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Chapter 1180 Bwonsamdi's ambition

First of all, it needs to be clear that at this stage, both the Winter Queen and the eldest daughter Gristia are still worried.

They worry that an all-out civil war will destroy the barely balanced situation in the Shadowlands, which will lead to the failure of the Shadowlands, which is responsible for housing all the dead in the entire universe, and cause disastrous consequences.

Denathrius was also one of the five Eternals. From the very beginning, Sharlayan did not think that the rebel army led by Prince Renathor could overthrow the Great Emperor.

In the case of integrating the opinions of all parties, the strategic goal policy formulated by Sarlayan is... to delay time.

Of course, it's not just stupidly waiting.

After all, Denathius is also accumulating strength and waiting for an opportunity, trying to release his ally Zovar from the completely closed Maw.

Therefore, in order to prevent Denathius from having extra time to think about those conspiracies and tricks, he must first find something to do and divert his attention as much as possible.

Prince Renathal and Stonesmith are high-ranking Venthyrs personally selected by Denathrius. They have been rooted in Revendreth for many years, and are deeply loved by the people because of their respective achievements.

As the creator of Nathrezim, Denathrius is very good at disguising his true intentions and manipulating people's hearts.

But there is a good saying, the track of the wheel does not care about the heart.

No matter how Denathrius disguised himself, the residents of Revendreth saw the bullshit things he did. Naturally, some people would be dissatisfied with his ruling policy.

This is why the Rebels have a large number of local support.

Revendreth was Denathrius' lair, and he would never allow civil strife in front of his house all day long.

Sharlayan had long expected that Denathrius would attack the rebels himself, but he was not sure when he would end up with that unknown aristocratic airs.

Now that Denathrius finally started to move, Sharlayan, who had already thought about countermeasures, immediately came up with a corresponding new plan - guerrilla warfare.

Since the strategic goal of the traditional Eternals headed by the Winter Queen and the Eldest Daughter is to delay time and draw Denathius' attention, Reina Thor and the others don't need to rush towards Fort Nathria.

The idea that Sarlayan gave him and the stonesmith was to stretch to the limit, never to fight head-on with the main force of Revendres led by Denathius himself, and to keep in a state of motion at all times, and to find the enemy's weakest defense area to attack fiercely.

When Sharlayan has completely stabilized the state of being a demigod, he can take some time to go to the Shadow Realm, try to enter the Maw Abyss to find the amnesiac and imprisoned Talisman Carver...that is, the Warrior Master.

Except for the first generation of arbitrators and the current warden Zovall, the warlord is undoubtedly the one with the strongest comprehensive ability among the five eternals. Whether it is personal strength, strategy, battlefield command or overall outlook, they are all in the hands of Queen Winter and Gristie. above Asia.

As long as the leader of the army can be successfully rescued and one of Zovall's biggest plots can be cut off, it will be difficult for Denathius, who is alone, to get out of the waves.

But it is easy to enter the Maw, but difficult to get out.

According to the barrage, the foot man can freely travel to and from the Abyss because he possesses the characteristics of an Abyss Devourer.

Sharlayan wasn't sure where the so-called Abyss Devourer's ability came from, but the barrage speculated about it, and it was probably related to the star soul of Azeroth.

After returning from the Shadowlands last time, Sharlayan had a plan to communicate with the Azeroth Star Soul and get more intuitive answers from it.

But... as we all know, the star soul of Azeroth is still far from mature, and it is not so easy to establish contact with it.

Otherwise, in the future of the original history, only the diamondized Magni Bronzebeard will be able to serve as the spokesperson of the Star Soul.

It's also quite interesting to say, according to the information provided by the barrage, as the spokesperson, Magni always habitually calls Xinghun "girl" and "girl".

From this, Sharlayan speculated that once the star soul of Azeroth officially matured, it...or her gender is likely to be female.

Ai Jiang really hammered it and belonged to it.

Coincidentally, if he wanted to give Rukhmar an "account" of Azeroth, Sharlayan would definitely communicate with Star Soul positively.

He wanted to take this opportunity to test whether he could hear and understand Xinghun's babbling voices.

"...Your kid's plan is just a circle." Bwonsamdi complained with emotion: "As expected of you, it's a good thing that old Bwonsamdi has a keen eye and planned ahead of time before you grew up. Make a bet, this time it can be regarded as the right bet."

Sharlayan smiled noncommittally: "Okay, let's stop here for chatting first, and you should be there soon, right?"

"Indeed, I have already entered the scope of the withered realm, come here and hand it over."


