Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1203 Teldrassil, Crown of the Earth

The verbal confrontation with Malfurion ended here, and the atmosphere of the following conversation was not as solemn as before.

According to the agreement, Sharlayan told Malfurion and Fandral the breakthrough experience and insights he had gained so far, and then they would relay this experience to Tyrande and Maiev who were also stuck in the last level.

Looking at it this way, compared to other countries in Azeroth, the night elves do have a profound heritage.

Even if the outlier Illidan is excluded, they still have four high-end combat powers that have reached the peak of mortals.

After this, there are a large number of legendary masters such as Shandris Feathermoon, Jarod Shadowsong, and Renza Gianthoof, whose comprehensive strength surpasses other countries by a large margin.

Sharlayan unreservedly shared his breakthrough experience and insights with Malfurion and Fandral. As for whether he can help them break through and when they can break through, this depends on personal understanding.

In addition, a suitable breakthrough opportunity is also needed.

"Completely integrate your own power, initially condense and sublimate it into a power that transcends ordinary rules?"

Malfurion nodded thoughtfully: "So that's the case, I probably understand."

"Thank you for sharing, Sharlayan, this infallible answer provides a whole new direction on a path of progress that has come to an end."

Malfurion had already reached the pinnacle of mortals ten thousand years ago. Judging by the standards of mortals in Azeroth, he was definitely a person with outstanding talents.

The reason why he was stuck at the last hurdle and couldn't make any progress for ten thousand years was because he couldn't see clearly how to continue on the road ahead.

Since the birth of Azeroth, there are only two people who have truly broken through the limits of mortals by their own strength.

It was obviously impossible for Azshara to tell Malfurion her feelings, and Sharlayan's breakthrough was somewhat objective and tricky.

Because he was born with the dragon blood of an extraordinary creature, it would be easier to break through the final bottleneck than a pure-blooded mortal like Malfurion.

In addition, Illidan and the guardians of Tirisfal in the past all broke through evil ways through external force infusion, and their experience cannot be used as a reference.

Sharlayan broke through the boundaries of mortals by using powerful enemies to push himself to the limit, but this does not mean that this is the only method that can help mortals break through.

Each person's situation is different, as long as the most important opportunity for enlightenment can be obtained, any method is theoretically feasible.

For example, Fandral, after going to Draenor, plans to gain insights through practical actions such as research and planting trees, and try to see if he can break through the final door with a clear purpose.

Malfurion, Tyrande, and Maiev should all have different methods. Sharlayan doesn't plan to get involved, as long as the final result can meet expectations.

However, as the speaker of the night republic's affairs, Malfurion still needs to be busy with the post-war reconstruction for a while before he can spare time to devote himself to cultivation.

Before that, he planned to let Tyrande and others retreat in turn to see who could break through the bottleneck first.

After the visit, Sharlayan took the initiative to bid farewell to Fandral and Malfurion who were still distracted.

Before leaving, Sharlayan learned from Fandral the name of the growing World Tree—Teldrassil.

In Elvish, the word means crown of the earth.

Teldrassil carried the expectations that Malfurion and Fandral and other high-level druids placed on their people through this new world tree. They hoped that the night elves could bid farewell to the arrogance of the past and reintegrate into the mortal world down-to-earth.

"Nordrassil, the crown of the sky, Teldrassil, the crown of the earth, the sky and the earth... Oh, so that's what it means."

In the process of leaving Felwood and heading south, Sharlayan quickly realized the meaning behind the name given to the new world by the Council of Night.

Valeera was riding on the back of Sharlayan's transformed griffin. After hearing his explanation, Valeera wasn't too surprised.

"As we expected earlier, the Council of Night...let's exclude Tyrande for the time being. In short, the upper echelon of the night elves has long been aware of the problem of the tribe, and also intends to change the arrogant mentality of the tribe. .”

"Nordrassil's self-destruction took away the blessing of eternal life that the night elves relied on for thousands of years, and smashed their arrogant capital in a very violent way."

Valeera said with some emotion: "Crown of the Earth... I hope the people of the night elves can really understand the good intentions of the Night Council."

