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Chapter 1171 The Inertia of History

According to the information Sharlayan had learned before, none of Illidan's subordinates and related cooperative forces could accurately extract high-purity shadow power.

So here comes the question, where did the pure shadow power that penetrated into the evil orc to balance the evil energy come from?

Because of the God's perspective opened by the barrage, Sharlayan knew that Illidan was a person who would do whatever it takes to achieve his goals.

Regardless of the final result, Illidan did not participate in the entire assassination mission assigned to him by Kil'jaeden.

Ner'zhul, the Lich King who betrayed the Burning Legion, was indeed dead, but he died in the hands of the forces of Azeroth. Both the Helmet of Domination and Frostmourne were recovered by the people of Azeroth.

These two artifacts were handed over to Ner'zhul by Kil'jaeden, but in the end they fell into the hands of the enemy, and Kil'jaeden couldn't help being angry.

Moreover, Illidan was obviously suspected of paddling in the action against Ner'zhul, and then ran away directly after patting his ass.

If Kil'jaeden hadn't been busy taking the opportunity to suppress Archimonde's power and expand his influence in the Burning Legion, Illidan wouldn't have been able to sneak to Outland so easily to form his own power.

The news of Magtheridon's defeat must have been reported back to Argus. When Kil'jaeden is free, the fraudster who hates betrayal the most will definitely be the first to attack Illidan.

For this reason, Illidan must establish his own powerful forces in the shortest possible time. In order to achieve this goal, Illidan, who has a very flexible moral bottom line, does not mind using some dirty methods.

In the entire range of Draenor, there is only one creature that can be related to the power of pure shadow.

That's Naru.

To be precise, it is the dark naaru after the naaru exhausted the holy light and fell.

Thinking of this, Sharlayan felt a throbbing pain in his head.

So far, Sharlayan and the Naaru of the Holy Light Legion headed by Adal have been working happily together, and he plans to persuade Adal to send the Storm Fortress fleet to Azeroth.

Who knew that just after not staring for a while, Illidan gave him a big job behind his back.

If this matter is not handled properly, it may turn into a full-scale conflict between Draenor's Legion of the Light and Illidan's forces, and this is definitely something Sharlayan does not want to see.

"Ah this..."

After hearing Sharlayan's analysis, Jaina showed a speechless expression on her face: "I just said where did Illidan get the power of shadow... I don't know which hapless naaru he picked."

Sharlayan shook his head helplessly: "We will know when we ask Vashj. I hope the situation has not deteriorated to the point of endless death."


The Naga led by Vashj came to Draenor with Illidan after Sharlayan made a bridge to help him open up his own side.

The relationship between Vashj and Illidan can be regarded as half colleague and half superior. In most cases, the two have a businesslike attitude when getting along.

As Azshara's most trusted headmaid, Vashj is undoubtedly the person who knows Azshara the best, not even one of them.

Unlike Illidan, who was only using each other, Vashj could see that Queen Azshara was optimistic about Sharlayan.

Facts have also proved that Azshara's eyesight has not deteriorated even if she has been dormant at the bottom of the sea for 10,000 years.

When Vashj enthusiastically went out to welcome Sharlayan and his party, she, who had been with Azshara for tens of thousands of years, could see the current state of Sharlayan at a glance.

"Duke Deep Shadow, have you...broke through that barrier?"

Onyxia, who had turned back into a human form, interrupted Vaschi's rather suspicious inquiry with a playful face: "Little Naga, let me correct you first."

"Sharlayan is not the Duke of Deep Shadow now, but the Grand Duke of Deep Shadow."

Compared with the promotion of the title, Vashj is more concerned about the change of Sharlayan's life form.

After politely changing her address, Vashj waited for Sharlayan's answer with piercing eyes.

Seeing Vashj's attitude of not giving up until he got an answer, Sharlayan shook his head and said with a smile: "You read that right, under the oppression of the Battle of Mount Hyjal, I was lucky enough to break through the limits of mortals."


Vashj took a deep breath and became more respectful towards Sharlayan.

"Congratulations to Grand Duke Deep Shadow, you are the second 'mortal' after Her Majesty the Queen to break through and become a demigod by your own ability."

"As expected of someone the Queen is looking for, so my guess at the beginning was indeed correct..."

