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Chapter 1160 The Duke of Deep Shadow is back! It's dawn!

Considering it from Tinagosa's point of view, the elder sister who disciplines her severely at any time and Salayan who spoils her every day, don't need to think too much, and she knows who to get closer to by instinct.

Stellagosa was well aware of this, but after reuniting with her sister for a long time after a tough battle, she originally expected to get a hug, even if it was just a comforting one, who knew...

Salayan, who felt the chill from behind, winked at Little Tina in his arms in a hurry.

The ghostly Tinagosa immediately understood, turned her head and threw herself into the arms of the dark-faced Stellagosa, acting like a baby, and finally calmed down Little Xingxing before her anger exploded.

Onyxia curled her lips in disappointment: "Tsk~ boring."

Sharlayan turned back angrily and flicked her forehead with his fingers: "I'm afraid that the world will not be chaotic, so you can't hope for something good?"

Before Sharlayan had time to enter the house, the residents of Unicorn City discovered that their lord had returned home in a low-key manner at some point.

As the Supreme Commander, the Duke of Deep Shadow led the alliance reinforcements across the sea to go to war. The news has already spread throughout the Eastern Kingdom. Seeing the relaxed expression of the returning lord's family, people with a little more flexible mind can guess the war in the land of Kalimdor. ending.

"Congratulations, my lord, for returning in victory!!"

At the beginning, only a small group of people took the lead in cheering, but the movement they made soon attracted the residents of Unicorn City who didn't know why.

Since the alliance army for the expedition to Kalimdor has not yet arrived, Sharlayan does not want to inform the general public of the victory of the war in advance, so as not to give people the impression of taking credit.

However, the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. Little Tina's voice when she rushed over was too loud, which attracted the attention of the people who were working near the Lord's Mansion.

In order to avoid causing a bigger commotion, Sharlayan simply waved to the citizens who spontaneously started cheering, and led the family to speed up their pace into the interior of the Lord's Mansion.

Salayan's mother, Inas, was not as unruly as Tinagosa, so she waited obediently in the hall.

Hearing the cheers coming from outside the door, Inas could roughly guess what happened.

"Kids, thank you for your hard work."

Inas walked forward with a smile on her face and gave Sharlayan and the others warm hugs one by one.

Sharlayan turned around suspiciously and looked around: "Mother, where is my father?"


Inas pursed her lips and complained, "They said they were worried that the Ancient Gods faction would take advantage of the Burning Legion's invasion to make trouble secretly, so they volunteered to go to the beach to communicate with Azshara's Naga."

"Leave him alone, he will come back by himself at night."

Inas and Julian had settled in the undersea city of Nazjatar for several years. During that time, they met many friends of the Naga tribe. This relationship was not severed because of the later exposure of their identities.

Julian's worries are not groundless.

During the War of the Ancients 10,000 years ago, the ancient gods did this trick. Taking advantage of the invasion of the Burning Legion, they secretly corrupted the Black Dragon King Neltharion, causing a dragon civil strife that shocked the world.

Fortunately, Sharlayan had just severely damaged the fallen Naga under N'Zoth in the Battle of Estorante not long ago.

Before Deathwing returns from injury, the Demon with Thousand Beards, who is running out of cards, can only be a man with his tail between his legs for the time being.

Not to mention Yogg-Saron, that guy is still busy escaping from prison in Ulduar, and its tentacles can't reach out to the Storm Cliff at all.

Under the strict surveillance of the orthodox Naga of the Azshara faction, N'Zoth did not dare to jump out to make trouble at this time.

"Not surprisingly."

After listening to Inas's description, Sharlayan calmly analyzed: "Although the Burning Legion and the Old Gods also covet Azeroth, these two forces are also enemies of each other."

"N'Zoth is also worried that if it moves too much, it will attract the attention of the Burning Legion. Anyway, it is temporarily unable to make trouble, so it's better to honestly admit that it didn't see it."

The original intention of Sargeras to create the Burning Legion was to destroy the Lord of the Void. In Sharlayan's view, the Burning Legion's hatred for the void side was far higher than that of Azeroth.

Ten thousand years ago, the ancient gods relied on years of accumulation to steal a chicken, and after triggering infighting among the dragon clan, they helped the Burning Legion in a disguised form.

At that time, the Burning Legion focused their energy on how to conquer Azeroth. As for the ancient gods... After taking Azeroth, there was plenty of time to slowly concoct them.

