Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1230 Prius? Soldiers!

Light-dark sensitive parasitic symbiont, which is the official scientific name of the Old Gods, was first named after the Pantheon.

The native residents of Azeroth like Sharlayan and Valeera have long been used to calling them in more popular terms——the ancient gods, or the ancient gods for short.

The undisguised scientific name of "Prius" exposed his source of information. His knowledge of the ancient gods obviously came from the Pantheon and its subordinate institutions or personnel, otherwise he would not have been able to accurately name such an awkward scientific name.

Prius himself didn't realize it for the time being, because of a title problem, he revealed the fact that he was not extraordinary to a certain extent.

After all... It is not easy to find this scientific name.

Even titan guardians like Mimiron and Freya don't bother to call the ancient gods by the deceitful and awkward scientific name of "light-dark sensitive parasitic symbiont", usually by their names.

For example, the ancient god N'Zoth and the ancient god Y'Shaarji and so on.

Sharlayan stomped his feet on the ground meaningfully: "If you are talking about the monster that is rooted deep in the earth under our feet... Indeed, the thousand-eyed demon C'Thun is its name."

Prius saw something was wrong from Salayan's subtle smile, but he couldn't tell what went wrong for a while.

"Okay, Prius dude, I don't want to waste time on charades, let's have an honest talk."

Sharlayan took the initiative to step forward to block Valeera, deliberately making Prius focus on his body language.

Valeera began to observe the environment of this refuge under the cover of Sharlayan.

The projection of the Eternal is at least also a demigod, and the demigod theoretically does not need to sleep, eat or drink.

Their strong bodies allow them to absorb free energy from the outside world to maintain the perpetual movement of their body functions without taking in additional nutrients.

Therefore, the hiding place of Prius can be described as a house with bare walls, and there is no furniture at all in the room.

'...If we can't agree and start a fight, we don't have to worry about the influence of the surrounding environment. '

At the moment, Prius was attracted by Sharlayan's bold and direct proposal, and had no time to pay attention to Valeera's small movements.

"Oh?" Prius still kept a smile that was neither far nor near: "This..."


"All right, Sharlayan."

Prius asked with a smile, "What do you want to talk to me about?"

Sharlayan would also smile and said sharply: "Brother Prius, you are not from this world, are you?"

Prius asked calmly with his expression unchanged: "Why do you say that?"

Sharlayan put away his smile and said seriously: "No matter who it is, as long as it has existed in this world, it will definitely leave traces."

"My wife and I followed the traces left by you all the way to Ahn'Qiraj. Are you sure you want to continue to circle around with us?"

The unsalty smile on Prius's face gradually disappeared: "So? What's your position? Flesh and blood creatures."

"Should I stand on C'Thun's side and condemn me for indiscriminately killing innocent people, or should I stand on the side of Titan and help me block the Old Gods?"

"Unfortunately, neither."

Sharlayan said calmly: "Now, I just want to confirm your identity and your real purpose of sneaking into Azeroth under the eyes of the Titans, and then judge whether you are interested in this world based on your answer." would be a threat."


Prius held his chin with one hand thoughtfully: "So, although the life forms of those lesser titans are very different, you are also the guardians of this world."

"Since you are so frank, I don't want to lie to you."

Prius said solemnly: "I don't know if you who were born on this planet have heard that in this vast universe where we live together, there are not only Titans, the ultimate creatures that stand at the apex of all things."

Sharlayan smiled meaningfully: "Of course I have heard that the Titan's knowledge base is not a display."

"Then, which of the six forces of the universe do you represent? Chaos? Light? Or... death?"


Prius smiled again: "I've been searching all the way, but you already have the answer in your heart, don't you?"

Regarding Prius' acquiescence, Sharlayan nodded noncommittally: "Second question, what is your plan to collect souls and corpses on this newborn planet?"


Prius's expression became a little complicated: "It's hard to say."

