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Chapter 1205 Son of the Night: You don't want this ally? i want two

In addition to using careful thinking to try to keep Sharlayan from getting sidetracked without knowing the whole picture, Kane and Hamuul also mentioned their contacts with the Gaolin tauren.

The Broken Isles hang alone in the middle of the Endless Sea, far away from both the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor.

Suramar, who has inherited a lot of the technical heritage of the Dark Night Empire, can travel between the two continents at will with the help of portals and ships.

Unfortunately, the Kalimdor tauren, known as the strongest army in Azeroth, are not good at building ships either.

Without the help of external forces, it would not be easy for the distant relatives of the two tauren tribes to strengthen contact.

The Tauren also participated in the War of the Ancients 10,000 years ago. At that time, there was no difference between the so-called Kalimdor Tauren and Gaoling Tauren.

It stands to reason that the native residents of Kalimdor have also received enlightenment from the forest demigod Cenarius, so the relationship between the night elves and the tauren should have been very close.

However, this is not the case.

After the War of the Ancients, the ancient continent of Kalimdor was split into many continents and islands due to the explosion of the Well of Eternity.

The tauren clan that Huon Gaoling belonged to was unfortunately bombed to the middle of the sea along with the Broken Isles. Since they did not have long-distance navigation skills, they have completely cut off contact with Kalimdor since then.

In the War of the Ancients, Huln Highmountain happened to save the kin of Malorne the White Hart, Ethero the Elk, from the demons.

In order to thank Hun Gaoling for saving his life, Ai Teluo bestowed the essence of his power on Huun Gaoling and his people, turning their original horns into broad elk horns, and Bikalim Multi-tauren are better at ramming enemies with their big horns.

Thus, Gaoling Tauren officially got its name.

However, the tauren clan that stayed in Kalimdor was brutally slaughtered by centaurs in the following years, and the night elves under the rule of Tyrande did not respond to this.

At any rate, he was also a comrade in arms who participated in the War of the Ancients together, and he was also an apprentice of Cenarius. The night elves' indifferent attitude made the tauren feel very cold, and the originally friendly relationship between the two clans gradually drifted apart.

At this point in the chat, Valeera said with some amusement: "Well, in a word, it's still Tyrande's fault. Fortunately, the current Dark Night Republic is not up to her."

Sharlayan also couldn't help laughing: "From the attitudes of Malfurion and Fandral before, it can be seen that Tyrande has been consistently marginalized by the other colleagues of the Night Council."

"Now she can only be responsible for priesthood affairs related to the Church of the Moon God. Even Tyrande's partner, Malfurion, dare not let her touch core government affairs again."

"Heh~" Valeera said with a half-smile: "From the standpoint of the high elves, we should actually thank Tyrande for his cooking operations over the past ten thousand years, otherwise God knows how powerful the night elves will be."

"If they are allowed to continue to develop in these ten thousand years, other races may have no way out at all, and can only struggle to survive under the shadow of the night elves, and our high elves are no exception."

Objectively speaking, the high elves have just crossed the sea and came to the Eastern Kingdom... Even the early days of the founding of the country have not been very good.

Quel'Thalas really entered a period of rapid development, and it started after it cooperated with the Arathor Empire and completely broke the backbone of the forest trolls through the soul-stirring troll war.

Until then, Quel'Thalas had lived in the shadow of the trolls, and several Sun Kings had died on the battlefield. At that time, the Amani Empire was the undisputed overlord of the Eastern Kingdoms.

Compared with Quel'Thalas, the night elves have not experienced any major turmoil since the end of the Satyr War until the beginning of the Quicksand War. At most, there was only one Fandral tree overturning incident.

Sharlayan deliberately counted the time with Valeera's fingers.

The Battle of Satyr ended around 9,300 years before the Black Gate, and the first Battle of Quicksand took place around 975 years before the Black Gate. The 8,000 years in between should have been enough for the night elves to develop across two continents. giant.

However, in fact, this kind of thing that should have happened did not happen.

Under Tyrande's "wise" leadership, although the night elves' national strength will not regress, the growth is indeed limited, and it is far from meeting Sharlayan's expectations for them.

Thanks to Tyrande's short-sightedness, Quel'Thalas, which was hiding in the northernmost part of the Eastern Kingdom, was able to achieve its current scale.

And this is on the premise that the Sunstrider royal family and the Silvermoon Council are desperately fighting each other.

It's a bit far off.

