Sharlayan knew what Malfurion was worried about, it was because of his overly cautious character.

In order to dispel Malfurion's worries, Sharlayan deliberately put on a confident expression: "I have already asked the Mag'har orcs for permission in advance on this point."

"At least in the areas of Hellfire Peninsula, Zangarmarsh, Talador Forest, Nagrand Steppes, and Frostfire Ridge, the Cenarion Circle's research operations will not suffer any hindrance."

"The situation in Gorgrond is more complicated. I will take another trip to Draenor in time to try to 'convince' the local overlord, Gruul, the King of Gorgrond, as soon as possible."

"After all, the optimization of the environment is also beneficial to Gruul and his group."

"As for Shadowmoon Valley, I suggest leaving it until the end. I still need to discuss this matter with Illidan."

Hearing Illidan's name, Malfurion's brows twitched unconsciously.

"Okay... how about that guy Illidan?"

Sharlayan smiled and shrugged his shoulders: "He is very busy. I only met him once when I went to Draenor this time. He has been traveling back and forth between the worlds occupied by the Burning Legion. He seems to be looking for something. .”

The existence of the Sargerite Keystone is rather troublesome to explain, and there are many and very important issues involved.

The current focus is to convince Malfurion to nod and agree to the Draenor purification plan first, and there will be endless discussions on this issue. Sharlayan deliberately took Illidan's purpose aside.

Malfurion is also an old fritter who has lived for tens of thousands of years. He recognized the meaning of Sharlayan's words, so he could only temporarily put aside his curiosity and worries, and focus on the current topic of discussion.

Malfurion originally didn't want Fandral to get too involved in matters related to Queen Azshara.

"Assigning" Fandral to work in Draenor just allowed him to get away from another research that Malfurion disliked very much.

More importantly, after Fandral left voluntarily, Malfurion no longer had to be caught between the lover who complained all day and the proud apprentice.

As for the farrodin...

Anyway, he is also a "wild" druid scholar, and Malfurion can use Tai Chi in front of Tyrande on the grounds that he can't control Farodin.

As the supreme leader of the Night Republic, Malfurion certainly didn't want Azshara to turn back into a night elf, because this would inevitably affect the legitimacy of the Night Republic.

But if you consider it from the standpoint of the entire Azeroth, Malfurion has to admit that Queen Azshara is indeed an indispensable and powerful help when fighting against foreign enemies including the Burning Legion. .

The premise is that Sharlayan is fully sure that he can handle this proud queen who is lonely and self-admired.

Thinking of this, Malfurion rubbed his eyebrows with a headache.

"Sharlayan, with all due respect, are you really sure that Azshara won't settle accounts with us for that... conflict ten thousand years ago?"

This was not the first time Malfurion had confirmed this to Sharlayan, and it could be seen from this that he was afraid of Queen Azshara.

Sharlayan spread his hands helplessly: "My answer will not change. Regardless of political factors, just in terms of personal combat power, I guarantee that Azshara will not cause any disturbances in Azeroth."

It is true that the Dragon Clan has a promise not to meddle in mortal affairs lightly, but... Azshara is not a mortal.

Leaving aside whether the current Azshara has any plans to regain power, even if there is, he doesn't think that Azshara who lost the Well of Eternity can find anything Flowers come.

Compared with Azshara's immediate combat power, Sharlayan valued her unparalleled potential more.

No kidding, Azshara is Azeroth's own daughter, including Sharlayan himself, in terms of potential, no one in Azeroth is right.

If it wasn't for N'Zoth's "blessing" that polluted the original pure arcane energy in Azshara's body, ten thousand years of penance might have been enough for Azshara to step into the realm of a true god.

One point needs to be emphasized here.

The pure power of shadow will not slow down Azshara's arcane practice progress, at best it can be regarded as bypassing the analogy, but... what N'Zoth gave Azshara was the power of the void that had been "supplemented" by the ancient gods.

In order to allow a large number of people who fell into the water with her to gain the ability to survive underwater, Azshara accepted the shackles put on by N'Zoth, intending to use N'Zoth's power to help her regain what she had lost.

However, who knew that this class would last for a full ten thousand years.