"I can swear on my reputation that I have no hostility towards Azeroth and the Pantheon. The souls and corpses of flesh and blood creatures are collected just to experiment with new things and to prepare for disasters that may come at any time in the future."


Sharlayan folded his hands on his chest, and in a sudden and deep voice asked a question that he and Valeera had been unable to determine before.

"Could it be that it has something to do with the arbitrator?"


Prius' gaze suddenly became sharper, and both Valeera and Sharlayan could clearly feel a powerful aura pressing on their shoulders.

'Can projections have this power...'

Valeera narrowed her eyes slightly, and touched the handle of the dagger hanging at her waist.

"You... a native creature of Azeroth, why do you know the arbitrator?"

Facing Prius's astonishing questioning, Sharlayan shrugged nonchalantly: "That's why I said at the beginning, don't play charades, you don't really think that us natives of Azeroth don't know the existence of the Shadow Realm, do you?" ?”

"So? What's going on with that paranoid idealist in Zovall? Have you already done it?"

Prius stared at Sharlayan with flickering eyes for a long while, as if he was weighing whether to kill him or not.

In any case, Azeroth is undoubtedly the focus of attention of the Pantheon at this stage, and almost all Titans cast their eyes on this newborn planet.

The Shadowlands and the Pantheon have always been inseparable from each other.

If the Titans, who were already annoyed at the fact that their compatriots were destroyed by the light-dark sensitive parasitic symbiote, knew that someone from the Shadow Realm had sneaked into Azeroth... Prius was not sure if the other party would be furious and ask for guilt.

Through the changes in Prius' eyes and demeanor, Sharlayan could first rule out the possibility that he was Zovall.

Likewise, the ambitious Denathrius does not appear to be the man to display such a rich variety of emotions.

Theoretically, the possibility of Gristia and the Queen of Winter disguised as men and traveling quietly cannot be ruled out, but it is only theoretical.

Based on what Sharlayan knew about those two, it should be impossible for them to do such a thing.

Screened out by the method of exclusion, the true identity of Prius has been revealed.

He is the lord of Maldraxxus who is hailed by some players as the leader of the Shadow Realm, but is considered by other players to be the biggest black hand behind the events of the Shadow Realm - the Lord of Arms.

Sharlayan did not expose the other party's identity in person, but deliberately pretended to be uncertain and assumed a tentative posture.

As the barrage said, some of the actions of the military master are indeed suspicious, and the heart of defense is indispensable.

If Prius, the incarnation of the warlord's projection, tried to silence him in anger, Sharlayan and Valeera would not be defeated quickly.

... At worst, it would drag C'suen, who was searching for both of them, into the water together, and give the military master a trick to fish in troubled waters.

He hesitated for a long while with flickering eyes, perhaps it was because of the attitude of the old god Salayan that Prius was wary, but in the end he still didn't choose to turn his back on him.


After making up his mind, Prius sighed helplessly.

"Azeroth... No wonder the Titans attach so much importance to this newborn planet, it really is a fearsome youngster."

After pausing for a moment, Prius continued: "Yes, just as you guessed, we... the Eternals teamed up not long ago to banish that idealistic lunatic to the Maw."

【You said this not long ago... How many years ago was it? 】

[In the sense of time of the least tens of hundreds of years ago, maybe thousands of years ago? 】

Sarlayan and Valeera were also very curious about this question, but in order not to reveal the truth, they did not get to the bottom of this question.

Anyway, the specific time is not important, it is enough to know that Zovar's exile has already happened.

Sarlayan did not continue to inquire further, and quickly brought the topic back.

"Prius, you haven't answered my second question yet."

"You, or you guys, avoided the eyes of the Titans and entered Azeroth by projecting an avatar. What exactly is your intention?"

Prius shook his head and said, "The answer is actually very simple."

"Although I can't understand what the future threat that guy is talking about, from my standpoint, the responsibility lies in the need to plan ahead."

"I...or the Shadow Realm, I need more powerful weapons and troops to deal with the unknown threat that will come at an unknown time."

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