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Chapter 1170 The Lost Farren

Due to the intervention of Sharlayan, Draenor has not been broken into the fragments of Outland like the original history, and the entire planet still maintains a complete structure.

However, the deep erosion of evil energy is still slowly distorting the environment of this world. According to Khadgar's analysis and speculation, if there is no external force to intervene, Draenor will completely evolve into a restricted area of ​​life within 500 years at most.

Now all the countries in Azeroth are still busy with post-war reconstruction, and they can't find time for the time being.

When this busy period is over, Sharlayan plans to take the opportunity of going to Kalimdor to meet with Malfurion, and ask the Cenarion Council to send druids to Draenor to gradually improve the situation that has been tortured by evil energy for a long time. environment of the planet.

Of course, the high elves who also have druids will not stand idly by. Sharlayan also intends to persuade the thorn whisperers of Kul Tiras, the tauren druids, and even those who have not yet written a word in Zandarad Ruy offered a helping hand.

The druid origins of the Zandalari trolls are different from those of the night elves. One is from the forest demigod Cenarius, and the other is the inheritance of the velociraptor Loagunk.

Although the druids of the two races have some subtle differences in the details of inheritance, they all use the power of life to control natural spells, and they are always the same.

It was still too early to think about this issue, and Sharlayan quickly brought his wild thoughts back to the present.

Under the continuous pollution of the evil energy soaking into the earth, the natural environment of Draenor has gradually changed.

The first is Spiers of Arak, the home of the Arakkoa.

Due to frequent earthquakes, a large area of ​​land in the southern part of the Spiers of Arak sank into the sea, and the Arakkoa exiles were forced to move to the northern forest of Talador in large numbers.

The arakkoa aristocrats who stayed behind in the peak forest of Alanka also had a very difficult life. Tongtian Peak, the capital of the arakkoa, might collapse in an earthquake at any time, and the anxious arakkoa began to look for their own way out.

Next is the junction of Talador Forest and Gorgrond.

Due to the gradual subsidence of the ground, the sea water of the Zangar Sea poured in, forcibly forming a shallow water beach at the junction of the two places, separating Gorgrond and Talador Forest.

After Vashj led some Naga to Draenor, he immediately wanted to settle in the vast Zangar Sea following his instinct.

However, due to the pollution of evil energy, the concentration of alien energy in the Zangar Sea exceeded the standard. Living in this seawater environment for a long time, Naga's body could not bear it.

In desperation, Vaschi had no choice but to resort to the next best option and activate the alternative.

As we all know, Naga are amphibious creatures. Due to their body structure, they prefer to live in areas with abundant water and air.

Naga bought a batch of water pumping and purification equipment from nowhere, and artificially built an artificial lake with clear water in the shallow water area between Talador and Gorgrond - the Coilfang Reservoir.

As a large amount of seawater was purified and transferred to the man-made Coilfang Reservoir, the junction where the water level dropped gradually evolved into what is now Zangarmarsh.

The left-behind draenei and naaru who settled in Shattrath City once considered occupying Zangarmarsh, but after some analysis and consideration, they finally chose to give up.

The reason is simple, the value of this area is too low for the Draenei who mainly rely on farming, and it is not worth the conflict with the Naga.

Soaked in seawater for a long time, the originally fertile land at the junction has long been salinized and cannot grow any food.

Rather than wasting time and energy on this, it is better to generously give Zangarmarsh to the Naga.

According to the information sent back through the Dark Portal by the few troops left by the Alliance in Draenor, among the forces under Illidan's command, the evil orcs occupy the uninhabited Hellfire Peninsula, and the Naga are in the Zangarmarsh next door.

The demon hunters and surrendered demons in Illidan's headquarters used the dark temple in Shadowmoon Valley as their base camp, while the Lich King led the undead to Frostfire Ridge, where the living environment is extremely harsh.

The remaining troops of the Alliance mainly live in the Talador Forest with Shattrath City and Auchindoun as the central axis, and Nagrand next door is the base of the Mag'har orcs.

As for Gorgrond to the north of Talado, it is the territory of Gruul, the king of Gron, and other forces have no plans to conflict with Gron and the ogres for the time being.

