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Chapter 1185 Air Force? What is a wisher taking the bait (tactical back)

Yrel is also a person who has experienced wars, and she has seen a lot of children who had to mature prematurely due to environmental reasons during the war years.

Even... Even she herself is like this.

Nodding empathetically, Yrel walked cautiously and sat down beside Sharlayan, and deliberately lowered his voice and said, "Mr. Deep Shadow, please excuse me, I..."

Sharlayan smiled and interrupted Yrel: "You don't have to be so polite, we are just tourists here on vacation, you are the local master of Farland, just call me by my name."

Yrel was stunned for a moment, and then a relieved smile appeared on his face: "Okay, Sharlayan, then don't call me Miss, I'm really not used to it, so just call me Yrel. "


Sharlayan stared blankly at the fish swimming leisurely in the clear water: "Yrel, I don't like to waste time going around in circles, so just speak up if you need anything."

"As long as it is within my power, I will try my best to help you in return for agreeing to our vacation here."

"Then..." Yrel smiled embarrassedly: "I'll just say it straight, I hope to have a discussion with you and your... partners."

After a few days of communication and getting along, Yrel already knew the relationship between Sharlayan and his party.

Except for the little girl in front of him who is Salayan's wife and sister, everyone else is his partner without exception.

The marriage system of the Draenei is also monogamous, even if there is a lover behind the scenes, it will not be brought to the table openly.

The calmness of Sharlayan and others caused Yrel's brain to freeze when she first learned the truth. She once thought it was just a simple racial and cultural difference.

... Then she was given a hard time by Gianna, who couldn't laugh or cry, and she became even more suspicious of life.

To this day, Yrel is still somewhat unable to accept the fact that Sharlayan has multiple partners, and when it comes to this point, he is unconsciously stuck.


Sharlayan didn't care about Yrel's expected attitude, raised his eyebrows with interest and asked, "Are you sure?"

"With all due respect, your injury..."

Yrel shook her head firmly: "In the words of the teacher, I am a stubborn person who will never look back when I am sure about one thing."

"Even though I knew it would be difficult to return to the battlefield after suffering such a serious injury, I still did not give up the hard training every day."

Sharlayan showed approval on his face: "It can be seen that after so many years of training in the rear, your strength has not only not declined, but has been steadily increasing. This is very rare for a retired soldier with handicapped legs."


Yrel said with a wry smile: "Actually, I don't think I've really retired from the bottom of my heart. I still hold the hope that I can return to the front line in the future... Isn't it stupid?"

"I do not think so."

Sharlayan smiled and encouraged: "A person's talent is innate, but one's own will needs to be cultivated through acquired training."

"I don't know when you were young... Uh~ Although you are still very young now, let's just say that."

"I don't know what you experienced in the early years, how this perseverance was tempered, but it did endow you with the precious spirit of never admitting defeat."

"As long as you don't give up in your heart, the fire of hope will never go out."

"Look..." Sharlayan smiled and pointed to himself, "I'm here."

Yrel looked down at his distorted hoof, an inexplicable light flashed in his eyes.

"Thank you...let's get back to the topic first."

"Okay." Sharlayan replied in a polite manner: "Personally, I have no opinion, but I suggest that you choose your opponent from simple to difficult."

"Except for this child..."

Sharlayan pointed to Tinagosa in his arms: "You can choose your opponent arbitrarily based on your own observations, and this is also a test of your insight."

"Let me make a rule for you."

Sharlayan said with a smile: "It doesn't matter how many opponents you have defeated before, as long as you lose once, the challenge of this match will be over."

"Hmm..." Yrel scratched his head in distress: "Can you give me some hints? I'm not a scout after all, and this aspect is not my strong point."


Sharlayan thought about it and said, "I suggest you put..."

She raised her finger and pointed to Onyxia who was flying happily in the sky: "The challenge to that black dragon is at the end. She is the strongest among us, and she is also an opponent you will never be able to defeat."

Yrel was a little displeased with Sharlayan's categorical tone, but she also had to admit... If the opponent entered the battle in such a huge form, she really didn't have much chance of winning.

In order not to let her dragon power affect the innocent people on Farland Island, Onyxia consciously restrained her aura.

