Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1163 The Quietly Beginning Change of Era

The Alliance Celebration Ceremony held in the King City of Lordaeron will last for a whole week. During this period, there will be an endless stream of tourists from all over the Alliance to watch the ceremony, which will greatly promote Lordaeron's tourism tax revenue, which can be regarded as a battle for Lordaeron. Post-reconstruction added bricks and tiles.

Sharlayan originally thought that King Jinn of Gilneas would be dissatisfied with this, but with his temper, he would probably say some gossip like "it's better to move the host venue to Kyrgyzstan".

However, unexpectedly, King Jean, who came to the meeting in person, did not make any inappropriate remarks, and behaved very flatly throughout the whole process.

"Should be planning to officially retire."

In the main venue of the celebration banquet, when Sharlayan and Kael'thas talked about this matter, the Sun King took a sip of red wine leisurely and said: "During your absence, King Jin will handle most of the government and military affairs in the country. Handed over to Prince Liam."

"The only remaining King of the Alliance at the same time as Jean was semi-retired and devoted himself to cultivating the Crown Prince Dai Lin. The lifespan of human beings is not as long as that of high elves, and it is time to consider the next generation of heirs to the throne. "

Kael'thas' analysis made Sharlayan feel a little funny, but from his point of view, it was only natural to draw such a conclusion.

According to the barrage, the old wolf king Gene Greymane was still active on the front line decades later, and even survived Varian Wrynn, who was a generation younger than him.

Sharlayan and Danmaku also conducted some analysis and discussion on this, and preliminarily speculated that it should be derived from the power of the werewolf that prolongs his natural lifespan.

In the current timeline, Sharlayan cannot be sure whether Gilneas will encounter the werewolf rebellion. After all, many things are very different from the original history known by the barrage.

As Kael'thas said, after this minor illness, Dailin Proudmoore, who had always been physically strong, had to admit that she was getting old.

Dailin's eldest son, Drake, was unfortunately killed in the Second Orc War, and his eldest daughter, Jaina, had no intention of inheriting the throne of Kul Tiras. He could only pin his hopes on his youngest son, Tandre.

In all fairness, although Dai Lin is over 50 years old, his body is still maintained very healthy.

If he continues to sit on the throne of Kul Tiras, it is conservatively estimated that he can fight for at least 10 years.

However, seeing the younger generation such as Calia, Varian, Ronin, Iserton, and Danath gradually occupying the mainstream, Dai Lin, who is getting old, intends to retreat bravely and hand over the future of Kul Tiras To Tandre who better understands the thinking of the younger generation.

Excluding Quel'Thalas, Khaz Modan, and Gnomeregan, among the young kings of the Seven Kingdoms of Humanity, Danas, who is in his early 30s, is already the oldest one. There will also be a generation gap between the multi-year-old Dai Lin and Jean.

As Prince Liam gradually took over the military and political power of Gilneas, Gene, who let go of the burden of power, became more Buddhist than before. He looked completely different from the grumpy Gene that others recognized.

"If there are no accidents, Liam will officially inherit the throne within three years at the latest, and Tandre's side should be similar."

Sharlayan nodded: "Indeed, in the battle of Kalimdor this time, with the assistance of those old subordinates of Dailin in the fleet, Tandre's performance is remarkable."

Kul Tiras did not directly participate in the final battle of Mount Hyjal. Their fleet has been dutifully patrolling the east coast of Kalimdor, using naval artillery to bombard the small demon forces along the coast to ensure that the coalition forces will not be attacked.

At the same time, a large number of new artillery provided by Kul Tiras also played an important role in the decisive battle of Mount Hyjal.

Overall, Tandre, who served as the commander of the fleet for the first time, performed very well. From the proud smile on Dai Lin's face, it can be seen how satisfied he is with his youngest son's operation.

Jaina was also with her father and younger brother at this time, praising Tandre, who was still a little unsuited to such a large social occasion, with a look of relief.

Don't look at Tandre's shyness at the banquet, but Sharlayan has personally seen his passionate attitude when commanding a naval battle. He really has a bit of Dai Lin's demeanor, and the real future can be expected.

Unknowingly, fewer and fewer kings personally participated in the founding meeting of the first-generation alliance, and Sharlayan truly realized the huge difference between the long-lived species and the short-lived species.

"Don't think so much about what you have."

Noticing the emotional expression on Sharlayan's face, Kael'thas smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

"Your future is very long, and you can probably see the day when my grandson and great-grandson succeed to the throne."

"According to what you said, the next few years will be a rare period of peace in Azeroth. Just in time, you should take this opportunity to adapt to the life attitude of the longevity species as soon as possible."

"Human lifespan is only a short hundred years, so they will try their best to live a wonderful life in the limited time."

"But we are different. If you keep yourself so tight all the time, when you have nothing to do in the future, you will lament the boredom of life even more. You should learn to enjoy life early."

"Do you enjoy life..."