The peak forest of Arak in the south of Talador... the history of this area has entered the countdown, and it will completely sink into the sea within 10 years at the latest.

In addition to these main areas of the Draenor continent, the Tanaan Forest... that is, the northern part of the present-day Hellfire Peninsula and the eastern sea of ​​Gorgrond also has a large island of Farren.

Speaking of Falunlun, we must mention the original beasts and destroyers, the two major forces in the original Draenor.

But this story is too long, and Sharlayan didn't want Balabala to get too far away from his family.

To put it simply, the so-called original beasts are the plant forces evolved from the original spore group of Draenor, and their base camp is called the Everblooming Forest.

To draw an important point, the Yongmao Forest is not fixed in a certain area, and the original beasts can move around with their "base vehicles".

Before the rise of the orcs in Draenor, the core of the Everblooming Forest was located on the Isle of Farren. At that time, Gorgrond was the area where the destroyers and the original beast forces fought most fiercely.

The so-called destroyers refer to the descendants of the sons of the rock formed after the shattering of the Titan creation Grond created by Aggramar.

Sharlayan had told Valeera and others more than once about the degeneration history of Draenor's rock-type creatures before, so I won't waste my saliva on repeating it here.

All in all, the creatures of the Margaron family all belong to the category of destroyers, and the orcs degenerated from ogres are no exception.

During the most intense period of Gorgrond's war, the Blackstone orcs, who later became the mainstay of the orc tribe, could only struggle to survive with their tails crossed under the eyes of the two big bosses.

In order to shorten the supply line and gather all the superior forces to crush the destroyers, the original beasts moved the core of the Yongmao Forest, which was originally located on Farren Island, to the northeast of Gorgrond.

As for the final result of this war where the original beast and the destroyer put everything into each other... there is actually no result.

The orcs swallowed... Ah bah, after drinking the blood of the devil and rising, the hot-headed greenskins fought at the original beast and the destroyer who had exhausted each other at the same time.

During the peak period of the old tribe, the prosperous Blackstone clan occupied most of Goldron's area.

With the assistance of other clans, the Blackrock orcs suppressed the Grons headed by Gruul near his lair and could not move freely.

After the green frenzy that swept across Draenor ended, the once mighty orcs gradually faded out of Draenor.

The ecology of the entire planet has been greatly damaged under the ravages of evil energy. The original beasts with high environmental quality requirements have gradually disappeared, and the Evergrowth Forest has completely withered. Gorgrond fell into Gruul's control without accident. .

The previous times when he came to Draenor, he came and went in a hurry, and Sharlayan never took the time to go to Farland to see the situation.

According to the information provided by Velen, during the period when the crazy old tribe hunted and killed the Draenei, high-level Draenei, including Velen, went to various parts of the world to build a large number of shelters.

The Teledor Sanctuary, where Prophet Velen himself resides, is the most important, but not the largest.

Speaking of this, Valeera understood the intention of Sarlayan's long speech.

"You mean, the largest shelter built by the Draenei was actually on Farren Island?"

"That's right."

Sitting cross-legged on Onyxia's back, Sharlayan looked towards the northeast of Zangarmarsh with great interest.

"After receiving the invitation from Azeroth, Velen issued an appeal to the Draenei hiding in various parts of Draenor, and more than 70% of the Draenei followed the Prophet to move to Azeroth to build a new home. "

"But even so, there are still some draenei who are tired of the endless escape journey, and they choose to stay in the refuge."

"In order to avoid being implicated by the turmoil in the external situation, they completely cut off contact with other compatriots."

"If there are no other changes in the middle, there should still be a lot of draenei living in seclusion on Farren Island."

"After the Battle of Seamount, when we bid farewell to Prophet Velen, he heard that I intend to return to Draenor, and he entrusted me to go to Farland to send a message to the compatriots who stayed there, inviting them to settle in the safer Azeroth. "

"I see."

Stellagosa asked thoughtfully, "When do you plan to go to Farland?"

"Not urgent."

Sharlayan turned his gaze back to the giant water pump in the center of the Coilfang Reservoir: "First find out the specific situation in Draenor now, that guy Illidan... I'm afraid he did a tough job for us secretly."

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