Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1206 Bad Premonition

During the original trip to the Broken Isles, it was Valeera and Vereesa who were in charge of contacting the Tideskirt clan.

Although judging from the situation at the time, Sarlayan and his party did reach the content of the deal.

But looking back after a few years, Valeera has an inexplicable sense of guilt for not doing enough after-sales service.

"The Tidesteel Clan?" Sharlayan considered for a while, "It's up to you, I don't intend to personally participate."

"If necessary, you can use my name to mobilize the Dukedom's army for an expedition. It's just a trivial matter anyway."

"Huh? No."

Halfway through the conversation, Sharlayan, who was somewhat absent-minded under the body of the barrage, suddenly came back to his senses.

"I remember that the Shield of Aggramar in the Pillars of Creation seems to be still stored in the Aggramar Treasury in Stormheim, right?"


Sharlayan smacked his lips and guessed: "Now that Skovald and Bretta are evenly matched, that brat will definitely try to find the key point to break the situation. Will he..."

"Hmm~" Valeera lowered her head and thought for a while, "It's hard to say. Judging from what Skovald did before, that guy is clearly a person who will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals."


Sharlayan hesitated for a moment before saying: "No, as expected, I still have to go there in person. It's best to take out the Shield of Aggramar and hand it to Odin's old gang for safekeeping."

Because the seal of the Hall of Valor is only half lifted, Odin can only be limited to activities in Stormfjord for the time being.

But there is one thing to say, Odin's combat power is definitely the best among the guardians of the titans, but it is not known who is stronger between him and the great guardian Raiden in his heyday.

Speaking of Raiden, Sharlayan also had a headache.

"That guy Raiden said that he wanted to witness the will and ability of mortals in the new era through travel. A few years have passed, what about others? Play disappearing for me again, right?"

Valeera shrugged with a smile: "If Lyden really wants to hide, how can we possibly find him."

"But I guess, when you really start to launch the plan to counterattack Ulduar, Raiden should take the initiative to show up."

"After all, Ulduar, the city of titans, is also his home."

"Hey~" Sharlayan said with a wry smile, "After this calculation, I have a lot of things to do in the future."

"Before Azeroth recovers, the Battle of Ulduar is not suitable to start. Let's postpone it for a few years. As for Stormheim... you can take a trip later."


After leaving the Mulgore Grassland, Sharlayan and Valeera did not stop on the way, crossing the Barrens and Thousand Needles Forest straight into the Tanaris Desert.

On the way they did see a scene where tauren, Garak centaurs, and Steamwheedle goblins were facing off at the junction of Shimmering Steppes and Thousand Needles.

However, unlike what Kane and Hamuul said, the melee was not very intense, only the centaur rushing forward was dancing happily.

However, under the obstruction of the fortifications set up by the tauren, the threat that the centaur that cannot rush can exert is really limited.

The complex terrain of Thousand Needles Stone Forest is not a desolate place with a flat surface, and it is not a suitable home field for centaurs to charge.

Valeera probed to observe the situation below: "Don't you need to go down and find out the situation?"


Sharlayan glanced down and continued to flap his wings and fly in the direction of Tanaris.

"It's important. I have a bad feeling... Nozdormu is probably going to be a monster."

"Premonition?" Valeera patted Sharlayan on the back funnyly: "You are not the prophet Velen, can your foresight be accurate?"

"Of course not...forget it."

After thinking about it, Sarlayan realized that, as Valeera said, he did not have the powerful predictive ability like Velen, and the uneasiness in his heart might be purely psychological.

The Tanaris Desert is nominally the inherent territory of the Sandfury trolls, but the high elves, tauren and goblins who entered this area one after another did not take the miserable trolls seriously.

The Sandfury trolls were once part of the Jungle Trolls, part of the Gurubashi Empire.

The once beautiful Tanaris jungle was unfortunately swept away by the aftermath of the activation of the furnace of origin, and the entire area became the barren desert terrain it is today.

The Sandfury troll was also implicated because of this, and had gnawed on the sand for tens of thousands of years in this empty desert, so the living conditions were naturally not much better.

After tens of thousands of years of change, the Sandfury trolls that once spread throughout Tanaris have been continuously shrinking. Now they can only hide near the capital Zul'Farrak, unable to expand outward at all.

