Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1164 Respective Holiday Arrangements

Theoretically, Quel'Thalas now has a total of five Grand Dukes, including Sharlayan who was just promoted.

The other four are the descendants of the four nobles who assisted Dath'Remar Sunstrider in making great contributions during the founding of the country.

However, after more than 7,000 years of changing times, although the four nobles still have their foundations, the people have long lost their longing and longing for them, and the rest is only awe caused by the difference in status.

After the four nobles had fornicated the Amani trolls and were purged by the previous king Anasteria, their reputation in the kingdom had fallen to the bottom, and their influence had long since declined.

The young heroes of the four nobles, Solanlian and Calpurnia, tried their best to save the family's face. However, compared with Salayan, who has experienced meritorious service in recent years, their performance is still not impressive enough.

Moreover, in the eyes of the people of Quel'Thalas who came to watch the ceremony, Sharlayan's promotion path was open and transparent, and every time he was rewarded for his great achievements.

In contrast, because the four great nobles are inherently noble, their descendants will have a much higher starting point than Sharlayan, who was born from a minor noble.

The people of the high elves will unconsciously suspect that the reason why they can hold high positions is only because of the nepotism privately created by the great nobles.

And this happened to be what Kael'thas wanted to see.

He deliberately made Sharlayan, who was promoted rapidly due to his merits, a role model. This was to rekindle the fighting spirit of those high elves who gradually became lazy and Buddhist because of nowhere to rise, and further accelerate the progress of Quel'Thalas. development and reform process.

If there are no special circumstances, the Grand Duke is the apex of all nobles.

In some small countries where the central power is not concentrated enough, the grand duke is even eligible to build his fiefdom into an independent grand duchy, which is only nominally under the management of a higher-level kingdom.

Sarlayan didn't have the leisure to establish any grand duchy, and it was precisely because of his indifferent attitude towards the matter of holding power that the two generations of Sun Kings had a lot of trust in Sarlayan, and they were never worried that he would rebel.

After patiently cooperating with Kael'thas to finish the award and the subsequent drama of the celebration banquet, Sharlayan bid farewell to the nobles at all levels who had repeatedly saved him, and returned to the distant land with Valeera and others without hesitation. In Unicorn City, south of Eversong Woods.

Back in his own territory, Sharlayan, whose face was a little cramp with a smirk recently, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ha~ The boring social interaction is finally over."

Rubbing his slightly stiff cheeks with his hands, Sharlayan looked at the family members who were following him.

"Next, I may have to retreat for a period of time to consolidate the realm after the breakthrough."

"After all, I still have to tell Malfurion, Tyrande and the others about my insights later on. I still need to sort out the words in the manuscript first."

"What about you? What are your plans?"

With the Burning Legion retreating, and the faction of the Old Gods and the death side temporarily silent, Azeroth has indeed begun to enter a period of relative peace.

Although he has just been promoted to the title of knighthood, since he usually manages the affairs of the territory in an orderly manner, the management work in the territory of the Grand Duke of Deep Shadow does not need to be adjusted much.

As long as there are no major incidents, Sharlayan can safely assign affairs in the territory to those officials at all levels who are already skilled.

Valeera and Stellagosa, who are in charge of secretarial work, can also take a rare vacation and have a good rest.

Stellagosa was the first to speak: "Since you have come from behind and made the breakthrough first, I can't fall behind you too much."

"I plan to go back to the Magic Nexus to practice hard, and strive to cross the final threshold as soon as possible under the guidance of my grandfather and His Majesty Malygos."

Sharlayan nodded, and encouraged the little star with firm eyes: "Come on, I believe you can do it."

"Ha~" Onyxia yawned lazily, and leaned on Sharlayan without standing up, "I'm still the same, you can find me at the entertainment street in the city at any time."

Sharlayan rolled his eyes angrily: "Okay, but you should take it easy, and be careful not to be overtaken by me and Stella."

