Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1184 Fishing guy will never be in the air force?

The foot injury that crippled Yrel had long since healed, and her bones had grown crooked as a result.

In addition, Sharlayan also carefully observed through the clairvoyant ability of Eagle Eye, and the bones of Yrel's ankle were obviously missing some parts.

It's okay if the bones are just long and crooked. At worst, Yrel endured the pain and broke the bones of the injured part again. After completing the reset, he could use healing spells to speed up the healing.

If it's just this kind of injury, Velen can also be cured, and it won't make Yrel disabled until now.

Take an example for comparison.

If the ankle bones of a normal person are 10, Yrel after the injury is only 7-8 at most, missing some important supporting parts.

This kind of short-lived injury cannot be cured by any healing spells, even the natural spells with the strongest warming ability and the least side effects.

Unless it is possible to go back in time and replenish the missing part of Yrel's bone tissue.

"The power of time...?"

Yrel tilted her head in a daze: "Could it be the ability to manipulate time as I understand it? This is not a power that mortals can master..."

Sharlayan nodded calmly: "That's right, the essence of the power of time is to manipulate time, but it's not as heaven-defying as you imagine."

The power of time possessed by the bronze dragon is inherited from Aman'Thul, the father of the gods. However, even Aman'Thul dare not arrogantly say that he can reverse time at will.

According to the theory mentioned by Danmaku, the more accurate definition of time that can be manipulated by humans should be relative time, not absolute time, which is one of the underlying laws of the material universe.

Perhaps Aman'Thul, the leader of the Pantheon, can affect absolute time to a certain extent, but he cannot easily travel through time and space to change the past like the sci-fi movies mentioned by the barrage.

If not done properly, this rash behavior may cause a time paradox and lead to extremely serious disasters.

Treating Yrel's foot injury didn't require a complex theory of timing; all Sharlayan needed to manipulate was a small fraction of relative timing relative to her ankle.

Even so, today's Sharlayan is still unable to do it, because he has not officially activated the bronze dragon gene in his body.

It is not impossible to ask Chromie and other bronze dragons for help, but Sharlayan needs to use natural magic to heal Yrel's injuries while using the power of time to reverse relative time.

The cooperation between the two must be intimate, and a slight mistake will waste all previous efforts and even lead to further deterioration of the injury.

The relationship between Sharlayan and Chromie is not bad, but in terms of intimacy... that is obviously far from being achieved.

Therefore, the best way is for Sharlayan himself to control the two forces at the same time, and he doesn't need to worry about tacit understanding when he cooperates with himself.

After listening to Sharlayan's explanation, Yrel's excited mood gradually calmed down.

It is understandable that Yrel, who had already accepted the reality, suddenly became agitated when he heard that he had the possibility of recovery after being disabled for many years.

But Yrel has been living with this broken leg for more than 20 years after all, so it doesn't hurt to wait a little longer.

Knowing that Sharlayan and his party were coming to Farland for vacation, Yrel, who was in a good mood, conveyed the message entrusted by Velen by the way, and warmly greeted them to settle in the village.

Since Velen moved to Azeroth with a large number of draenei, Farren has not had contact with outsiders for many years.

After the alarm was lifted, the local residents who hid in the refuge finally let go of their worries and walked out of the underground refuge slowly.

Just like what Sharlayan and Valeera saw with Eagle Eye before, in this small village directly named Falenlon, the elderly draenei accounted for more than 90%.

Most of the remaining 10% young people are disabled people like Yrel who were disabled by the war, and there are also a small number of underage children born to old Draenei whose old trees are blooming.

"Security Captain" Yrel's Falannian Guard has only about a hundred people in total. These people are either missing arms or legs, and they all lack parts on their bodies.

People like Yrel who are only slightly missing bones still have a chance to be rescued, those who have lost their entire arms... Sharlayan can't do anything, can only hope that Azeroth's prosthetic technology can breakthrough in the future.

Most of the people who choose to stay in Farland, no matter they are old or young, are tired of endless fleeing, and just want to spend the rest of their lives peacefully in this place free from outside disturbance.

