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Chapter 1245 Sharlayan: Ah~ This familiar rhythm

After temporarily placing Rukhmar's soul in the Emerald Dreamland, the Primordial Sea Turtle that Sharlayan and Valeera were riding on also happened to arrive at the southwest coast of Zandalar Island.

The continent of Pandaria hangs alone in the southern sea of ​​Azeroth, and the island of Zandalar is located in the northeast of Pandaria, and the distance between them is not too far.

This is also one of the reasons why the Zandalari could easily cross the sea to invade Pandaria, but that war ended with the Pandaren winning.

Since the sea battle between Zandalar and Kul Tiras ended, Zandalar's gold fleet suffered a devastating blow, and it still hasn't recovered.

In recent years, the Zandalari trolls have been quietly building new warships in the island's dry dock.

It is unrealistic to fully counterattack Kul Tiras based on the wealth they have accumulated over the years.

However, under the cover of a large number of coastal defense weapons, the newly-born Golden Fleet can at least force the naval warships of Kul Tiras from approaching the surrounding waters of Zandalar Island at will.

Sharlayan does not intend to land on Zandalar Island, which is gradually recovering its naval combat power.

Around the limit attack distance of the Zandalar troll's coastal defense weapons, the Progenitor Turtle continued to swim north under Sharlayan's instructions, and came to the sea area between the Broken Isles and Zandalar Island.

"It's almost here."

Sharlayan squatted up from the back of the ancestor sea turtle, and patted the shell of the sea turtle below him: "Pancho, thank you for your hard work, be careful on the way back."

Pancho, the ancestor sea turtle, was obviously distracted when swimming in the vast sea, and it took several seconds for Sharlayan to react after his voice fell.

"Huh? Oh~ don't worry about me, the two benefactors, please go all the way."

Sharlayan shook his head helplessly: "They say don't call me a benefactor."

The original sea turtles are called so because Sharlayan helped them to re-recognize their ancestors and return to their ancestors after being separated for many years, and reestablished contact with the tortoise demigod Tortola far away on Mount Hyjal.

In order to thank Sharlayan for his bridge, the Progenitor Turtle has been helping him transport the Titan creations produced by the engine of Nalaksha for many years.

After the war against Ulduar is over, the Primordial Turtles should be able to unload this heavy work.

Taking advantage of Valeera's space power positioning, Sharlayan opened the portal directly to Quel'Thalas on Pancho's back.

After bidding farewell to Pancho, the two returned to their hometown through the portal.

The strong arcane atmosphere in the air of Eversong Forest caused the two of them to subconsciously take a deep breath.

"No matter how many places I have been to, the familiar hometown atmosphere is the most nostalgic."

After waving his hand to close the portal, the arcanist who was in charge of guarding the Unicorn City's teleportation tower came back to his senses, and hurriedly saluted Sharlayan and Valeera respectfully.

"My lord, Mrs. Valeera, welcome back to Unicorn City!"

Sharlayan and Valeera did not hold a public wedding ceremony. They just followed the tradition of the dragon clan and became a couple in a low-key manner under the witness of Inas.

But Unicorn City knew Valeera's status in the territory from top to bottom, and everyone regarded her as the lord's wife.

...But Valeera is not alone in receiving this treatment.

Regardless of the fact that Quel'Thalas implements the monogamous system on the surface, in fact, no matter what class of high elves know, this law does not have any substantial binding force on the "passionate" of the nobles. There are some sayings about the succession rights of future generations.

It is not uncommon for noblewomen to have double-digit faces in the noble circles of Quel'Thalas.

In the same way, most male nobles also kept a large number of lovers outside their wives behind their backs, and even nobles and nobles often formed dewy love affairs with each other.

All in all it was a mess.

In the eyes of the well-informed residents of the Duchy of Deep Shadow, the Grand Duke of Deep Shadow, who has only a few regular partners, is already out of the mud in the aristocratic circle.

[The evil feudal aristocratic society! I'm so sour! ! 】

[Wake up, you are useless even in the feudal era, this kind of privilege can only be enjoyed by nobles. 】

[It's like there are always people who are not satisfied with life and think that they will live better abroad than in China, but in fact... waste is still waste wherever it goes, and gold will shine no matter where it is. 】

[? ? ? 】

[I'm not sure, I'm just making a casual joke, is it necessary to go online like this? 】

As always, the bullet screen quickly diverted the topic, and the pros and cons began to have a heated debate on whether the living environment would affect the salary.

