Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1229 The big fish offered to you

C'Thun is called the Thousand-Eyed Demon, and its ability can be glimpsed through this title, and it must have amazing insight.

It was expected that they would be discovered after sneaking into the city of Ahn'Qiraj, but Sharlayan never expected that C'Thun would be so sensitive, and they were caught as soon as they entered the city.

Sharlayan: "I always feel that we seem to be helping others."

[Be more confident, don't look like it, it's fine! 】

Due to his unfamiliarity with the place, Sharlayan could only "parkour" along the streets with Valeera first, not daring to easily get into those small alleys that were not known to be dead ends.

The insectoid soldiers guarding the city of Ahn'Qiraj didn't seem to expect that they could catch a big fish in an ordinary routine inspection of the city, and their reaction speed was obviously half a beat slower.

By the time the guards screamed and rode on the tank bugs and began to pursue, Sharlayan had already run a long distance, and even jumped onto the roofs of the houses in the city that were made of obsidian.

As the saying goes, you can only see far when you climb high.

Although it was not the first time for Sharlayan and Valeera to Ahn'Qiraj, the experience of later generations obviously cannot be directly applied to this era.

The Ahn'Qiraj in the memory of the two of them was already a dilapidated ruin, full of ruins and ruins, not the slightest resemblance to the holy city of Ahn'Qiraj in its heyday and prosperity.

In order to facilitate the observation of the terrain, Sharlayan's transformed tank worm nimbly stepped on the "obstacles" on the roadside to take advantage of it, and jumped onto the roof.

To Sharlayan's surprise, the city of Ahn'Qiraj, which was built by C'Thun himself, was quite different from the city-building concepts of the major races in Azeroth.

In order to facilitate the construction of city walls to defend the entire city, including Silvermoon City, the capital of Quel'Thalas, the mainstream urban architectural style of Azeroth is a circular layout.

During the last expansion of Unicorn City, the advice provided by Danmaku was adopted, and the bulky and low-cost city walls were abandoned, and the arcane enchantment was used to protect the whole city.

After getting rid of the restrictions of the city wall, the planning of the city can be completely free.

...Of course, only a country like Quel'Thalas, which can use the sunwell to supply energy, dared to make such a bold design without walls in the era of feudal aristocracy.

The architectural concept of Ahn'Qiraj... In Sharlayan's words, it is a bit ahead of its time.

Due to the geographical environment, this holy city is surrounded by mountains, and the only way to enter the city is through the ray of sky at the entrance of the canyon.

The advantages of the natural environment allowed the city of Ahn'Qiraj to get rid of the restriction of building a city with the city walls, and adopted a distinctive rectangular layout in terms of urban planning.

While leaping forward on the roof, Sharlayan saw the landmark temple located in the deepest part of the city at a glance.

The Temple of Ahn'Qiraj in this era has not yet sunk into the ground. Due to different aesthetics, the appearance cannot be said to be beautiful in Sharlayan's view, but at least it can be called majestic.

The guards following the two also jumped onto the roof one after another, and under the surprised and curious attention of the people in Ahn'Qiraj, they started a rather novel chase.

"Sharlayan, the situation is not good."

Sharlayan put most of his energy into observing and shorthanding the city structure, while Valeera was responsible for paying attention to the pursuers.

In the beginning, the guards chasing after the two were all ground units without exception.

Seeing that they were still unable to catch up, the insect commander guarding the city finally became angry and sent out more mobile flying units.

"I saw."

From the corner of his eye, he noticed the flying insects that were surrounding the city from all directions. Sarlayan jumped off the roof without hesitation, took note of the layout of the city by climbing up and looking into the distance, and began to walk around the streets.

After entering an unoccupied alley, Valeera first stepped on the back shell of the tank bug to jump out with force, and entered the stealth state before landing.

Sharlayan also hid in a blind spot around a corner, transformed from a huge Qiraji tank worm into a black panther with oily fur, and followed Valeera to launch a stealth.

"Da da da!"

The sound of jointed limbs colliding with the ground made by a large number of bugmen running quickly came to the outside of the alley. After searching and failing to find the enemy, they quickly retreated vigorously and continued to search in other directions.


