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Chapter 1161: Calia's Dilemma

Sharlayan: "..."

[Laughing to death, Valeera is still so considerate, getting straight to the point without turning a corner, is Xiao Sa moved? 】

[Salayan: Don’t dare to move, dare not move. 】

Sharlayan: "God is kind enough to understand people's wishes, right? A group of old six, I am really convinced."

【Grass, if you have the ability, if you say this in front of Valeera and Inas, I will admit that you are a man. 】

Sharlayan sneered disdainfully in his heart: "I don't need to prove to you whether I am a man or not, as long as Valeera and the others know."

[? ? ? 】

[No, can this broken road be opened? The wheels of the car hit me in the face. 】

Sharlayan carried out the principle that silence is golden, pretending to be distracted and laning with the barrage passionately.

Inas also didn't want to embarrass her son in front of several daughter-in-laws. Seeing that he acted like he didn't want to answer this question, she simply changed the topic to other directions.

"By the way, what's going on in Northrend?"

Inas asked curiously: "Judging from Baron Rivendell's performance, Solas should have successfully seized power, right? What happened during the process?"

Sarlayan, who had been pretending to be stupid before, took the initiative to take the topic and said: "We have not directly participated in the battle of Icecrown Citadel, it was Vereesa and Kel'Thuzad who told us the news after everything was settled. "

"In one sentence, my plan went smoothly. The only doubt is the whereabouts of Alsace's soul."


Inas asked suspiciously: "What the hell did that stupid prince do?"

‘It’s okay to be silly...’

The corner of Sharlayan's mouth twitched slightly, forcing himself to ignore Inas' sharp comment.

"According to Kel'Thuzad, after Frostmourne broke, Arthas's soul should have been washed away by those dead souls who harbored deep resentment towards him, but... in fact, his soul was not Fly away."

Sharlayan was also at a loss when he first received Kel'Thuzad's contact.

After some analysis and discussion with Valeera, Onyxia and others, Sharlayan came to a conclusion with high possibility.

"According to our guess, Alsace should have been rescued when he was dying, and this person..."

Sharlayan's eyes narrowed, and a gleam of coldness flashed in his eyes: "If there is no accident, it should be the Emperor Denathrius who has been secretly paying attention to the Scourge."

Onyxia took over the topic and said: "Denaius probably didn't expect that Azeroth would be able to fight against the invasion of the Burning Legion and at the same time have the spare power to fight on two fronts, defeating the Scourge in a wave that was originally in a good situation. collapse."

"The matter has come to this point, he can only choose to stop the loss helplessly, and at the last moment, bring Alsace, a soul that is still valuable, back to the Shadow Realm, and plan ahead for the future counterattack against Azeroth."

"Hmm..." Inas and Julian looked at each other, and Julian asked a question on behalf of him: "Why didn't he choose Ner'zhul who has been working with him for many years, but chose Arthas with a broken soul?"

The corner of Onyxia's mouth curved into a sarcasm: "The reason is very simple, Ner'zhul is really useless."

"The reason why Denathius chose him initially was because this guy was easy to manipulate, and he didn't have much expectations for his abilities from the beginning."

Stellagosa took the words and said: "Even if we don't do it, Denathrius has long wanted to silence Ner'zhul who knows too many secrets and is unable to keep them."

"The dreadlord who sneaked into Icecrown Citadel went for this purpose."

Sharlayan finally made a conclusion: "Since Ner'zhul is doomed to die, there is no need for Denathrius to spend a lot of money to fish out this useless guy. It is better to change to someone who has a strong obsession with Azeroth." The soul continues pua."

"Under the conditions at that time, Alsace was undoubtedly the most suitable candidate."

"This news..." Inas frowned and asked Sharlayan, "Does Queen Calia know?"

"No." Sharlayan sighed lightly: "I haven't had time to tell her yet, let's talk about it at the Alliance celebration later."

"Calia is no longer the weak Princess of Lordaeron she was back then. After years of experience in government affairs, her will has been honed to be very tenacious. I believe she can accept this fact."


Baron Rivendell, who claimed to be the representative of the "Newborn Scourge", took the initiative to seek peace, which unexpectedly defeated Lordaeron, who was in a dilemma.