Sharlayan just glanced casually before resolutely ignoring the barrage of quarrels, and patted the shoulders of the two teleportation tower arcanists with a gentle smile.

"You don't need to be too polite, you can continue to work, we have to rush back to see our family."


Under the polite watch of the two Arcanists, Sharlayan and Valeera walked out of the teleportation tower, overlooking the panorama of Unicorn City from a height.

Since the end of the Battle of Mount Hyjal, Sharlayan's reputation in Quel'Thalas...and even the entire Eastern Kingdom as the commander in chief of the war has been completely unstoppable.

The people of the Duchy of Deep Shadow are naturally proud of their lord's outstanding performance. This will also allow them to have more proud conversations with people from other countries and regions after dinner, and improve themselves to a certain extent of force.

But the most important thing is not these illusory things, but the quality of life in the Duchy of Deep Shadow is substantially superior to all noble territories in Quel'Thalas, and the living standards in other countries worse than Quel'Thalas are even worse. do not talk.

On the way back to the Lord's Mansion, the residents in the city would respectfully and warmly salute and greet Sharlayan and Valeera.

They could all see that the dusty lord and wife should have just come back from business.

And these unexplainable business matters can often effectively improve the international status of Quel'Thalas, and even the quality of life of the domestic people.

Sharlayan would never put on an aloof attitude in front of the citizens. He and Valeera smiled happily and came down to the gate of the lord's mansion after being sent off by the citizens.

Through the noise in the city, the two sisters Stellagosa and Tinagosa who stayed in the territory had already heard the news of their return.

"Sharlayan! You are finally back!"

As soon as he stepped on the last step, a human cannon shot towards Sharlayan's chest as usual.

Sharlayan showed a helpless smile as expected, and immediately sank down to catch the little Tina who was pounced on.

From the aggrieved expression on the little guy's face, one can guess that the time she stayed in the territory with her strict sister was not very pleasant.


While Salayan was busy comforting little Tina, Valeera was busy trying to say goodbye to Stellagoza.

When the two looked at each other, they were surprised to find that the other party had successfully broken through the limits of mortals and formally stepped into the gate of the extraordinary realm.

However, compared to Valeera who has obtained more than 800 years of retreat time because of time travel, Stella Gosa should have just broken through.

The arcane power in her body has not been well restrained, and she has a sharp feeling, similar to Sharlayan just after the Battle of Seamount.

Years of living together has long allowed Stellagosa and Valeera to develop a sisterly relationship, but there are still many comparisons between them.

After vaguely saying goodbye to each other, Valeera and Stellagosa tacitly put aside the dispute for the time being, and waited until later to find time to figure out who won the bet fight back then.

But from Sharlayan's point of view... It's really hard to say who will come first in this matter, and the controversy is bound to be huge.

It is difficult to accurately calculate the time of Valeera's breakthrough, because it was tens of thousands of years ago in the ancient times.

After comforting Tinagosa, who took the opportunity to act like a spoiled child, Salayan naturally asked Stellagosa who was still smiling, "Where is Oni? Won't you go out and wander again?"

"Don't make it seem like I'm not doing business all day, okay? I'm very busy these days~"

The familiar sexy and lazy voice came from behind Salayan and Valeera, and two snow-white arms wrapped around Salayan's shoulders and wrapped their arms around his neck.

"Honey, welcome back~"

The corners of Valeera's brows twitched subconsciously, and she winked sharply at Tinagosa in Sarayan's arms.

The eccentric little Tina immediately understood, deliberately hugged Sharlayan's head and sat on his shoulders, pushing Onyxia's arms aside as if unintentionally.


Princess Black Dragon is not a good-tempered person, she saw through at a glance who was instigating Tinagosa's actions, and raised her head to meet Valeera's eyes with a half-smile.


Sharlayan smiled helplessly: "Don't perform this kind of family comedy at the door, let's go home first."

"And... Stella, you have worked hard during this time."

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