En'Zosi promised well, but behind the scenes, he was doing all kinds of non-personnel affairs, and even quietly fostered an ancient god sect Naga inside the Naga that was not controlled by Azshara.

Azshara is a person who has always been soft but not hard.

In order to lure Azshara to take the bait, Sargeras put down his body and tried his best to say good things. What kind of hook are you, N'Zoth, to dare to treat my old lady like this.

Since you are not benevolent, don't blame me for being unrighteous.

When Azshara learned from Sharlayan that there was a way to get rid of the shackles of the Naga form, Azshara, who had long wanted to rebel against his mother, chose to rebel without hesitation.

As for the conflict between Azshara and the Night Republic... this is the internal affairs of the night elves, Salayan is inconvenient... and does not want to intervene.

At least Azshara has promised that once it is done, she is willing to recognize the legitimacy of Quel'Thalas in the name of the Queen of the Night Empire, and stand on the side of Sharlayan, which is enough.

So what Sharlayan said to Malfurion, "Leaving aside the political factors", is a typical case of him being left and right, because this is the focus of the conflict between the positions of the two sides.

Malfurion was not stupid. He could vaguely guess that Sharlayan should have secretly reached an agreement with Queen Azshara on behalf of Quel'Thalas.

At least it is certain that the return of Queen Azshara will not affect the status and existence of Quel'Thalas, but it is hard to say for the Republic of Darkness.


Malfurion sighed softly, and said meaningfully to Sharlayan: "The Dark Republic, which has inherited the legacy of the Dark Night Empire, indeed has a profound foundation, but even if it is to balance the power of all parties in Azeroth, you cannot Are you always catching a sheep?"

"Well..." Sharlayan smiled noncommittally: "I can only say that the situation should not develop into the worst situation you expected."

Malfurion is indeed a good old man, but if he doubts his ability because of his personality, it is a pure act of death.

When the Battle of Mount Hyjal was still going on, Malfurion had suspected that Sharlayan, who made the strategic plan, seemed to want the night elves to take the initiative to kill Archimonde by exploding Nordrassil.

Malfurion's situation was far higher than that of Tyrande, who had a small belly. Even though he sensed something was wrong, he still resolutely decided to detonate Nordrassil for the sake of the overall situation.

When reviewing the changes in the battle situation with Garald afterwards, the two outstanding figures in their respective fields came to a unified conclusion without any surprise.

As the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, Sharlayan planned this from the very beginning, in order to make the night elves lose their ability to live forever and return to the mortal world in a down-to-earth manner.

From the point of view of the night elves, Sharlayan's way of defrauding his allies is somewhat wicked.

However, considering the long-term perspective of the cooperation among the various ethnic groups in Azeroth, this step must be taken by chess players who overlook the overall situation.

Otherwise, sooner or later, the night elves will be gradually isolated by other races and countries because of their high status.

As the leaders of the night elves, Malfurion and Jarod knew their people better than anyone.

Ten thousand years of immortality has made many night elves develop the bad habit of looking down on other races. They subconsciously think that their status is superior to other mortal races.

This is obviously a bad signal, and Malfurion has tried many times to change this inherent cognition of arrogance, but he has never been able to get in.

Sharlayan's plan is more radical for the night elves, but it just fundamentally solves their problem of floating in the sky.

Afterwards, Malfurion retreated from Tyrande, and after some discussions with Jarod, Maiev, and Fandral, the Council of Night agreed that the matter should stop here.

Malfurion believed that the night elves had made concessions for the sake of the overall situation. He would not let outsiders ride on the head of the night elves and get whatever they wanted, but he should show a tough stance appropriately.

Sharlayan had already guessed that Malfurion could see through his mind, and he didn't show any abnormality to his warning with a gun and a club.

The accompanying Valeera and Fandral were both insiders, and they could hear what kind of riddle they were playing, but Renza Gianthoof looked bewildered.

"so be it."

Malfurion withdrew his slightly sharp eyes and returned to his previous peaceful attitude.

"I hope that Azshara will really focus on the overall situation as you said. If the development of the situation exceeds expectations... Sharlayan, I hope that you, as the guarantor, will take responsibility to make things right."

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