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Chapter 1166 Demigod? False god?

The piled up things still need to be done one by one.

There was no movement on Nefarian's side for the time being. Don't look at Onyxia having a good time recently, in fact, she has been watching Nefarian's movements, and if there is any trouble, she will immediately tell her bedside person.

Since the Seed of the Shadowflame hadn't been obtained yet, Sharlayan was not in a hurry to find Azadas, and would only be urged to beat Ulduar if he went there now.

Azeroth has ushered in a rare peaceful time, and Sharlayan does not want to start a war again so soon, at least he wants to give a holiday to the nerves that have been tense for many years.

In contrast, Nozdormu still has a favor, so it should be easier to talk to.

However, according to his mother Inas, Nozdormu would probably arrange a test for Sharlayan, but he didn't know the specific content.

[I have a bold idea. 】

【oh? tell me the story. 】

[I remember that Brox, Krasus, and Ronin seemed to be thrown by Nozdormu 10,000 years ago after the Battle of Seamount, right? 】

【Ah, now that you say it like this, it seems to be the case. Could it be...】

[Don't jump to conclusions so quickly. 】

[Indeed, if Nozdormu wants Sharlayan to learn how to manipulate the power of time by himself, his test is likely to be related to the timeline travel. 】

[However, there are so many branch timelines in Azeroth, who stipulated that Sharlayan must be involved in the War of the Ancients? The trio that Nozdormu picked would be enough to fix the War of the Ancients' time warp. 】

[That's right, I'm curious about when Xiao Sa will be thrown away. 】

‘Shuttle timeline? '

After reading the heated discussions on the barrage, Sarlayan believed that their analysis was indeed reasonable.

But at least for now, he wasn't ready to go to Nozdormu to take the test.

Before setting off, Sharlayan still needed to consolidate the realm he had just broken through and figure out the mechanism of demigod's strength improvement. He didn't want to stand still like Azgallo and be a goalkeeper.

Inas' inspection and analysis resolved part of the doubts that plagued Sharlayan, and she will continue to work hard to break the fertility gene lock.

It just so happens that there won't be any major events happening in Azeroth recently, and Inas can take this opportunity to concentrate all her energy on tackling key problems.

... which is also good news for Julian.

Although Julian had received the blessing of life from Inas many years ago, his life essence was still not beyond the scope of mortals, and his physical fitness could not be compared with that of an adult dragon like Inas.

If Inas is "domestically abused" 365 days a year... In the words of barrage, the iron pestle will be ground into a needle sooner or later.

When Sarlayan returned to the lord's mansion, Julian was sitting leisurely on a deck chair in the back garden basking in the sun.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Salayan always felt that his father looked at him with a bit of envy in his eyes.

'What the hell...'

[Grass, this look of being drained and having nothing to love is too pitiful. 】

[Xiao Sa, do you have a way to strengthen Julian's physical fitness? 】

Sharlayan shook his head helplessly: "I can't help, this kind of problem involving the nature of life is beyond my ability to solve, unless Dad can break through and become a demigod, otherwise... this situation may continue for many years."

Julian, who is over 1,000 years old, has already passed the fastest-growing puberty. Although his potential has not been exhausted, he will never break through and become a demigod like Salayan, Valeera, and Stellagosa. These young people are just as easy.

Julian's current level is 58, and there is still a long way to go before reaching the peak of mortals, so he can only slowly improve through water grinding.

Sharlayan roughly estimated that in at least 20 years, his father is unlikely to touch that threshold, let alone break through the barrier that has stuck countless mortal heroes.

Although he felt a little bit of what happened to his poor father, Salayan, who was also from the past, couldn't make irresponsible remarks about their married life.

"Do not worry."

Before going upstairs to retreat, Salayan gave Julian a reassurance.

"My mother said that she will go all out to advance the progress of the experiment recently, and she may only come back once or twice a month. During this time, you should take good care of your body, and don't look like you have kidney deficiency at a young age."

