Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1179 Can't beat it head-on? guerrilla warfare

The shadow plane faces the entire physical universe. After death, all the creatures in the universe will be sent to the kingdom of the dead by Kyrian, who is responsible for guiding them, and the arbitrator will assign them to the most suitable paradise for them.

Rukhmar, the firebird demigod born in the wilds of Draenor, was bound to be assigned to Blazing Wilds.

Azeroth wilderness demigods who have signed a cooperation agreement with Blazing Wilderness can get the highest resource allocation priority.

Under normal circumstances, their cultivation time in the spirit seed would not be too long, usually within a hundred years after death they would be able to repair their souls and return to the Emerald Dreamland to wait for resurrection.

This is the privilege given to their children by the star soul of Azeroth, and the children of Draenor, who do not have the protection of the soul of the world, are not so lucky.

Rukhmar had fallen tens of thousands of years ago, and her soul was taken to the Shadow Realm as a matter of course, but she has been slowly and naturally absorbing heart energy in the form of spirit seeds to repair soul wounds.

When Bwonsamdi found Rukhmar under the guidance of the spirit-seed caretaker who led the way, the firebird demigod still maintained the spirit-seed state.

"Well...not bad."

The psychic caretaker checked Rukhmar's psychic state and said to Bwonsamdi: "There is only a little bit of anima left, with Her Majesty's special approval, we can transfer a small amount of anima to help her omit the last bit of anima. A thousand years of cultivation time."

Bwonsamdi, who is a loa, is also a long-lived species, and a thousand years is nothing to him, so he nodded calmly to express his gratitude to this Silvan.

"Brother Orka, thank you very much, please do it, Sharlayan is still waiting for my news."

"OK, just a second."

Sylvan, named Orka, waved his hand and summoned several compatriots to cast a spell together, injecting the heart energy bestowed by the Winter Queen into Rukhmar's soul seed at a uniform speed.


A crisp cracking sound came from the spirit-seed, the emerald green radiance on the surface of the spirit-seed quickly subsided, and the fiery red light full of passion leaked out from the crack of the spirit-seed.


Accompanied by a crisp bird of prey cry, the crimson light was suddenly generous, and an elegant fire bird broke out of the spirit seed, stretching its fiery red wings and flying high into the sky.

"oh oh!!"

Sylvan, including Olka, couldn't help raising his head and showing admiration: "What a beautiful spirit of nature! Congratulations on your new life!"


Sarlayan, who was far away in Shattrath City, was discussing with Adal how to rescue Kara, when Bwonsamdi's remote contact came suddenly, Sarlayan, who was still talking and laughing, couldn't help but pause for a while.

A'dal vaguely sensed that a soul from afar was in contact with Sharlayan, and expressed interest that he could deal with private matters first, and then find time to continue the discussion.

Sharlayan apologized to Adal, then turned and walked towards the outer ring of Shattrath City.


"It's me." Bwonsamdi, who had already returned to the other world, deliberately pretended to be a little tired: "Cough~ This trip has made me very tired."

Sharlayan smiled and shook his head: "Stop playing, with your authority, isn't it as easy to travel to and from the Shadow Realm as eating and drinking water?"

"So? Have you found your target?"

"Cut~ boring."

Failed to deceive Sharlayan, Bwonsamdi smacked his lips helplessly.

"Of course I found it, but until I get your further instructions, I can only place this lady in the other world for the time being."

Until now, Bwonsamdi is still dubious about Sarlayan's previous analysis.

Azeroth star soul has self-awareness? Bwonsamdi has no doubts about this, what he doubts is whether the consciousness of Star Soul has awakened.

"The other world..."

Sharlayan hesitated for a moment: "Transfer her to my Blight Realm, I'll talk to her face to face first."

"Although I'm 80% sure that she won't refuse the chance to be reborn, but this kind of change of birthplace still requires her consent first."

Bwonsamdi: "Okay, wait a minute, I still have a message from the Queen of Winter to bring you."

"Oh?" Sharlayan raised his brows slightly, and his gaze at the Shattrath Bazaar became deeper: "Tell me, I guess, it should be related to the battlefield situation in Revendreth, right?"