Sharlayan didn't know what kind of messy content Vaschi was imagining in private, and he didn't intend to dive into the Coil Tooth Reservoir to waste time talking to her slowly.

"We have to find Illidan and Solas in a hurry, so I'll make a long story short."

Sharlayan interrupted Vashj's respectful greetings, and asked straight to the point: "Did Illidan have a conflict with Shattrath?"

Vaschi's eyes flickered slightly.

Previously, she had the idea of ​​helping Illidan cover up, but after some fluctuations a few minutes ago, Queen Azshara's number one confidant changed her mind without hesitation.

"Your Excellency, His Excellency is indeed as insightful as a torch."

Vashj narrated in detail: "Just a week after we defeated Magtheridon and took down the Dark Temple, Shattrath sent a naaru named Mulu to check the situation."

"At that time, Akama, Solas and I persuaded him that peace is the most important thing, but Illidan did not hesitate to attack Muru. Before the opponent was ready to counterattack, he defeated and captured Muru, and imprisoned him in the In the dark temple."

"I don't know much about the situation after that. It is said that Kel'Thuzad developed a method to control the evil orcs at the request of Illidan. It seems to be related to Mu'ru."


Sharlayan shook his head helplessly: "Sure enough, history still has a certain inertia. Although the process is completely different, the unlucky Mulu still failed to escape this doomed catastrophe." '

"Okay, I'll go to Shattrath to understand the situation first, and then I'll find a way to reconcile the conflict between the two parties... I hope this matter will not cause too much trouble."

Sharlayan scratched his head a little irritably: "I came to Draenor this time to take a vacation, and that fellow Illidan will really find trouble for me."

[How strange, to cooperate with Illidan is to make psychological preparations in advance, he is a restless person. 】

【Muru...I really don't know what to say, I can only say that this is fate. 】


After bidding farewell to Vashj, the preoccupied Sharlayan didn't notice the flickering eyes of the queen's confidant watching his leaving back.

Onyxia, who is very sensitive to emotional changes, discovered this strange phenomenon, and murmured thoughtfully in her heart on the way to Shattrath City.

‘What is Vashj, a die-hard Azshara loyalist, planning? Even if I follow Azshara's order to temporarily assist Illidan, her loyalty will only be dedicated to the Queen of the Night, could it be...'

Out of past professional habits, Onyxia subconsciously began to consider the possible impact of this matter if it came true.

But then she laughed in her heart and said: 'What are you thinking, what a proud person Azshara is, how could she think of Sharlayan, who is less than a hundred years old...young? '

'etc. '

After thinking about it, Onyxia suddenly thought of herself in a weird mood. After all, she is also an ancient dragon over 10,000 years old.

As one of Sharlayan's companions, apart from the "good" sisters who belong to the same family, the Black Dragon Princess understands the excellence and charm of her man better than anyone else.

If it was before Sharlayan broke through and became a demigod, Onyxia might shake her head and put this unrealistic idea aside, but...

‘What if it’s true? '

If Valeera was the first to think of this, she would definitely not let Azshara, a powerful competitor, have the opportunity to join the family, and would do everything possible to find a way to squeeze her out together with other sisters.

Onyxia, who was born in the dragon family, is not as jealous as Miss Squirrel. She is more concerned about the benefits of the family after Azshara... and even the entire Azeroth.

Onyxia, who was in a state of distraction, unconsciously flew in the wrong direction, and began to lean towards Shadowmoon Valley.

Sharlayan patted the scales on the back of the Black Dragon Princess suspiciously: "Oni? Why are you so preoccupied? You went the wrong way."


Reminded by Sharlayan, Onyxia quickly came back to her senses, and said mockingly as if nothing could happen: "Sorry, I'm still recalling that Hearthstone board game not long ago, I lost Not reconciled."

Sharlayan rolled his eyes angrily: "Could you be more professional? We're just doing business here, so we can go back and think about messy things, okay?"


Vallirapi complained with a non-smiling smile: "Who said this trip is for a vacation trip? It's really quick to change one's mind."


Sharlayan helplessly raised his hand and surrendered: "I can't do anything about it. Who would have thought that Illidan could make trouble like this?"

"Cough~ In short, let's settle the conflict here first, and then we'll spend a month or two playing with him on the Isle of Farren."

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