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Chapter 1169 High Purity Shadow Power

In Sharlayan's standards, fel orcs refer to the red-skinned orcs who have been completely corrupted by the blood of demons, which is the breed that now occupies the ruins of Hellfire Citadel.

Orcs who drink the blood of demons for the first time, their original brown skin will be polluted by fel energy and turn dark green.

Although the orcs in this state will continue to be affected by the activation of the demon's blood and become more brutal and bloodthirsty, they can still control their behavior to a certain extent.

If he drank too much demon blood again, he would evolve into this red-skinned evil orc.

The evil orcs are different from the green-skinned orcs who are still rational. Although they still have the language function, they are basically completely controlled by the instinct of the body.

When covering the retreat of the Alliance Expeditionary Force to Azeroth, Sharlayan had met these evil orcs face to face.

At that time, the evil orcs didn't have any sense at all. As long as they entered a certain range of Hellfire Fortress, they would attack all creatures indiscriminately.

Back to the present, these evil orcs who should have no self-awareness are actually communicating with each other, which somewhat surprised Sharlayan.

"That guy Illidan, what method did he use to subdue these evil orcs?"

Everything happened for a reason.

The ghostly place of Hellfire Peninsula is simply not suitable for any normal race to survive.

After the Mag'har orcs assisted the Alliance Expeditionary Force to capture the Dark Portal, they established a guard post directly opposite the Fort of Honor, and Fort Watch also sent some soldiers to take over the Fort of Honor.

In order to reduce the logistical pressure, the two guard posts only kept a minimum of manpower to monitor the movement of the Dark Portal.

Their mission is to prevent the demons from using the Dark Portal again as a tool to invade Azeroth, and to monitor the remnants of the demonic army on the throne of Kil'jaeden in the north.

With the people left by the Alliance and the Mag'har orcs, it is obviously impossible to capture Hellfire Fortress, let alone transform the evil orcs.

Sharlayan transformed into a storm crow and ascended to the sky, and scanned the distribution of forces on the Hellfire Peninsula with the eagle eye technique with a wider field of vision.

Except for a few sentry posts, almost no moving objects can be seen in Hellfire Peninsula.

There are no undead, and there are no demons under Illidan. The main force staying here is the evil orcs of Hellfire Citadel.


After becoming a demigod, Sharlayan's special version of Hawkeye gained some brand new functions. When he opened it, he could vaguely see the flow of energy.

In the entire Hellfire Peninsula, there are two places where energy is most concentrated.

One is the Throne of Kil'jaeden in the northernmost part of the peninsula, and the other is Hellfire Citadel in the center of the region.

Strictly speaking, a man-made crypt beneath Hellfire Citadel.


After returning to the ground, Sharlayan said to Valeera and the others with great interest: "Illidan's movements are quite fast. If my guess is correct, he has already defeated the Burning Legion and stayed in Draenor to guard General Magtheridon."

"These evil orcs who regained their sanity are probably related to Magtheridon. I don't know what modification Illidan has made to the blood of this abyss lord, so that the crazy evil orcs can obey his orders."

Magtheridon is one of the elite members of the Annihelan clan. When the Burning Legion led by Kazak was completely defeated in Draenor, Magtheridon was still as stable as a mountain in the Dark Temple... which was once Kara Temple of Waves.

If Illidan wants to transform Draenor into his base camp, he must first remove Magtheridon, the roadblock.

Magtheridon is not a demigod goalkeeper like Azgalor. As the No. 2 member of the Annihilan family after Mannoroth, Illidan, who has just become a demigod, wants to defeat him one-on-one. possible.

In the original history, it was with the assistance of Kael'thas, Vashj and Akama that Illidan defeated Magtheridon with difficulty and became the new king of Outland.

In this timeline, Vashj did follow the instructions of Queen Azshara to work under Illidan, and there is a high probability that Akama would assist Illidan in killing Magtheridon, but it was obviously impossible for Kael'thas to follow. He came to Draenor with him.