After all, they came to Draenor for vacation in name, and Valeera, Stellagosa and others did not want to participate in Sharlayan's "overtime" operation.

Instigated by Onyxia, after returning from Shadowmoon Valley, the girls spontaneously went to the market in Shattrath City to shop and press the road. At the moment, they were chatting about what souvenirs to buy to bring back to Azeroth. s.

"...Be normal, I'm a little scared."

Bwonsamdi couldn't help complaining: "Sometimes I really doubt that there is anything in this world that you can't count."

"Heh~" Sharlayan explained with a chuckle: "Don't be so exaggerated, it's just a normal logical reasoning."

"There are only a few things in the Shadow Realm that can make the Queen of Winter ask for help."

"The warden is still imprisoned in the Devouring Abyss, and the whereabouts of the soldier lord are basically clear. If there is anything that can be revealed, then the only thing left is the situation of Revendreth."

"Oh, by the way, one is missing."

Sharlayan asked with a strange tone: "Could it be that the promotion to the fortress made a mess?"

"Huh?" Bwonsamdi asked back, dumbfounded: "Why do you think so? The civil strife has subsided, and Gristia has promised to reconsider whether to abolish those immutable ancient rules. What troubles can be caused by promotion to the fortress?"

"That's hard to say." Sarlayan rubbed his eyebrows with some headaches: "Bwonsamdi, you should have some awareness of the eldest daughter's ability to govern."

"Use 10 as the perfect score to rate the governing ability of the four eternal beings. How much do you think they can get?"


Rukhmar, who had just regained consciousness, was still sorting out her thoughts and emotions, and Bwonsamdi, who was leading her on the journey, was also bored, and gave his own answer after a moment of silence.

"Master 9 points, Denathrius 8 points, Winter Queen 6 points, eldest daughter... 3 points?"

Sharlayan jokingly said: "That's it, don't you know it yourself?"

"It's not that I look down on Gristia, but...she really doesn't have the ability to know, right? No matter what weird things she does, I won't be surprised."

Bwonsamdi said dumbfoundedly: "...Forget it, anyway, this time it's not the eldest daughter's trouble."

"As you expected, the situation in Revendreth is indeed not optimistic. The Winter Queen hopes that you can adjust your plan so that the rebels can continue to persevere."

"Hmm..." After listening to Bwonsamdi's report, Sarlayan, who was standing on the overpass of Shattrath City, touched his chin thoughtfully: "Denathius made the move himself? No wonder Stonesmith and Ray Nassor can't stop him, after all, his strength is not at the same level."

Including the Warden... the original Arbiter Zovall, the five Eternals in the Shadow Realm are all proper true gods, and they are on the same level as Titans in terms of status.

Prince Renathal and Stonesmith are only relatively strong senior demigods, and there is a big gap between them and Denathius. It is only natural that they cannot beat their creators.

"It's normal if you can't fight. With the Queen of Winter and the eldest daughter unable to make a move, no one in the Shadow Realm can stop Denathrius head-on."

Sharlayan thought for a while before deciding on the next strategic policy: "In this case, take some time to help me tell the Queen of Winter, so that the rebel army will be broken into pieces, and you don't have to stick to the gains and losses of one city and one place. Everyone move for me."

Although Bwonsamdi is not good at war, he has lived for tens of thousands of years, so he can understand the meaning of Sharlayan's words.

"You mean, give up the fixed territory and turn to guerrilla warfare?"

"That's right."

Sharlayan calmly analyzed: "With Blazing Fairy Fields, Promotion Fortress, and Maldraxxus providing various strategic resources behind the scenes, as long as the logistical supplies can keep up, in theory, the rebels don't need a fixed site. of."

"Since we can't beat Denathrius on the frontal battlefield, we simply bypassed his main range of activities and specifically harassed areas where Revendreth's defenses were weaker, and ran away with one shot. We will never take advantage of the territory."

"No matter how strong Denathius is, there is only one person, and he is also a native of Revendreth. Don't tell me that Renathor, who walks around the grassroots all day long, can't play hide-and-seek with the emperor who has been squatting in Fort Nasria. .”


Bwonsamdi grinned and thought for a moment: "If it's just to delay the time and add confusion to Denathrius, and not force them to achieve great results, maybe... can it work?"

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