"Heh~" Onyxia smiled indifferently: "It's not that easy, even if you are all geniuses among geniuses, you still need to walk slowly step by step in the future. If you want to catch up with me It's not that easy."

"'re right."

Onyxia stretched her slender and fair neck: "Considering that many major events are bound to happen in Azeroth in the future, I will spare some time to practice every day... although I don't know how effective it will be."

According to Onyxia, a person who has experienced it, after entering the demigod realm, it is difficult to obtain immediate results just by immersing oneself in hard work. In more cases, one needs to rely on one's own epiphany to advance the progress of strength.

This is why many high-level demons in the Burning Legion are stuck in the embarrassing position of the demigod goalkeeper, especially the simple-minded abyss lords.

Before stepping into the demigod realm, Sharlayan could quickly increase his strength through self-disciplined daily training and actual combat training. It was precisely because of his unremitting efforts that he was able to catch up with Malfurion and These veteran powerhouses like Tyrande.

But that's all.

During this period of time, Sharlayan himself could vaguely feel that since the breakthrough, the effect of daily training has not been as good as before.

Since he hadn't been able to take the time to patiently comprehend the brand-new realm, Sharlayan had been standing still for so many days after his breakthrough, making almost no progress.

After finally being free, Sharlayan planned to analyze and sort out the rules of progress after becoming a demigod, paving the way in advance for Little Xingxing, Valeera and others who would step into this realm sooner or later.

Valeera habitually flicked a small throwing knife on her finger: "Uncle Weiles...or His Majesty Kael'thas gave me a long vacation."

"Just in time, I also plan to take this opportunity to retreat and practice hard, to see if I can make a second breakthrough before Stella."

"Oh?" Little Xingxing, who has always been mild-tempered, had a rare feeling of being competitive. She looked at Valeera with great interest and said provocatively: "Then let's compete, and the winner will get a month to replace the opponent." Eligibility for 'roster'."

Valeera agreed without showing any weakness: "Okay, it's a deal."

"Ah..." Sharlayan complained a little speechlessly: "What's wrong with you betting, you have to bet on this?"

The high-spirited Valeera and Stella Gosa said in unison: "It is this kind of lottery that can better arouse the desire to win, so don't worry about it."

Sharlayan shrugged helplessly: "Yes, yes, it is up to you."

"Where are Jaina and Tiny Tina?"

"Me~" Jaina shook her head with a wry smile: "I'm not as idle as you guys, Ronin has not yet secured his position as the chairman of the Kirin Tor, I want to take advantage of this peaceful time to go back and help him, just in time It will also strengthen my own position as an MP."

Jaina has only just broken through to become an archmage, and she is still a long way from the threshold of a demigod. She doesn't need to rush to retreat and practice hard.

Previously, due to the invasion of the Burning Legion and the threat of the Scourge, the Kirin Tor council temporarily put aside its internal strife and agreed with the outside world.

With the arrival of a peaceful time, Dalaran, which is no longer threatened by the outside world, will inevitably restart its internal struggle, and Modera is likely to make moves against Ronin, whose position is not yet stable.

"Okay." Sharlayan rubbed Jaina's head: "If you need help, please contact us at any time. With my current influence, Modera will be more or less afraid."

Jaina squinted her blue eyes like she did when she was a child, enjoying this moment of intimacy with a smile.

"I know~ I won't be polite when I need to use off-site support."

Tina Gosa looked left and right for a while hesitantly before making a decision: "Since you all have your own private affairs to be busy, I will go to Dalaran with Jaina for a while. I can help her."

"Then it's settled."

Sharlayan patted Tina on the head encouragingly: "Let's start with a period of two months. If there are no special circumstances, everyone will return home to report their latest progress after two months."

"After everyone's personal affairs are over, let's find a tourist attraction to relax. In Kael'thas' words... we must learn to let go of anxiety and enjoy life?"

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