Sharlayan said noncommittally: "Time will tell, let us wait and see."


Having said that, Valeera took advantage of the situation and shifted the topic to the goal of the next stage.

"Sharlayan, what kind of test do you think Nozdormu will give you?"

"Who knows."

Sharlayan shook his head helplessly: "You have also heard Oni say before that even within the Dragon Clan, the thoughts of the Bronze Dragon are difficult for other members of the same clan to understand."

"Nozdormu, the Bronze Dragon King, has read countless branch timelines of Azeroth, and even gave birth to another self who tried to break the rules of time because of self-doubt... that is, the Eternal Dragon King Mnozdor."

"I can only say that there is a high probability that he will choose a time bifurcation point that will have a major impact on the history of Azeroth, but I am not sure which event it is."

Theoretically, the possibility of the War of the Ancients is the greatest, but through the analysis of the barrage, Sharlayan believes that Nozdormu should not throw him at the time when the staff is saturated.

After all, Rhonin, Krasus and Broxie Saurfang are completely enough.

"I hope Nozdormu stays out of trouble. I don't want to be stuck in the time stream and unable to return to the present."


On the way south from Felwood Forest, Sharlayan stopped by the Mulgore Grasslands and landed on Thunder Bluff to talk with Cairne Bloodhoof and Hamuul Runetotem.

From Kane and Hamuul, Sharlayan learned of the latest trends of the orc tribe.

As expected, Go'el kept his promise and completely withdrew his troops from Ashenvale after the Battle of Seamount. Only some of the hard workers were kept to cut wood in the Warsong lumberyard specially reserved for them by the night elves.

The orcs are a nomadic people, but the problem is...the barren red land of Durotar has no grass at all, not to mention growing food, and even grass cannot grow.

Fortunately, under the exploration of the orc pioneers, they found a large number of copper and iron veins in the mines all over Durotar. Through the ore produced locally, they can exchange food with the tauren and night elf neighbors .

However, this is not a long-term solution after all. Goel, who has received the teachings of Sharlayan, knows the truth that he cannot put his hopes on outsiders.

Once there is political and diplomatic friction between each other, it is not easy for the night elves and tauren to get stuck in the neck of the Horde.

Therefore, when the orc tribe initially gained a firm foothold in Durotar, Goyle ordered the expedition team to go west to explore the barren land.

On the other hand, Goel also sent some orcs to land in Dustwallow Marsh in small boats off the coast of the south.

This orc advance team accidentally discovered a group of ogres who did not know when they settled here in the swamp, and the two sides fought violently as soon as they met.

This is not an order from Goyle, but the ogre's initiative to attack.


Sharlayan was not surprised and said to Kane and Hamuul: "It's a long story, the grievances and entanglements between the two clans can be traced back hundreds of years ago."

Ordinary single-headed ogres are generally not very intelligent, but they at least know who is good and bad for them.

After the fall of the Gorian Empire, the remaining ogres were forcibly enslaved by the prosperous old tribe at that time, and were forced to follow them to invade Azeroth.

As the saying goes, the tree fell and the hozen scattered. After the once mighty old tribe collapsed, the ogres who had no sense of identity with the tribe took the opportunity to flee in large numbers.

To this day, a large number of ogres are scattered in every corner of Azeroth, from Arathi Highlands, Duskwood, Tanaris, Feralas to Dustwallow Marsh, traces of their activities can be seen everywhere.

In addition to the movement of the orcs, Kane also mentioned Magatha and the Gaoling tauren in passing.

Taking advantage of the opportunity when the tauren were busy gathering troops to reinforce Mount Hyjal, the Galak centaur in Thousand Needles colluded with the goblins who had settled in the Shimmering Plains, and gathered troops to attack the empty Freewind Post in the rear.

The hot-tempered Magatha would not let them be used to them, so he led his troops to the Thousand Needles Stone Forest without saying a word, and now the three parties are engaged in a fierce melee at the junction of the east of the Stone Forest and the Shining Plain.


Sharlayan touched his chin with a strange expression: "The Steamwheedle Consortium has always been unprofitable. Could it be that the group of greenskins found some valuable goods in Thousand Needles?"

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