However, as the hopeful star of the Draenei and Velen's most valued disciple, Yrel could vaguely sense Onyxia's restrained and powerful influence.

That is not an opponent she can defeat now.

"Where's the blue dragon next to it?"

Sharlayan smiled and spread her hands: "As you like, her strength is still far behind that of the black dragon."

"Okay, that's all for the hint."

Sharlayan waved his hand as if to see off the guests: "I still have to continue fishing, so go back and think about it yourself."

"Remember the rules~ Don't just pick the lottery right from the start."

Seeing the pointed smile on Sharlayan's face, Yrel, whose fighting spirit gradually rose, narrowed his eyes slightly.

‘That is to say, are you the one who undersigned? This is the second hint. '

After sending Yrel away, Sharlayan still maintained a lazy posture and quietly looked at the clear river.


Tinagosa, who woke up at an unknown time, comfortably stretched her hands and feet in Salayan's arms.

"Are you awake?" Sharlayan lowered his head and showed a gentle smile: "Don't you need to sleep any longer?"

"No need~"

Little Tina happily jumped out of Sharlayan, stood firmly by the river, and squatted down curiously to stare at the fishhook in the river.

"Sharlayan, are you... really fishing with your heart?"

Sharlayan smiled uncertainly: "Why do you ask that?"

Tinagosa turned her head back speechlessly, and pointed to the shiny fishhook in the river: "How can this kind of straight hook catch fish? You are just wasting time."

"Heh~" Sarlayan lifted the fishing rod and retracted the hook, and smiled meaningfully: "Who said that a straight hook can't catch fish?"

"Tina, have you ever heard of the saying that volunteers take the bait?"

Tina Gosa: "?"

Turning her small head to look at Yrel who was gradually going away, Tinagosa showed pity on her face.

"So, what you're catching isn't fish at all, but people?"

"Who knows, let's wait and see."


It has been more than 10 years since Sharlayan debuted since he left Quel'Thalas.

His 10 years are not comparable to those decadent nobles who spend their days dreaming and dying in Silvermoon City. Many events he experienced in these 10 years are more exciting than those nobles' lives.

Therefore, Sharlayan, who has read countless people, has long cultivated a pair of discerning eyes.

Even without the information provided by the barrage, he can easily see what kind of person that Yrel who is not good at hiding his emotions is.

Sharlayan's admiration for Yrel's will was not just flattery, he did appreciate Yrel's indomitable spirit.

However, in Sharlayan's view, Yrel, who was forced to retire due to injury at a young age, still lacks some worldly sophistication... or the tempering of intrigue, and many of her thoughts can be easily seen through emotional changes.

For more than 20 years, Yriel, who still has fighting spirit in her heart, can only work behind closed doors in Farland. There is no one on this island who can let her let her go to learn.

After finally waiting for a few "tourists" who can be seen to be powerful at a glance, with Yrel's character, it is impossible to suppress the fighting spirit that has been burning for more than 20 years.

She wants to validate the fruits of her hard work over the years.

Coincidentally, Sharlayan also wanted to observe through actual combat, what kind of talent Yrel, who was called the Draenei's Daughter of Destiny by the barrage, had, and the two sides with similar goals hit it off.

In order to prevent Yrel from picking the wrong opponent and be defeated quickly, Sharlayan deliberately acted out the scene where the wisher took the bait.

Yrel thought that Sharlayan was passively accepting the challenge, but he didn't expect that he had already made up his mind, and when Yrel couldn't help but take the initiative to come to the door, he took this opportunity to give her a few hints without any trace .

As expected, Yrel gave up the black and blue dragons, which were easy to mess with at a glance, and Sharlayan, who had no choice but to be the head of the family.

Her first pick was Jaina, the weakest and youngest member of the extended family besides Tinagosa.

Jaina heard about this from Sharlayan the night before, and it felt uncomfortable to be pinched as a soft persimmon.

At this time, the corners of her mouth twitched and she looked at Yrel who was not far away with a face full of fighting spirit: "You think I'm the best to bully you? Then come on! Let me see how capable the disciple of Prophet Velen is. !"

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