Sharlayan sighed lightly: "I will try my best."

If Sharlayan can really relax, it means that there have not been any major events in Azeroth that can alarm him recently, and it has truly entered a stable and peaceful period.


The kings of various countries did not fully participate in the week-long celebration. After the banquet, they returned home to deal with post-war affairs.

Early the next morning after the banquet, Jialiya firmly persuaded the minister who insisted on continuing to attack Stratholme, and decided to withdraw the troops and retreat, so that the soldiers who had experienced battles on the front line retreated to the rear in shifts to rest.

With the orderly withdrawal of Lordaeron's army from the front line, all the fighting in the northern part of the Eastern Kingdoms has officially come to an end.

In Stranglethorn Valley in the south of the mainland, the Darkspear trolls broke through the Gurubashi clan's defense line after a wave of fierce attacks, broke through the jungle troll capital Zul'Gurub in one fell swoop, and ended the Gurubashi clan led by the sorcerer Jin'du. Clan madness.

Under the rebellion of the Bloodtop and Skullsplitting clans, Hakar, which had not yet fully descended, was re-stuffed back to the sub-plane where many loa joined forces to seal it. The leader of the Gurubashi clan—Blood Lord Mandokir was captured After being defeated head-on, Jin reluctantly raised his hand and surrendered.

It is a pity that due to the shortage of troops caused by the division of troops, Senjin failed to catch the sorcerer Jindu who escaped early.

The jungle troll civil war that lasted for many years in Stranglethorn Vale has officially come to an end, but it also left a disturbing hidden danger because of Jin Du's escape.

The Darkspear clan replaced the weakened Gurubashi clan as the new overlord clan of the jungle trolls, still based in Zul'Gurub.

As the son of Sen'jin, Vol'jin's status has naturally risen.

After Vol'jin and Sen'jin take care of the post-war affairs of the Echo Islands and Stranglethorn Vale respectively, Sharlayan will ask Kul Tiras to cooperate with Vol'jin to play a bitter trick, forcing his ship to stop at The shores of Zandalar Island.

After returning to Silvermoon City with Kael'thas, Sharlayan could not start his vacation life yet, and the Sun King had to reward the high elves who had participated in the Kalimdor expedition for their merits.

The Burning Legion is one of the greatest enemies facing Azeroth. As a descendant of the Highborne who participated in the War of the Ancients, Quel'Thalas attaches great importance to the great contribution of killing Archimonde the Polluter.

High-ranking military officers who participated in the Battle of Mount Hyjal, including Sylvanas, Lor'themar, Alleria, Halduron, and Liadrin, all received generous rewards from the cabinet and the Sun King without exception. reward.

In addition, Vereesa, who participated in the beheading of the Lich King in Northrend, has not been forgotten.

The first is Sylvanas. As the heir of the Windrunner family, she will sooner or later inherit the duke title from Li Reza.

As the legion commander of the ranger troop, on the premise that Cirvanas herself made it clear that she didn't want to enter the center so early, it would be very difficult for her to continue to be promoted.

After some weighing, Kael'thas gave Sylvanas the artifact longbow in the royal treasury - Thoridar Stars Fury, and increased the fief area of ​​the Windrunner family.

Alleria voluntarily gave up her family inheritance rights many years ago. She was awarded the title of Viscount by the Sun King for her outstanding performance in the Battle of Seamount, and Vereesa was granted the title of Baron.

However, considering the issue of power balance and land annexation, both Alleria and Vereesa only have titles and no fiefdoms.

Officers such as Liadrin, Halduron, and Lor'themar also received rewards according to their wishes. Some chose knighthoods, while others chose weapons and armor or official promotions.

Under the suggestion of Sharlayan, according to the performance on the battlefield, the soldiers of the major legions were awarded different levels of military medals.

After the rewards for the officers and soldiers were over, the real highlight came.

On the square in front of the Sunstrider King's Court, Kael'thas announced the reward to Sharlayan Lord Deep Shadow in a passionate tone.

"As the supreme commander of the expeditionary force, the Duke of Deep Shadow formulated and participated in the plan to ambush the polluter Archimonde, and made unparalleled contributions to defeating the invasion of the Burning Legion!"

"Here! In the name of the Sun King of Quel'Thalas, I promote Sharlayan Deep Shadow to be the Grand Duke of the Kingdom! Hereditary!"

"People of Quel'Thalas! Cheer for the first Grand Duke born after the Founding War!"

Kael'thas shouted in a very provocative tone: "No matter what kind of background you are in, Quel'Thalas will not treat anyone who has contributed to the kingdom badly!"

"I hope! In the future, there will be more people conferring wives and sons like Grand Duke Deep Shadow! The future of Quel'Thalas will be decided by you!"

Seeing that the emotions on the scene had been fully mobilized, Kael'thas raised his right hand and took the lead in shouting: "Glory to the Quel'dorei!"

"Glory to the Quel'dorei!!"

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