As early as the last time he returned from the Shadow Realm, Sharlayan bound the Blight Realm to himself with the help of Bwonsamdi.

To be precise, it is bound to his soul.

However, at that time, Sharlayan had not yet been officially promoted to a demigod, and there were still many restrictions on remotely manipulating this subplane of death.

It's different now. Under Bwonsamdi's enthusiastic and active guidance, Sharlayan has gradually become familiar with the operation method of Zlos, the Blighted Realm.

Sharlayan's body was still standing on the overpass of Shattrath City, but his soul left his body and sneaked into the world of withering, and Zlos reunited with Bwonsamdi.

The little star who received the message through the soul link channel was the first to teleport over and wait by the side, and Jaina and Tina Gosa, who were half a beat behind, also rushed to it.

Bwonsamdi still had a lot of things to deal with in the Nether Palace. After sending Rukhmar's soul to Sharlayan, he waved goodbye to the two of them freely and easily, and returned to Nazmir through the other world as a transit.

After several years of cultivation, the Zandalari trolls gradually came out from the shadow of their fiasco in the sea battle.

King Rastakhan, who unfortunately lost his wife, is still a little decadent. He put most of his energy on teaching his young daughter Talanji, and temporarily handed over the responsibility of managing the country to Zanshu headed by the Prophet Zul. benefit parliament.

Under the strict sea blockade of Kul Tiras, it is difficult for Zandalar to create another golden fleet in a short period of time. Zul, who is temporarily acting as the leader of the country, simply focused on the interior of Zandalar Island.

The island of Zandalar is composed of three major regions. The largest area is Zuldazar, the holy mountain occupied by the Zandalari trolls. The combined area of ​​the Voldun Desert and the Nazmir Swamp is barely equal to the size of Zuldazar.

Before going to war with Kul Tiras, Zandalar first took care of the situation on the island, using superior forces to defeat the blood trolls who had occupied Nazmir for many years.

Although King Rastakhan did not continue to attack the Heart of Darkness... or Odile because of the threat of the blood god G'huun, at least the blood trolls can't make any more waves until the next generation grows up.

It was precisely because the biggest threat on the island was resolved that King Rastakhan was able to fight at sea... Although this sea battle, which bet on the fate of the country, ended up losing miserably.

Zuldazar is the most valuable land on the Isle of Zandalar. The climate here is suitable and the land is suitable for farming. It is an excellent place to make a fortune.

Therefore, the Zandalari, who are sitting on a treasure land, don't even look down on Nazmir, a stinky swamp, and didn't want to open up this area after the blood troll was severely injured.

However, today is different from the past, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat, right?

In order to restore national strength as soon as possible, rebuild the golden fleet and fight Kul Tiras again to avenge the humiliation, the Prophet Zul decided to march into Nazmir again.

The Zandalari intend to formally take the swamp under their control, save for the towering Uldir laboratory in the middle of Nazmir.

On the other hand, Zul also sent an army into the Great Desert of Wharton, trying to negotiate an alliance with the local aboriginal fox people and snake people.

According to Bwonsamdi, though, the Zandalari's diplomatic moves have been mixed.

The gentle, trade-savvy vulpera are happy to establish a long-term, stable bilateral relationship with the Zandalari, but the snakemen...

At least the group of snake people known as the Faithless had no intention of getting along with the Zandalar friendly. They killed Zandalar diplomatic envoys unruly, and the relationship between the two tribes has reached the brink of war.

Fortunately, there is not only one voice among the snake people. The devotees who still believe in the snake god Setaris secretly established contact with Zandalari, and the two sides quickly reached an agreement in certain areas.

If there is no accident, the Zandalari will probably fight against the Serpent-Man Unbelievers in the Voldun Desert next.

War means death, and Bwonsamdi intends to take this opportunity to get more souls for himself and further strengthen his strength.

Don't look at Bwonsamdi's usual look of joking and fooling around, and always acting cowardly when facing the kings of Loalezan, in fact, he also has his own plans in his heart.

No one wants to be a grandson forever in someone else's shadow, and Bwonsamdi was no exception.

Theoretically, the kings of Loa will be the most powerful Loa. Who said that in the future, it will not be my turn to Bwonsamdi?

After eating Muezara's inheritance, Bwonsamdi finally gained some confidence.

In this long-lost battle, he will not continue to back down, even if it will make Rezan angry, he will still give more souls to the Underworld.

After sending Bwonsamdi away, Sharlayan turned his gaze to Rukhmar, who was still a little distracted, with great interest.

‘Even by the high aesthetic standards of the high elves, Rukhmar is definitely considered beautiful, no wonder Anzu has always missed her. '

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