Julian complained angrily: "I'm not so low as to ask you to care about me, you should find a way to deal with those juice girls in your family first."


When mentioning this question, Sharlayan raised the corners of his mouth proudly: "Don't confuse me with you, you should know better than anyone else the dragon's physical fitness."

Julian's face turned dark when he humiliated himself, and Salayan waved goodbye to his father jokingly.

"Father, you should ask for more blessings for yourself. I'm going to retreat, so you should take advantage of the time when your mother is busy with other things."

Seeing Sharlayan slowly walk up to the second floor, Julian smiled helplessly: "Smelly brat, he is not as simple and cute as before."


Perhaps because of the unique three views of the longevity species, the high elves with a long lifespan are more likely to have five generations under one roof.

This situation makes the high elves of different generations less cautious when getting along with each other than the ephemeral species who value human relations and seniority. It is also normal for the great-grandfather and great-grandson to joke with each other without any psychological burden in the daily life of the high elves.

Growing up in Quel'Thalas, Sharlayan was more or less influenced by his growing environment. The way he got along with Julian was not so much a father and son, but a friend with a big age difference.

The strange thing is that Salayan behaved more serious when facing his uncle Welles, which was more in line with the attitude of younger generations when they met their elders. At one time, Julian wondered if there was something wrong with his education policy.

The lord's mansion built in Unicorn City is essentially the home of Sharlayan's generation, and Inas and Julian didn't stay here all the time.

Unless Sharlayan took the initiative to invite parents to help with the affairs of the territory, in most cases they would return to live in Deep Shadow Manor on the banks of Lake Arendall.

Sarlayan's lord suite is located on the second floor of the mansion, and the bedrooms of Valeera, Stellagosa and others are also placed in the suite.

In addition, Sharlayan also prepared several quiet rooms for meditation in the suite, initially for spellcasters such as Jaina, Stellagosa, and Tinagosa.

After experiencing the Battle of Mount Hyjal (also known as the Three Wars), Valeera's thief level has also reached level 60, which is the peak of mortals, and she is stuck on the final threshold before breaking through. The reason for the challenge.

Stellagosa has left Quel'Thalas and returned to the Nexus to seek the guidance of her elders. As blue dragons, the rich experience of Malygos and Senegos should give her a lot of inspiration.

And Valeera is mortal, just like Malfurion and Tyrande.

Without the experience and guidance given by mortal demigods like Sharlayan and Queen Azshara who relied on their own strength to break through the limit, Valeera would probably be stuck at the last hurdle just like Malfurion and his wife.

Therefore, Sharlayan did not intend to retreat and meditate alone.

When he told Valeera his insights, it was also a process of gaining insight, reviewing the past and learning the new, and he could better sort out the messy and disordered thoughts after the breakthrough.

After transcending and becoming a demigod, Sharlayan no longer needs to eat or sleep in theory, but he still maintains the habit of being a mortal. Every day, he and Valeera will enjoy the food brought by the servants on time every day, and they will hug each other at night And sleep.

It was a rare opportunity to be alone with Sharlayan without being disturbed by anyone, and Valeera cherished this time of cultivation very much.

When Valeera was eagerly absorbing the breakthrough experience that Sarlayan told, Sarlayan was also sorting out the key points bit by bit.

Through an in-depth examination of his body and soul, Sharlayan gradually discovered a problem.

The so-called demigods, more accurately described, should be called false gods.

Even though he is still only a demigod goalkeeper, Sharlayan's body has undoubtedly entered the realm of the gods, and his comprehensive qualities such as strength, speed, endurance and strength have completely surpassed the limit that mortals can achieve.

However, in comparison, Sharlayan's soul was still awkwardly stuck in front of the gate of God's Domain. This was the biggest difference between demigods and true gods.

Looking at the three-color light shining in his hands with empty eyes, Sharlayan murmured thoughtfully: "So, if you want to be promoted from a false god to a true god, the most important thing is to understand the rules...or power , to further sublimate your own soul."

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