The South Seaport chosen by Sharlayan is far away from the eastern coast of Tanaris, far away from the sphere of influence of the Sandfury trolls, and will basically not be harassed by trolls.

The later Steamwheedle Consortium was robbed of the most valuable seaside area, so they could only build their own city, Gadgetzan, at the entrance of the desert closest to the Shining Plains.

Since Gadgetzan is relatively close to Zul'Farrak, the Sandfury trolls, who are worried about having nothing to eat and cannot support their tribe, simply let the goblins use their recipes.

That's right, due to the impact of the harsh environment and in line with the concept of not wasting any "food", the Sandfury trolls still maintain the bad habit of cannibalism, and they will not even let go of the corpses left by their own people after they die.

Sharlayan was not interested in wrestling with the scrawny Sandfury troll in the hot-footed desert. After passing over Gadgetzan, the two quickly landed in front of the gate of the Caverns of Time.

Onyxia contacted Chromie in advance, saying that she would arrange for someone to greet her at the Cavern of Time.

What Sharlayan didn't expect was that the person in charge of this job was actually his old acquaintance, the distinguished Bronze Dragon Crown Prince Anachronos.

"Haha! It's been a long time, Salayan and Vale. LS Leian and Valeera just landed and changed back to human form. Anachronos, who was transformed into a night elf and stood in front of the gate, gave him and Valeera a hearty smile. A warm hug from Valeera.

Sharlayan also smiled and patted Anachronos' thick back: "Anachronos, why are you here to pick us up? I thought Chromie would just arrange for a baby dragon."


Anachronos said meaningfully: "After all, I handed over the time sand fragments to you, and I have the obligation to witness how it is used, right?"


Sare'an scratched his cheek a little awkwardly: "You already know?"

Anachronos patted him on the shoulder indifferently: "Don't worry, since the things are given to you, you are free to use them however you want."

"I just want to see the difference between the power of time controlled by the colorful dragon and the orthodox bronze dragon. It's time to increase my knowledge."

Escorted by the transformed Anachronos, Sharlayan and Valeera reached the bottom of the Caverns of Time through a spiral downward winding passage.

Nozdormu and Dragon Queen Solidormi, who had returned from Mount Hyjal to recuperate, happened to be in the Caverns of Time, surrounded by many bronze dragon kings of various shapes.

Nozdormu's expression and eyes were still calm about Sarlayan and Valeera's visit, but the dragon queen Solidormi's attitude was completely different from his, appearing very enthusiastic.

For thousands of years before that, the Bronze Dragon had been pinned down by the Eternal Dragon of the same ancestry, and Nozdormu had been missing for a long time, and all affairs in the clan were under the pressure of Solidormi.

As the Eternal Dragon King was personally killed by Nozdormu himself, the destruction of the Eternal Dragon was a foregone conclusion, and Solidormi could finally relieve his burden.

Although Sharlayan believed that he was just a tool man calculated by Nozdormu in that plan, Soledormi didn't think so.

Counting Sharlayan's help to the Bronze Dragon Clan many times before, the Bronze Dragon Queen is very grateful to Sharlayan for his dedication.

The dragon queen's optimism, coupled with the good personal relationship between the crown prince Analokos and Sharlayan, the attitude of the bronze dragon royal family around their parents towards them is quite friendly... At least for the time being, they have not shown the riddle man's attitude. nature.

Well, for now.

After some pleasantries, Nozdormu waved his hand to stop the enthusiasm of his wife and children.

"Son of Elena Strasza, I already know your purpose, you should also know my rules, right?"

Sharlayan took a deep breath and solemnly nodded to Nozdormu.

"Yes, Your Majesty Nozdormu, may I ask, what is the specific content of the test I am going to accept?"

"You'll know."

Nozdormu raised his hand to draw a circle expressionlessly, and with the power of time pouring out, a golden portal appeared in front of Sharlayan.

'So direct? '

Sharlayan glanced sideways at Valeera: "Can I bring a helper?"

"Anything you want." Nozdormu said indifferently, "But I want to remind you that the time you're going to is... more dangerous. It's best to be mentally prepared before you go."

'Oh my really is a bad premonition experience. '

Sharlayan smiled wryly and rubbed the center of his brows: "Valeera, His Majesty Nozdormu has already said so, are you sure you want to go with me?"


Valeera said firmly: "I don't worry about you wandering around alone, and...maybe my breakthrough opportunity lies in this test."

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