Deathwing, regarded as the chief warrior by the faction of the ancient gods, was a terrible enemy that was difficult to defeat for mortals, but it was nothing more than that for the Burning Legion, which had a large number of soldiers at that time.

Without Sargeras' own action, any one of the Deceiver or Defiler can suppress Deathwing without any suspense.

Nightmare King Xavius? This house slave with three surnames was still a loyal lackey of the Burning Legion at that time.


The news of Sharlayan's victorious return spread rapidly from Unicorn City to the surrounding area, and soon the entire territory of Quel'Thalas began to frantically discuss the details of the Battle of Seamount... Of course, since the detailed battle report did not flow out, the people's enthusiasm Much of the discussion is based on unfounded personal speculation.

As the news spread, Julian, who was communicating with Naga outside Yangfan Port, also learned the news of his son's return.

As Inas said, Julian hurried back before the dinner started, and the family exchanged the information they had obtained during this period of time in the lord's living room.

Julian has nothing to say. N'Zoth has been very honest recently, and there is no sign of jumping out to make trouble.

Inas explained in detail the cause and effect of Tichondrius' infiltration into Stratholme and his death, and some of the details made Sharlayan, Valeera and the others dumbfounded.

It didn't take long before Welles, who had been granted a license from Kael'thas, also came with his wife and children.

When the Deep Shadow family was enjoying a warm family banquet in the lord's mansion of Unicorn City, the news of the victory in the Battle of Seamount was brought out of the gate of Salas by business travelers from various countries to and from Quel'Thalas, and quickly spread throughout the entire world. Eastern Kingdoms.

There is an old saying in another world, that the mouth of the people is better than the mouth of the river.

The speed at which the good news spread spontaneously among the people made Kael'thas unexpected.

After the leaders of the various countries in the alliance had an urgent long-distance communication through arcane communication, they unanimously decided to formally inform the public of the victory of the complete annihilation of the Burning Legion.

The cloud of uneasiness that had hung over the Eastern Kingdoms for months dissipated as news from the authorities spread.

Whether it's Lordaeron, the host country of the alliance, or the Stormwind Kingdom in the far south of the mainland, or the Darkspear trolls in the jungle of Stranglethorn Vale, without exception, they all started singing and dancing to celebrate.


"Is that really the case?"

After listening to Uncle Villes's recent military progress in Lordaeron, Sharlayan rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

With Kel'Thuzad and Baron Rivendell voluntarily retreating, Lordaeron, who left the main force in the country, marched forward triumphantly on the battlefield.

Except for the Stratholme region, which abandoned East Tirisfal, retreated in advance, and built various fortifications to take root, most of East Weald, which was once captured by the Scourge, has mostly recovered.

The main force of the Knights of the Silver Hand is stationed in Darrowshire, which has long been deserted, and has tried many times to attack Stratholme through the Sodoril Trail.

Unfortunately, under the command of the calm and steady Baron Rivendell, the Knights of the Silver Hand's offensive has never been able to make substantial progress.

Not long ago, Ner'zhul, the first Lich King who was ambitious but incompetent, died, and Solas took his place on the Frozen Throne.

Under the instruction of Solas, the second Lich King, Baron Rivendell formally submitted a truce agreement to Lordaeron in the name of the newborn Scourge.

Because Dalaran, who knew the inside story, was on his way back from Northrend to the Eastern Kingdom, when he received the peace letter from the Scourge, all the ministers at all levels of Lordaeron, except Queen Calia, who had expected it, were all Confused.

"Speaking of..."

Inas stared at Sharlayan meaningfully and asked: "Son, do you have any secret connection with that Queen Calia? I don't think it's surprising that she seems to have a 180-degree change in her attitude towards the Scourge. ?”


Sharlayan shrugged, and turned to look at Valeera, who was in charge of intelligence work.

Valeera took the topic knowingly and said, "Queen Calia doesn't know the whole picture of Sharlayan's plan."

"However, because I knew in advance that Alonsus Faol was resurrected as a dead soul, and secretly cooperated with Sharlayan in a big plan, the ice and snow queen's subordinates should have more or less guesses about the direction of the situation."

"As for whether there is a secret connection..."

With a half-smile, Valeera threw the topic back to Sharlayan, who wanted to throw the blame away.

"This question should be answered by Sharlayan himself. I only know that they have been "paper masters and apprentices" for several years, or...pen pals?"

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