All in all, neither the Kalimdor Tauren nor the Kaolin Tauren have the ability to travel far. After private discussions between the chiefs of the two parties, they chose to turn to the Nightborne of Suramar for help.

Night Elf? The dogs ignored it.

Malfurion has always wanted to repair the relationship with the tauren since he came to power, but freezing three feet is not a one-day cold, I want the tauren to forgive the night elves for not saving them, Malfurion...or when The Night Council still has a long way to go.

Compared with the cold and ruthless night elves, the attitude of the nightborne towards the tauren is obviously much better.

For the previous 10,000 years, Suramar had been shrouded in a magic barrier propped up by the Nightwell, and the diplomatic exchanges between the two sides had been interrupted.

Ever since Nightborne opened the barrier and reconnected with the world, Elisande delegated the authority to oversee Suramar affairs to Chief Arcanist Talisa for a long time, and he was only responsible for the reconstruction of Narsalas Academy.

Although Elisande didn't say anything, Talisa and her other advisers knew that the great magister wanted to use this behavior to express the meaning of admitting his mistakes, and at the same time lowered his figure to learn other people's management skills.

There is one thing to say, although in terms of personal strength, Talisa is far inferior to Elisande who has reached the peak of mortals, but in terms of human sophistication and governing skills, Talisa has indeed taught Elisande, the hands-off shopkeeper, a lot. .

Not long after Suramar was opened, Talisa sent a diplomatic team to try to re-establish friendly relations with the neighbors around Suramar.

Needless to say on Azsuna's side, Elisande personally sits in the town to rebuild Narsalas Academy, and with the active cooperation of Azsuna's night watchmen, the progress is going smoothly.

After the Night Watchman got rid of the curse and was reborn in the Shadowlands, the Nightborne took back the territory of Azsuna as a matter of course.

The vrykul in Stormheim are relatively troublesome. The vrykul distributed in the fjords are composed of many different clans, each with different positions and styles.

The largest vrykul clan in Stormheim is called Tideskret, ruled by a queen named Bretta.

In the early years, Sharlayan had opened the gate to the abyss of Hell with the assistance of the Tideskite clan led by Breta, and defeated Hela, the god of death, and lifted half of the seals of Odin and the Hall of Valor.

Queen Bretta contributed a lot in the war between the Tidemilk clan and the Kvaldir, and Sharlayan also kept her promise afterwards and helped her quell the civil strife in the Tidemilk clan.

But... the infighting among the Chaomire Clan didn't end there.

In that scuffle, among Breta's four husband-killing sons, the eldest, Vodgar, the second, and the third, Agnol, were all stabbed and killed by the youngest but most insidious Scovald. .

After the war, Queen Bretta took the opportunity to reclaim part of the territory of the three, but Scovald, who had shown his bravery and resourcefulness through this war, also took the opportunity to rise.

To this day, the forces under Scovald's command have been able to compete with Queen Breta, known as the Valkyrie, and the mother and son fought in Stormheim.

Odin? The old gang can only be happy with it.

His heroic warriors chose the souls of the most powerful Vrykuls to ascend to the Hall of Valor. The more Vrykuls died, the stronger the Heroic warriors under Odin's command would be.

The chief manager with a bad personality has been using this way of raising Gu to sustainably exhaust the fish.

Compared with Stormheim, where the situation is still complicated, Val'sharah has nothing to say.

Under Malfurion's behest, the night elves in Val'sharah resumed diplomatic exchanges with Suramar in a calm manner.

The last one is the tauren in Highmountain. Compared with the night elves, who are neither salty nor indifferent, the nightborn and the tauren have established a good cooperative relationship, and they each get what they need in bilateral trade.

After receiving the request from the Kaolin Tauren to borrow a ship for a long-term trip between the Eastern Kingdom and the Broken Isles, Talisa, acting as Elisande's ruling power, weighed the pros and cons, and quickly agreed to their deal.

This is a very good account, a very cost-effective transaction.

Even without mentioning the fact that the Nightborne took this opportunity to get closer to the Kalimdor tauren, just the long-term benefits of using this trade route can make Suramar's heart flutter.

"Queen Bretta..."

Speaking of the Vrykul Queen who had a strong personality but unfortunately encountered four husband-killing and rebellious sons, Valeera put her chin in her hand and said thoughtfully: "We promised her that we would help the Tide Mire Clan to quell the civil strife, but unfortunately we couldn't." Solve the problem at its root."

"Should we find a time to return to Stormheim and fulfill our promise to completely solve that traitor Skovald?"

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