After finally getting rid of the pursuers temporarily, Sharlayan and Valeera took a deep breath in the soul link channel at the same time.

However, before the two of them got together to discuss the next step, another C'Thun's eyeball suddenly appeared in the alley.

"Hey! This guy is really lingering and pervasive!"

Just as Sharlayan and Valeera, who had been seen through their stealth, were about to move their hiding places again with tingling scalps, a dark gray streamer suddenly pierced through the eyeballs of C'Thun who was about to issue a warning.


With a slight muffled sound, C'Thun's eyeballs quickly weathered and decayed as if they had been cursed by aging, and the whole process was clearly presented before the eyes of Salayan and Valeera.

"This is……"

This strange scene made Sharlayan show an expression of enlightenment, but Valeera took out her weapon with extreme vigilance, scanned around with sharp eyes, and asked in a low voice, "Who is it?!"


A rough voice appeared out of nowhere in the alley where there was no third person: "Two friends, don't get excited, I have no malicious intentions."

Sharlayan and Valeera looked at each other flickeringly, and they both saw the same meaning in each other's eyes.

‘Did the big fish take the initiative to show up? Let me see how divine you really are. '

Unlike the Sharlayan who had investigated clues in advance and made preparations, due to lack of information, the mysterious person who suddenly rescued the two did not know their complicated psychological activities.

As the old saying goes, the enemy of your enemy is your friend.

Based on this idea, the mysterious man planned to send Valeera and Sharlayan to a relatively safe place—his temporary residence where he was hiding.

Maintaining a stealthy state, the two of them avoided the monitoring area of ​​Ke'sun's eyeballs all the way under the guidance of the mysterious man, and smoothly came to another dark alley that no one cared about.

A space door suddenly cracked open on the plain obsidian wall. Sharlayan and Valeera exchanged glances for the last time, and walked into the door one after the other while maintaining a high degree of vigilance.

"Both, welcome to my sanctuary."

The familiar voice sounded again, and a strong man with a height of more than 2 meters stood in front of Sharlayan and Valeera with a smile, welcoming their arrival.


Valeera's eyes first glanced at the pair of pointed long elf ears on the opponent's head, and a meaningful smile appeared on her face.

"It's really a rare visitor. I didn't expect to see our 'clan' here."

The strong man standing in front of them had typical elf ears.

However, both Sharlayan and Valeera knew very well that it was impossible for any elves other than them to appear in this era.

That is to say... This guy took the appearance of the two of them into consideration, and intentionally changed them into such an appearance that it is easy to get closer.

But a fake is still a fake after all, it's hard to paint a tiger's skin, and it's hard to paint the bones, knowing the face but not the heart.

Due to the lack of understanding of the racial characteristics of the high elves, the appearance of the mysterious man looks nondescript, without the elegance and softness that the high elves should have.

[The sight of a big man with hairy legs wearing cat ears...]

"Haha~ This lady was joking."

The mysterious man himself knew that his changing appearance could not be hidden from these two true high elves with playful smiles on their faces.

"This is just what I imitated based on the appearance of the two of you. Please forgive me if there is any offense."

Judging from the contact so far, Sharlayan has not seen any hostility from this big man with a rather bold personality.

However, this does not mean that he and Valeera will relax their vigilance. It is still impossible to determine what the other party's true intentions are, and whether they will run counter to their interests.

The other party's openness made Salayan show a formulaic smile on his face: "This... old man, what should I call him?"

Since it was a projection avatar purposely created to hide his true identity, Sharlayan still couldn't tell which Eternal was behind it.

Facing Sharlayan's question, the other party waved his hand and said, "Just call me Prius."

"You two, I don't know why you sneaked into this city? Could it be... that you have enmity with the creature that is rooted deep in this land?"


Sharlayan asked back with great interest: "We should ask you this question."

"Mr. Prius, do you have any grudges against the Thousand-Eyed Demon C'Thun? Why do you want to help us?"

"The thousand-eyed demon? C'Thun?"

Prius' eyes flickered slightly: "I see, is this the real name of the light-dark sensitive parasitic symbiont?"

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