Finally back..."

After walking out of the portal, Sharlayan stretched comfortably under the respectful greetings of the mages stationed at the Tower of Sunfury.

"After finishing the rest of the work at hand, it's time for me to calm down and consolidate my realm."

"In the next few years of peacetime, I shouldn't be as busy as I am now... right?"

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