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Chapter 1172 Sharlayan: I have a bold idea

As a planet once favored by the Avenger Aggramar, Draenor once had a glorious history.

In ancient times, Grond, the Titan creation created by Aggramar himself, fought against the native spore colony of Draenor, killing Zangar and Nayanu successively, and their corpses evolved into Zangar Sea and Tanaan Jungle respectively.

The last spore colony, Potaan, slayed the weakened Grond, and died with the genies spawned from Grond's corpse.

At this point, Draenor's wild period gradually came to an end, and the descendants of the spore colony and Grond formed the two major forces of the original beast and the destroyer respectively.

Before the collective devour and fall of the tribe, the original beasts and the destroyers had been fighting each other all over Draenor, but at that time they were no longer the mainstream forces in Draenor.

No matter how backward and barbaric the trolls are in the eyes of the mainstream civilization of Azeroth today, they have always been the first civilized race throughout the history of Azeroth.

In Draenor, there is also a race that has a similar historical status to the trolls in Azeroth, and that is the arakkoa who are now anxious about how to continue their ethnic group and civilization.

The war between the original beast and the destroyer has been going on for a long time. In the collision between the two, the original Draenor gradually evolved various strange creatures, and some of them were born with powerful creatures with high intelligence.

The birth of the arakkoa civilization originated from the three demigods of the wilderness in Draenor, Rukhmar the Firebird, Sethe the Wind Serpent, and Anzu the Raven.

Yes, these three mighty animal spirits are true demigods of the wild.

However, since Draenor does not have the soul of the world...that is, the so-called Titan star soul, the local wilderness demigod cannot bind his soul to the planet, so he does not have the ability to resurrect after death.

The wind serpent Sethe was very jealous of the fire bird Rukhma with beautiful wings, it secretly found Anzu the raven, and tried to cooperate with Ansu to defeat Rukhmar and seize her power.

However, Sethe miscalculated, Raven Ansu has always had a love for Rukhmar, but because of inferiority, he has never been able to muster up the courage to confess to her.

After learning of Setai's sinister plan, Ansu apparently agreed to its plan, then turned around and told Rukhmar about it without reservation.

After some discussion, the two and a half were nervous, and decided to use all means to eliminate Setai, who was full of bad thoughts.

They succeeded, but also failed.

Before Sethe's death, the power of the curse full of resentment spread rapidly in the peak of Aranca at that time.

In order to prevent the power of the curse from infecting himself and Rukhmar's hometown, Ansu made up his mind to swallow Sethe's remnant body in one gulp, and controlled the power of the curse in his body.

The dark power of the wind snake demigod twisted Ansu's body and soul, and the raven demigod lost his wings, and could no longer soar freely in the sky.

Ansu, who felt that his face was hideous, had no face to face the beautiful Rukhmar again. He ignored Rukhmar's persuasion, and quietly disappeared into the wilderness.

Ansu's lofty spirit of self-sacrifice moved Rukhmar very much. After searching for nothing for a long time, the Firebird demigod decided to create a brand new race to pass on Ansu's great dedication from generation to generation.

Thus, the Arakkoa of Alanka was born.

The Arakkoa of Alanka took into account both the elegance and dignity of Rukhmar and the wisdom and quickness of Ansu. In Rukhmar's view, this newly born species is her and Ansu's child.

In order to create the arakkoa, Rukhmar consumed a large amount of life essence, and she could clearly feel that she was getting old and would one day bid farewell to this world.

Rukhmar is determined to guide the ignorant arakkoa to the right path before the end of their lifespan. Using the deeds of the three demigods as a reference, he has shaped the initial prototype of the arakkoa civilization. May they inherit the will of himself and Ansu .

The early arakkoa were industrious and intelligent. Under the guidance of Rukhmar, the next generation grew stronger. With the light spells taught by Rukhmar, the arakkoa created the first brilliant mortal civilization in Draenor - Apexi Sri Lanka Empire.

During the peak period of the Apexis Empire, an artifact called "Genesis" was even created by the barrage - the breath of Rukhmar.

With this powerful artifact, the Apexis Empire defeated the original beast forces that had just recovered a little bit of vitality, and beat them to their knees again. The Yongmao Forest has no hope of rising.

After Rukhmar passed away due to exhaustion of life force, the once prosperous Apexis Empire gradually turned from prosperity to decline, and they began endless internal strife.

