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Chapter 1165 Dragon Gene Three Misses Two

If the nobles of Quel'Thalas, who are accustomed to a small feast every 3 days and a big feast every 5 days, know about Sharlayan's so-called "holiday arrangements", they should be heartbroken and shout "Don't roll! Leave us a way out Bar!"

Other people's vacations are purely literal, putting aside all official business and having fun.

The vacation of the Sharlayan family... looks a bit strange to outsiders, and only Onyxia is more free.

After seeing off Valeera and the others who went their separate ways, Salayan bid farewell to Onyxia who rolled up her sleeves and planned to rush into the entertainment street.

He didn't rush to retreat on the spot, but first found his mother, Inas, whose father got up to wash up after the "domestic violence".

Regarding the reason why he was unable to advance to the form of a giant dragon, Sharlayan had already guessed in his heart, probably, as Malygos said, it was related to the mixed five-color dragon genes in his body.

"Huh? Breakthrough to become a demigod but unable to become a dragon?"

Inas scratched her head in doubt: "What else is there?"

"You wait first, go to the laboratory with me after breakfast, let me check it out."

Leaving Julian at home to recuperate because of back pain, the radiant Inas ate something hastily and then happily dragged Sarayan to her private laboratory on the edge of the city.

The reason why it was built in such a remote place is mainly to avoid accidents in the experiment from affecting the surrounding residents.

Inas's main research direction is biological genetic engineering, and she occasionally transforms some strange creatures through genetic adjustment.

Most of them are just genetically hybrid critters created on a whim, but there are also some aggressive hybrid beasts.

For example, recently, Inas planned to mate a male lion and a tigress, extract the advantages of the two bloodlines through genetic adjustments, and create a cat king with stronger fighting power.

However, these studies are just a pastime for Inas to change her mind in her spare time. Her main responsibility is still to break the fertility gene lock that restricts the longevity of dragons and elves.

Since no phased breakthrough has been made in positive research, Inas plans to use in vitro artificial insemination to increase the probability of insemination in a disguised form.

However, this laboratory-specific method is only a temporary solution, not the root cause. Considering the number of genetic engineering practitioners in Quel'Thalas, it is impossible to popularize it on a large scale in a short period of time.

By the way, while Sarlayan was busy traveling around the world, Inas had already successfully bred the first test-tube baby through in vitro fertilization...or, in other words, a test-tube dragon egg.

After several months of meticulous cultivation, when Sharlayan saw this important reference dragon egg, its size was indistinguishable from ordinary dragon eggs, and it was currently soaking in the nutrient solution in the cultivation tank .


Inas, who was wearing a white coat, tapped the wall of the tank with her fingers triumphantly: "This little guy has grown up very healthy."

"Normally, it takes several years for a baby dragon hatchling in a dragon egg to hatch."

"With the help of professional equipment in the laboratory, this dragon egg will be able to crack its shell no later than the middle of next year."

Sarlayan didn't care about this: "You also said that it needs professional experimental equipment to assist, and it is impossible to mass-produce it quickly?"

Inas shrugged helplessly: "That's true. Even if we can mass-produce equipment, we still don't have enough professionals to carry out various delicate operations. The popularization of genetic engineering still has a long way to go."

"Forget it, let's not talk about these troublesome things."

Inas beckoned for Sharlayan to follow: "Come here, draw a tube of blood, let me see how your kid's five-color dragon gene is activated."


The result of the inspection did not exceed the expectations of Inas and Sharlayan.

The originally dominant red dragon and green dragon gene sequence groups have already been automatically activated, and the blue dragon's genes have also entered into activation under the intensification of the focusing rainbow manipulated by Malygos.

"I probably understand."

Inas touched her chin thoughtfully: "It is indeed a side effect of my greed back then."

"The bronze dragon and black dragon factors in your body are still in a dormant state, which leads to... how should I put it, your dragon gene sequence is incomplete, so you can't really transform into a giant dragon."