Therefore, the atmosphere of Falunlun Village can be called simple and honest.

Knowing that Sarlayan and the others did not come with utilitarian purposes, the old village head of Falunlun expressed welcome to them as a representative.

As for the rumors that Velen wanted them to move to Azeroth to join their brethren... most of the elders ignored it.

These old-looking draenei have at least followed Velen in the universe for more than 4,000 years, and have seen all kinds of strong winds and waves.

To put it a little more exaggeratedly, they have been running around hiding in Tibet all their lives, and when they get old, they really don't want to bother anymore.

Therefore, they do not believe that Azeroth is really the last pure land in Velen's mouth.

And this was also confirmed from Sharlayan's mouth.

The Burning Legion invasion of Azeroth not long ago further strengthened the determination of these people to continue to guard Falunlun.

After all, it was the internal affairs of other tribes, and as an outsider, Sharlayan couldn't make irresponsible remarks on the choices of these old people.

However, some old Draenei entrusted Sharlayan additionally, asking him to escort their children back to Azeroth and give them to Velen to take care of when they finished their vacation.

The youngest old man in Farland only has a lifespan of about 200 years at most, and these children who are like the rising sun are different from them.

Young people still have a long life to live in the future, and it is impossible to spend their youth on the island with the old man all the time.

Sharlayan readily agreed to the old people's request, and regarded it as a reward for Fralun to take them here for vacation.



Sharlayan, who was sitting by the river holding a fishing rod, yawned lazily, and Tinagosa, who had turned into a little dwarf, curled up in his arms and fell asleep.

During the period of vacation in Farren Island, the slow pace of life on the island made Sharlayan and others who had been busy for many years somewhat uncomfortable...Of course, Onyxia was not included.

On the third day after arriving in the village, Sarlayan, who was always habitually looking for something to do, finally relaxed after being persuaded by the kind-faced and kind-hearted old people on the island.

He took the advice of one of the anglers and went to enjoy a leisurely fishing time by the freshwater river that runs through the whole island of Falunlun.

In addition to little Tina by his side, Valeera and Jaina went diving in the sea, Onyxia and Stellagosa changed back into dragon form and soared freely over the island, enjoying the cool breeze in the morning .

The evil energy pollution that is gradually spreading across the world of Draenor has not yet spread to the surrounding area of ​​Farren. The sea water near this island is still clear and bright, and the air that has not been polluted by any exhaust gas is also refreshing.

It is rare to be able to put everything down and take a vacation with peace of mind. Everyone has chosen the most suitable way to enjoy life.

After completing daily training and routine patrols, Yrel went to the river to find Sharlayan under the guidance of the old people.

Before Yrel approached with a limp, Salayan, who didn't look back, said in advance: "Miss Yrel, what do you want from me?"


In order not to disturb Sharlayan's "great cause" of fishing, Yrel has already made his movements as light as possible.

But she is not a thief after all, and her legs and feet are not very flexible, so she was spotted by the seemingly lazy Salayan from a long distance away.

Yrel has settled in Falenlon for many years, she is well aware of the eccentricities of those anglers, and she glanced sideways at the still empty fish barrel beside Sharlayan.

According to past experience... as long as these anglers are disturbed, it must be because of the influence of objective factors that caused the air force, and it is definitely not a technical problem of "me".

Looking back at the rather complicated expression on Yrel's face, Sharlayan couldn't help but chuckle.

"Don't worry, I'm not a serious fisherman, I won't blame you, but..."

Salayan patted Tinagosa who was sleeping soundly in his arms with his other hand that was not holding the fishing rod: "Try to keep your voice as low as possible, so as not to wake this child up."

Looking at the little Tina who showed an angelic face in her sleep, Sharlayan sighed silently: "Because of various major events in Azeroth over the years, this child has to force himself to mature quickly."

"It's rare to get a rest time to let go of everything. Let her recover her heart and enjoy this short leisurely life."

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