The people who replaced Kael'thas were even more important. They were the Lich King Thoras Trollbane, who was blessed with the Helm of Dominion, and Faol and Kel'Thuzad who followed him to Draenor.

It is not surprising that Illidan can defeat Magtheridon, after all, the abyss lord... knows everything.

Due to their racial talent, their combat effectiveness is indeed strong, but most of them are not very smart, and they can be fooled around with a little trickery.

With enough combat power at his side to assist, it was only a matter of time before Illidan defeated Magtheridon.

Sharlayan was even more curious about his transformation of the evil orcs. He didn't believe that Illidan conquered the brainless evil orcs entirely by relying on his so-called charisma.

Just when the evil orcs in Hellfire Citadel discovered the traces of Sharlayan and his party, the soldiers of Mag'har Watchpost and Honor Hold also noticed the change of the Dark Portal successively.

And then... the scouting troops sent by the three parties to scout the situation, as expected, a scuffle broke out on the wasteland of Hellfire Peninsula.

In terms of dealing with the evil orcs, the Mag'har orcs and the Alliance stand on the same side. The previous battle where the two sides cooperated to repel the Burning Legion allowed them to reach an agreement in many fields, including suppressing the evil orcs and demons.

Due to the shortage of manpower, the combined scout troop of the Alliance and the Mag'har Orcs could barely compete with the Evil Orcs who were in excellent physical condition.

Sharlayan didn't want the alliance to lose troops because of his relationship, so after ordering Onyxia to return to its original form, the huge black dragon rose into the sky, immediately attracting the attention of the three warring parties.


Onyxia, who swooped down, forced the ferocious evil orcs back with a breath, and grabbed a "lucky" evil orc, ignoring the dumbfounded three-party army, once again raised the height and walked away.

But before leaving, Stellagosa sent a small note explaining their purpose to the alliance guard.


Valeera used the hook lock to pull the Onyxia clawed dragon's evil orc onto her back. Salayan looked at the red-skinned orc trapped by the chain with great interest.

"Jianna, Stella, leave it to you, analyze the energy composition in his body."

Jaina: "No problem."

Stellagosa: "Life or death?"

Sharlayan said indifferently: "It doesn't matter whether you live or die, as long as you can draw a conclusion."


When Onyxia flew over the Zangarmarsh next to the Hellfire Peninsula, the evil orcs who were still alive and kicking orc swearing were already dead.

According to the analysis results of Jaina and Stellagosa, the evil orcs have extremely high concentrations of evil energy flowing in their bodies.

It stands to reason that these high concentrations of evil energy would have destroyed their thinking modules, but in fact, today's evil orcs have a certain degree of self-awareness.

The weak alien energy that Stellagosa extracted from the evil orcs was the key to keeping them sane.

"This kind of power..." Sharlayan looked at the dark energy in Stellagosa's hand thoughtfully: "If I'm not mistaken, it's the power of shadow, right?"

Onyxia interrupted suddenly and said, "It is indeed the power of shadow, and it is pure shadow power that has not been polluted by the ancient gods."

"Hmm..." Sharlayan lowered his head and pondered for a moment: "I probably understand what's going on."

The bewildered Tinagosa asked curiously: "Don't be a riddle, tell me the answer quickly."

Sharlayan smiled and patted the little guy's head: "It's actually very simple. It still uses the method of energy coordination, which is exactly the same as Arcandor's principle."

"It's just that I didn't expect that the power of shadow can also be used to suppress evil energy. I thought that these two strong personalities would be incompatible when they met."

Onyxia added: "If the shadow power in this evil orc comes from the ancient gods, the situation you mentioned will definitely happen."

"The problem lies in the purity of the power of shadow. It is difficult even for me to prepare a large amount of this kind of high-purity shadow power without void pollution. I suspect that Illidan did not research this stuff himself."

Sharlayan nodded noncommittally: "I'll ask you about the specific situation after seeing him. Oni, turn to the north. Let's go to Coil Ya Reservoir to talk to Vaschi first."

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