Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1186 Jaina: Send!

The predecessors of the Draenei were the Eredars who lived on the parent planet Argus. Even if you look at the entire material universe, the comprehensive abilities of the Eredars in all aspects can be ranked at the top of the pyramid.

In sheer strength, the eredar were no match for the brawny anihilans, but they could outwit and ingenuate each other far beyond the latter.

In terms of intrigue and trickery, the Eredars are not as good as Nathrezim, who was born for this purpose, but in terms of combat effectiveness, the Eredars can knock down the weak Dreadlord on the ground and explode with hammers.

The eredar are not at the top of any one of strength, agility, stamina, intelligence, etc., but they have no obvious weaknesses in all areas, and they are true hexagonal warriors.

There is often a word in the barrage-bucket effect.

The so-called bucket effect means that how much water a bucket can hold does not depend on the longest piece of wood, but on the shortest piece of wood.

Therefore, the bucket effect is also called the short board effect.

A well-rounded race like the eredar has no visible weaknesses, which means they're hard to target.

There is no difference between the draenei and the eredar in terms of physical fitness. The reason why the eredar who joined the Burning Legion turned red is because their bodies were infused with a lot of fel energy.

That's right, just like that group of red-skinned evil orcs.

Among the Burning Legion, the status of the Eredars as latecomers has always remained high.

Of course there are reasons for the two demon lords, Kil'jaeden the Deceiver and Archimonde the Polluter, but in the demon community where the strong are respected, the strong comprehensive ability shown by the Eredars themselves is their reason. The most fundamental reason for being able to maintain a high position.

Compared with the peak period of the once brilliant Argus civilization, the Draenei who have been in exile for many years are only lacking in science, technology and cultural inheritance.

In the whole of Azeroth, the only race that can compete with the draenei in terms of overall quality is the night elves at their peak.

Note that it was the night elves from the night empire period, not the night republic that abolished some of its martial arts today.

Because of their own philosophy, the night elves after the War of the Ancients voluntarily gave up the once highly developed magic civilization, and split into several elf branch races with different philosophies.

Night elves lack arcanists with powerful magic attacks.

The high elves who went to settle in Eversong Forest from Dongdu suffered serious physical deterioration. Compared with the night elves, the high elves were short and thin.

The Son of the Night, because of being covered in the barrier for a long time and lacking the nourishment of sunlight, his physical ability has declined to a certain extent, and he has become a lot thinner like the high elves.

In addition, Syndra Guling lacked a sufficient supply of arcane energy for a long time, and his overall quality in all aspects declined...and he was almost wiped out by his own people.

Sandara...forget about them.

In the battle with Jaina, Yrel gave full play to her physical advantages.

The Draenei also have arcanists they call scholars, and Yrel does not lack experience in fighting scholars.

As spellcasters who also use arcane arts, draenei scholars and human arcanists have slightly different combat techniques, but they always remain the same.

Jaina's combat experience cannot be compared with Yrel, who has experienced many bloody battles, and she also lacks actual combat experience with Draenei defenders.

In the initial tentative attack and defense, Jaina habitually used the template of a human paladin on Yrel, obviously underestimating the powerful physical fitness of the Draenei far above humans.

Even with disabled legs and feet, Yrel's flexibility is much stronger than that of a human paladin who also wears heavy armor, and his spell tolerance and strength of shots are also comprehensively exceeded.

The small buckler in Yrel's hand didn't look big, but to Jaina's surprise, it turned out to be a piece of magical equipment.

After Yrel poured holy light into the small buckler, the small buckler, which was originally only the size of a human head, expanded into a golden light shield that could shield half of the body.

What frustrates Jaina the most is... this shield of holy light can block spell attacks without any waves.

Jaina just broke through to become an archmage not long before the start of the Battle of Seamount. She is currently only level 51, while Yrel is a legendary paladin at level 58.

The gap at level 7 doesn't seem that big, but if you add the racial qualities of humans and draenei... the gap is more obvious.

With neither side underestimating the enemy and knowing the other's fighting style, Jaina couldn't find a way to break through Yrel's defenses.

Even if she tries to sneak attack with the flash technique three times in a row against the backlash of the spell, Yrel can always react in time and use the shield of light covering most of her body to prevent Jaina's instant spell.

Instant cast spells usually mean that the output is not enough.

Yrel's only encounter was an enhanced version of Frostbolt that Jaina cast instantly after she blessed her composure.

The Frostbolt temporarily frozen Yrel's Holy Light Shield, but Yrel quickly retracted the shining shield and turned to holding the hammer with both hands.

Under Jaina's unbelievable gaze, Yrel, whose feet were frozen by the Frost Nova, stood stiffly on the spot with the amethyst hammer in his hand and smashed the subsequent ice spears one by one.

After finishing a set of output, Jaina has never been able to pose a real threat to Yrel, so there is no need to talk about the subsequent battles.

After gradually becoming familiar with Jaina's fighting style, Yrel won the first victory steadily.

"So angry!"

After the battle, Jaina flung herself into Sharlayan's arms and acted like a baby.

"Why can't you hit it? That energy shield is too stupid!"

Sharlayan stroked Jaina's hair and smiled indulgently: "There are two reasons, one is that you are not familiar with the physical fitness of the Draenei, and you habitually use the standards of human paladins on Yrel's head .”

"Second, there is already a gap in strength between you and Yrel, and you don't have enough actual combat experience. You lack flexible means of responding to emergencies, and your fighting style is a bit rigid. It is not so easy to defeat a strong enemy by leapfrogging. ah."

"Hmm..." Jaina sighed depressingly: "I thought it would be enough for an arcanist to just squat in his mage tower and do research. Sure enough, he still can't work behind closed doors."

Sharlayan: "If it was in a peaceful world, your cognition would be fine, also know that Azeroth's future is destined to encounter many disasters, large and small."

"In this environment, mages can't just bury their heads in research, and both civil and martial arts must go hand in hand."

Jaina smiled wryly and said, "Okay~ In this way, I have gained something from this battle."

Sharlayan encouraged Jaina with a kiss on the forehead: "Okay, don't be so depressed, it's time for Yrel to choose his next opponent, and you can wait and watch the show."

After precisely pinching the only soft persimmon, Yrel's next opponent is not so easy to beat.

As expected, Yrel eliminated the two extraordinary species who were still watching the show in the sky, and chose Valeera, who seemed less difficult to deal with.

"Do thieves fight's interesting."

Sharlayan touched his chin with great interest: "If Yrel thinks that the rogue's attack power is too weak to break through her defenses... then it's a big mistake."

"Valeera may be more prone to scraping when facing giant creatures with strong defenses, but she has the artifact of Quel'Sera after all. It is impossible for Yrel's shield and armor to overwhelm her attacks."

As Velen's most promising apprentice, Yrel's equipment is really not bad. Her armor, warhammer and shield are all high-end items of epic quality.

But her opponent, Valeera, wasn't bad at all.

With the backing of Sarlayan, a partner with amazing resources and financial resources, Valeera never had to worry about the quality of equipment.

In addition to holding the artifact Quel'Sera in her hands, the night leather armor on Valeera's body is not made of ordinary materials, but a set of extremely tough epic-level dragon leather armor... Thanks to the black dragon Saberian The "selfless" contribution of the year.

"Let's go."

Sharlayan squatted down, lifted up the little Tina who raised her hands to hug, and put the little guy on her most familiar position - on her shoulders.

"There will be a good show tomorrow. I don't know if Yrel can pass Valeera's level."

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