"Hmm..." Sharlayan touched the corner of his eyebrows with some headaches: "That is to say, I have to find a way to activate the invisible genes of the bronze dragon and the black dragon?"


Inas pointed to the space package at Sharlayan's waist: "You mentioned it before, the bronze dragon prince Anachronos thanked you for rescuing his friend Merlinsera and Ahn'Qiraj from the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj Reggos and Kerestrasz, gave you a fragment of Time Sands?"

Sharlayan nodded: "It's true, but I haven't found the usage of this thing."

Inas rolled her eyes angrily, and unceremoniously raised her hand to pat him on the head: "Nonsense! Isn't this a matter of course!"

"Shards of time sand can only be perfectly used by bronze dragons... or people with the blood of bronze dragons."

"For others, this thing is a one-time amulet. When your life is in danger, it will automatically activate and temporarily slow down the flow of time per unit area."

"Exactly, didn't you help Nozdormu kill the Eternal Dragon King before?"

Sharlayan spread his hands with a wry smile: "To be precise, I helped Nozdormu complete the layout he had designed. I am just a pawn."

Inas waved her hand and continued, "No matter what, Nozdormu owes you a favor."

"According to his behavior style, you only need to pass one more test before you can ask him to take action, and use the time sand fragments to help you activate the bronze dragon gene in your body."

"As for the black dragon..."

Speaking of this, Inas also had a headache: "Thanks to Onyxia for providing the information, we at least know that the Seed of the Shadow Flame is in the hands of Nefarian."

"However, since the Black Dragon King Neltharion has long surrendered to the enemy, even if you can get it from Nefarian, it is not so easy to activate the black dragon gene in your body."

Sharlayan asked in confusion: "Can Oni and Ebyssian join forces? What about Sinestra and Nefarian?"

Inas shook her head and explained: "It's not about quantity, but about quality."

"Activating the dragon blood in your body requires the power of the dragon guardian, which is unique to the dragon king. This is the most critical factor for becoming a perfect and colorful dragon."

Inas's eyes sparkled with curiosity: "If there is a chance, I really want to refer to the experimental data of that boy Nefarian, and see how he created colorful dragons through other methods...even if it is still only a semi-finished product. "


Sharlayan rubbed his chin thoughtfully: "There will be a chance, he can't always obey Deathwing's orders."

"Deathwing wants Nefarian to give up the colorful dragon experiment that has never been fruitful, and instead study a new type of mutant dragon called the Twilight Dragon. This order is completely contrary to Nefarian's plan."

Inas nodded knowingly: "The time is not yet ripe, but Deathwing will not tolerate Nefarian's delay in disobedience."

"When they gradually confront each other due to differences in ideas, you can take the opportunity to throw an olive branch to Nefarian and find a way to get the Seed of the Shadowflame from him."

"But the problem came back again."

Inas poked her son's forehead with her finger: "I know your brain is very good and you have a lot of connections. Do you have a way to bypass Deathwing and activate the Shadow Flame Seed?"


Sharlayan lowered his head and pondered for a moment: "For the time being, there is an alternative plan that I don't know if it will work, but I still need to improve the details before I want to implement it."

"Oh?" Inas asked with great interest: "Briefly speaking, who do you plan to ask for help?"

Sharlayan shrugged his shoulders and gave a name: "Actually, you should have heard of Mother, the guardian of the earth who has been missing for tens of thousands of years—Azadas."

"Before, I had been persuading Azadas to wait patiently for reasons such as being surrounded by foreign enemies, constant internal troubles, and insufficient troops."

"Now that the invasion of the Burning Legion has been defeated, the ancient gods and Denathrius have temporarily died down, and the army of Titan creations piled up in Wintergrasp will soon be unable to hide."

"The time to counterattack Ulduar is gradually ripe. If you still want to ask Azadas, who is eager to try, to help him, I am afraid that you must first help him solve the biggest worry of the Titan Guardians-the great traitor Loken and the Thousand Throats. Moyogg-Saron."

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