The nobles and ministers of Lordaeron had never considered that one day they would be able to sit down and negotiate with the undead, an undead creature that hated the living.

Counting from the counterattack around the Dark Portal, Lordaeron has experienced several wars one after another, and it is now at the end of its battle.

Although the logistics and supplies can barely keep up with the support of the allies, the soldiers of Lordaeron are not tireless undead.

Recently, the Knights of the Silver Hand's attacks have suffered setbacks one after another, which is inevitably due to the decline in the combat power of the soldiers under their command.

For this sake, Calia, who still maintains her composure, intends to end the war and cultivate herself with peace of mind.

However, in the view of Lordaeron's Minister of Civil and Military Affairs, the Stratholme region has not yet been taken back, and the war to restore the territory has not been fully accomplished.

If they can't take down the last bridgehead of the Scourge in the Eastern Kingdom in one go, who knows if the new Lich King will let the Scourge continue to expand once they are relieved.

Just at this time, Calia, who was still hesitating, received a letter sent to Calia by Kel'Thuzad entrusted by Alonsus Faol.

The letter explained in detail how the new Lich King Solas successfully seized power and the new concept of the Scourge.

Alonsus Faol promised Calia that the Scourge would soon be fully relocated to Draenor, leaving only the Stratholme region as their liaison base in Azeroth.

This base is mainly to facilitate the Scourge to convey the latest information from Draenor to Azeroth. The new Lich King promised in the name of Thorbane that he would never continue to expand his territory in Azeroth.

The importance of the Stratholme region to Lordaeron is self-evident. As the region closest to Quel'Thalas, Stratholme paid a large amount of taxes to Central Lordaeron every year before the fall of Stratholme.

But things have come to this, and Lordaeron, whose military strength is exhausted, is indeed unable to move. Uther has reported this problem to Calia more than once.

While other countries were busy celebrating the victory of the Battle of Seamounts, there were fierce quarrels in Lordaeron's meeting hall for several days.


With a headache, Jia Liya interrupted the two ministers who were blushing: "You two, let's call it a day."

After sorting out her emotions, Jia Liya said seriously to the nobles and ministers in the hall who had different opinions: "I plan to bring this matter to the alliance meeting for discussion."

"Facts have proved that it is difficult to regain Stratholme by Lordaeron's own strength. We need more help. I hope that the opinions of allies can bring us some enlightenment."

The main combat faction and the main peace faction exchanged glances with each other, and agreed to the queen's suggestion one after another.

After announcing the dispersal of the court, Calia returned to her bedroom and picked up the letter sent by Alonsus Faol again, with a cloudy expression on her face.

"What should I do? Abandon Stratholme to end the war, or use all the power of the whole country to take back this tax-paying region?"

With the return of the Kalimdor Expeditionary Force, Lordaeron, in theory, does have a chance to get Stratholme back if it can get the help of other allies.

But the problem is also here.

Not only Lordaeron is extremely calm, but other countries in the alliance are also exhausted and urgently need to put down the war to recuperate. Calia doesn't think they will give too much support in taking Stratholme.

"Could it be... really I can only give up? Isn't there a way to have the best of both worlds?"


A week after Sharlayan's early return, the Kul Tiras fleet led by Tandrei Proudmoore returned to the Eastern Kingdoms with a full load of Alliance soldiers. .

The Union soldiers with their heads held high entered the Royal City of Lordaeron in neat lines, and received inspections and awards from the leaders of various countries, including Calia.

Sharlayan failed to hide behind the Sun King Kael'thas as usual. As the nominal supreme commander of the Kalimdor Expeditionary Force, he could only bite the bullet and stand at the forefront of all the phalanxes.

'What public execution... let's end it sooner. '

As a pragmatist, Sharlayan has always been uninterested in such formalistic things, but on this occasion, it is impossible for him to pat his ass and leave alone. After all, he represents more than just an individual at this time.

Fortunately, the leaders of various countries also knew that their warriors were physically and mentally exhausted after many days at sea, so they didn't waste time talking too much nonsense at the celebration meeting.

As for rewards for meritorious deeds? Then it will be announced by the king himself after the respective armies return to the country.


After finally making it through to the end of the ceremony, Sharlayan breathed a sigh of relief and was about to reunite with his family when he noticed Calia's begging eyes for help.

'what's the situation? '

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