Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1168 Inertial thinking kills people

Sharlayan would occasionally habitually use the level data marked by the system to judge everyone's strength.

Affected by him, Onyxia, Valeera and the others have gradually adapted to this method, which is easier to quantify and understand.

Onyxia was forced to work under Deathwing for a long time and knew her crazy father well.

According to her estimation, after receiving the infusion of N'Zoth's shadow power, Deathwing's level should be around 67-68, which is higher than the 66 levels of the other four dragon kings.

If the Four Dragon Kings headed by Alexstrasza still have the possibility to make up for the shortcomings, Deathwing, who has once again received the injection of external power, will never be able to discover his own potential in this life.

Wanting to continue to improve his strength, Deathwing can only drink poison to quench his thirst and constantly seek the blessing of external power. This way of going evil is doomed that he will never be able to sublimate his soul and become a true god.

Onyxia is different from Stellagosa in that she entered the gate of the extraordinary through the most traditional coming-of-age ceremony of the Dragon Clan, and because of this, she lacks the feeling of self-breakthrough.

When she first stepped into the threshold of a demigod, Onyxia was still dazed and unconscious.

With the further development of the natural power of the black dragon family, Onyxia gradually touched an invisible barrier that restricted her continued progress.

In the words of the barrage, her situation is that the foundation is not firmly established, and the more she climbs, the more likely there are problems, which eventually lead to stagnation.

Not only Onyxia, Sharlayan's mother Inas also touched the wall of sighs.

However, Inas herself didn't care much about this. After all, her job was not to be a soldier in the front line, but a researcher sitting in the rear.

Since Inas's level reached level 65, thousands of years have passed, her strength has barely increased, and she has been spinning in circles.

Onyxia also discussed this issue with Inas before, and they both came to the same conclusion.

This is the inevitable sequelae of a giant dragon who was forcibly elevated to the demigod realm with rituals when he was an adult.

As the most powerful person among Sharlayan's partners at this stage, Onyxia did not want to remain stagnant in order to protect the hard-won family members around her, but she still failed to find an effective means to break through the barrier.

That's why Onyxia showed a helpless expression when she promised Sharlayan to keep practicing.

It's not that she really has no self-motivation at all. Under the premise that she can see the end at a glance, the Black Dragon Princess really lacks motivation.


Sharlayan frowned and pondered for a while: "You... even all dragons are in the same situation. For example, it's like building a high-rise building. If the foundation is not solid, the higher the building, the greater the risk."

"The reason why you can't continue to go up after reaching level 65 is the fundamental reason."

"If you want to solve this kind of problem, you can only think of a way to go back and re-tighten the vain foundation."

"Tamp the foundation..."

Onyxia asked with a headache: "Do you have any specific suggestions?"

Sharlayan spread his hands helplessly: "I'm just a new dragon who hasn't fully formed yet. When it comes to understanding the physical condition of dragons, do you think I know better than you?"

"Ah this..."

Onyxia showed a wry smile on her face: "How about I go to Wyrmrest Temple and ask Alexstrasza?"

"You can try it, but don't expect too much."

Sharlayan sighed and said, "If the dragon kings can solve this problem, they won't be stuck at level 66 for tens of thousands of years."


Onyxia tapped her forehead in distress: "Okay, I'll figure out a solution myself first."

Watching Onyxia leave the quiet room in despair, Valeera asked a little unbearably: "Is there really nothing I can do?"

Sharlayan shook his head: "The root of the problem lies there, how to solve the least I am still at a loss."

Going all over again to lay a solid foundation sounds simple, but the saying that overwhelmed water is hard to recover is not just a saying. If something is missed, it is missed. It is hard to go back and make up for it.

Netizens on the bullet screen made a metaphor. This is like asking a college student who has studied calculus to go back and solve the Olympiad problems in high school. He will always subconsciously use the mathematical formulas he learned in college to solve the problems.

For the teachers who graded the papers, this approach is obviously beyond the outline, and it is not the result they want to see.

The marking teacher for the Mathematical Olympiad may be humane and accommodating, but the "marking teacher" who is stuck in the dragon's continued progress is not so gentle.