The Arakkoa exiles who moved to settle in Auchindoun are the losers of the political struggle within the Apexis Empire.

They were banished from Skyreach and thrown into the cursed valley of Sethekk.

Like the raven demigod Anzu, these exiles who were infected by the cursed power also lost their original wings and could no longer soar into the sky.

However, these arakkoa exiles did not give up the opportunity to counterattack Tongtian Peak. Under the leadership of the Talon King Terok, the arakkoa exiles established a brand new regime - Skettis.

According to the information provided by Auchindoun's original manager, Archbishop Maradaar, the Skettis arakkoa recovered the raven demigod Anzu who had been missing before in a corner of Auchindoun, trying to use his power to regain the The Tongtian Peak occupied by the high-level crows.

Because Onyxia lost her mind and ran in the wrong direction, Sharlayan and others had no choice but to make a big circle from the east of the Talador forest, sticking to the border between Shadowmoon Valley and Talador to the border of Shattrath City. direction to move on.

Seeing the ruins of Auchindoun from a distance, Sharlayan suddenly remembered a deal that Maladar mentioned before leaving Draenor. promise history.

After listening to the story, Little Xingxing asked rather suspiciously: "So, the raven demigod Ansu is still alive? Right now, he is hiding in the Sethek hall in the corner of Auchindoun?"

Sharlayan nodded: "It should be, but due to the long-term torture of the curse, Ansu's strength has long since fallen far."

"In terms of combat effectiveness, he is definitely not as good as the wilderness demigods of Azeroth."

In the previous battle against the Dark Portal, the Skettis arakkoa also contributed.

In exchange, Danas Trollbane, who was the leader of the coalition forces at the time, promised them that after the Burning Legion's invasion of Azeroth, he would act as a middle party to negotiate with the high-ranking arakkoa of Tongtian Peak to strive for Let the Skettis arakkoa return to their homeland.

But... With the gradual collapse of the Peak Forest of Arakka, the arakkoa exiles are considering whether to give up this plan.

Judging from the current situation, the Peaks of Arak, including the Tongtian Peak, will disappear from the territory of Draenor sooner or later. There is no need to waste manpower and material resources at this juncture to negotiate with the high-level arakkoa.

On the contrary, the arakkoa exiles want to sit on the ground and raise the price. When the high-ranking arakkoa have to abandon their crumbling hometown and go north, they will stand up and recruit those compatriots who have left their hometowns, making Skettis the orthodox continuation of the arakkoa civilization. By.

Jaina shook her head a little irritably: "It's these dirty political schemes again... So? Regarding the plan of the Skettis arakkoa, what does Shattrath think?"

Sharlayan shrugged and complained, "What do you think? This is the condition Danas negotiated with the Skettis arakkoa in advance, and the contract in black and white must be abided by."

"However..." Sharlayan looked at the ruins of Auchindoun mixed with various forces below, and stroked his chin thoughtfully: "I don't think the plot of the arakkoa exiles will succeed so easily."

"It is true that the influence of Tongtian Peak is rapidly declining as the peak forest of Alanca gradually sinks into the sea, but a lean camel is still bigger than a horse."

"If those arrogant birdmen are pushed into a hurry...they may still have the last card in their hands."

Valeera frowned slightly: "You mean, the breath of Rukhmar?"

"Yes." Sharlayan nodded solemnly: "More than that, the arakkoa of the Anhar sect...that is, the high-ranking arakkoa who now hold the decision-making power in Tongtian Peak also made a blasphemy."

"They used secret techniques to resurrect the remains of the firebird demigod Rukhmar. If nothing else happens, the big firebird is still wandering unconsciously above the Arak Peak Forest."


Tinagosa's eyes widened in surprise: "Without the Titan star soul, why can Rukhma be resurrected?"

Sharlayan waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, listen to me."

"Rukmar, who was revived by the Anhar sect, is just an empty shell. Her soul has long gone to the Shadow Realm, and she should be existing in a corner of the Blazing Blue Fairyland in the form of a soul seed right now. "

Onyxia's heart moved, and through Sharlayan's words with some kind of deep meaning, she heard some hidden meanings.

"You don't want to use this empty shell to revive Rukhmar, do you?"

"If it really succeeds..." Onyxia quickly went through the cause and effect in her mind: "Heh~ Maybe the high-ranking arakkoa and the Skettis arakkoa will worship you."

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