Just like solving a math problem, if you know it, you will, if you don’t, you won’t. There is no third possibility.

Onyxia's current problem is here. She will habitually use the understanding of extraordinary creatures to solve some puzzles that should be solved through self-awareness in the mortal stage.

This caused her to lack the important insights she had during her normal breakthrough, which seriously affected her subsequent progress.

Onyxia always feels that there is a missing piece of the puzzle when she further realizes her power, and it is difficult to reverse her thinking to find this piece of the puzzle, because her problem-solving thinking has long been used to it.

Through the auxiliary analysis of the barrage, Sarlayan got the answer to the question, but he couldn't figure out how to solve it for a while.

Valeera tried to ask: "Can you use the power of the bronze dragon to reverse their state back to before the breakthrough?"

Sharlayan shook his head: "This can't solve the fundamental problem. Even if the physical state returns to the mortal stage, due to the uniqueness of the soul, their inertial thinking will still not change in any way."


Valeera spread her hands with a wry smile: "Then I don't know what to do."

Sharlayan rubbed his chin thoughtfully: "I'm wondering if there is a possibility that when the bronze dragon uses the power of time to regress its physical state, temporarily seal some of their memories through some special means."


The dragon's "blocking" problem is not a priority for Sharlayan at present. After more than a month of retreat and meditation, he finally sorted out how to continue to progress after becoming a demigod.

At the same time, Sarlayan's breakthrough insights also helped Valeera a lot.

The two months of making appointments with the family members were fleeting, and as expected, neither Valeera nor Stellagosa could successfully break through the bottleneck within these two months.

However, their period of retreat has been quite fruitful, and they have already touched the threshold of breakthrough.

If there is no accident, at the latest this year... that is, at the end of the 17th year of the Black Gate, they will be able to step into the demigod realm following Sharlayan.

The reason why the date and time are set in two months is mainly to accept the development achievements of the newly born Scourge in Draenor during this period.

As Sharlayan expected, with the defeat of the Burning Legion, Azeroth entered a period of long-lost peace.

For two full months, neither Kalimdor nor the Eastern Kingdoms had any major events that would disturb Sarlayan, and all countries were concentrating on dealing with domestic issues after the war.

The only thing worth mentioning is the Scourge Corps who moved their entire clan.

Under the order of the new Lich King Solas, the undead did not hesitate to abandon Icecrown Glacier, the base camp with a large number of back doors.

The mighty undead army submerges from the southern coast into the extremely cold sea water of the Arctic through the Howling Fjord.

Solas did not want to disturb other countries and races during this period of peaceful development.

The Scourge detoured from underwater to the east coast of the Eastern Kingdom, marched all the way under the sea, and finally landed on the east coast of the cursed land.

Under the watchful eyes of the Alliance defenders of Fort Watch, the Scourge led by the Lich King entered the Dark Portal one after another.

Since then, the Union soldiers stationed at Keepwatch have never seen these undead again.

Although it's called a vacation, Sharlayan still couldn't let go of his work completely. He planned to make the first stop of his vacation in Draenor, "by the way" to see the development progress of Illidan and Solas.

After the Battle of Mount Hyjal, Sharlayan's reputation within the Alliance was no longer what it used to be.

Knowing that Grand Duke Deep Shadow had traveled thousands of miles to the cursed land where birds don't shit, the Alliance officers stationed at Fort Watch immediately rushed over to greet him.

Sharlayan repeatedly stated that he was only on vacation, and most of these officers from the neighboring Kingdom of Stormwind returned to their posts dubiously.

After coming to Draenor through the portal of darkness, Tinagosa wrinkled her little nose unconsciously.

"What a strong smell of evil energy! Can people really live in this ghostly place?"


Sharlayan smiled and rubbed Tina's head: "Most mortal races cannot survive in such a harsh environment, but for demons and undead, the environment is not important at all."

"Put this aside for now, let's see."

Sharlayan raised his finger to the ruins of Hellfire Citadel at the end of the Glory Road. A group of red-skinned orcs were looking at the Dark Portal, dancing and shouting.

"We were discovered by evil orcs."

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