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Chapter 1246 Kael'thas urged to marry

When she was alone with Sarlayan outside, Valeera was very competent in business matters, and she was also obedient to Sarlayan in all kinds of trivial matters, with an attitude of her husband and wife.

But as the saying goes, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers.

After returning home, Valeera immediately picked up the nature of a small vinegar jar, showing obvious aggressiveness towards Onyxia's provocation.

It is inevitable for a family to fight and fight without hurting the harmony, but Sharlayan does not want the routine fighting between the family to be watched by outsiders.

Under Sharlayan's call, Valeera and Onyxia temporarily restrained their "fighting spirit".

Stellagosa, who stayed in the territory, definitely couldn't let go of all distracting thoughts and retreat in peace like Sarlayan and Valeera.

Leaving aside the various affairs in the territory, in addition to working hard to break through, Little Xingxing still needs to spend time supervising Tinagosa, who has excess energy. Salayan should say that she has worked hard for her.

Jaina wasn't home, as expected.

According to Stellagosa, Dalaran's internal political struggle has just entered a critical period, and whether it can completely subdue Modera's faction depends on recent trends.

Inas and Julian were also busy with their own affairs, and hadn't been to the Lord's Mansion for a long time.

"Aunt Inas has been living in the laboratory to tackle difficult problems. Uncle Julian received an entrustment from Uncle Welles and went out to perform official duties two weeks ago, but has not returned yet."

Sharlayan nodded and said, "What about the situation at home and abroad? Has anything major happened in the Eastern Kingdom recently?"

Stellagosa: "Foreign countries are fine. All countries are taking the time to recuperate. Many countries, including Lordaeron, have introduced many new policies to encourage childbirth."

"Domestic..." Stellagosa shrugged with a smile: "Recently Kael'thas has been agitated. The old king walked out of the deep palace and began to ask about his queen candidate. Many nobles are eager to send their daughters Into the court of the Sunstrider."

"Heh~" Sharlayan patted the armrest of the sofa amusedly: "It's about time, after all, Kael'thas is not young anymore, he should leave a descendant to inherit the Sunstrider royal family line."

Valeera asked curiously: "So what is the specific situation? Which one does the old king prefer?"

Stellagosa shook her head: "I don't know, but at least one thing is certain, Anasteria has no interest in daughters of great noble families."

"The old king has no scruples to publicly criticize the daughters of those great nobles trying to send into the palace as rotten crotch, unworthy of the queen."

"Huh~" Onyxia sneered and shook the red wine glass: "Actually, Anasteria is right, those corrupt noble girls who grew up in a silver party, you can count on them to take care of themselves A belt?"

Sharlayan was not surprised by Anasteria's statement, he just didn't expect the old king to give such a sharp and disregarding comment.

With the gradual deepening of Quel'Thalas' reforms, Kael'thas, who has already secured his butt after many victories in wars, does not need to elect another great nobleman to secure his throne.

There is a saying in Danmaku that there is no class that betrays the class, but there are people who betray the class.

In the history of the different world that Danmaku knows, those who betrayed their class usually have only two evaluations.

An empty-headed idiot, or a generation of outstanding people who lead the changes of the times.

Due to the historical problems caused by Dath'Remar, Quel'Thalas has been governed by the royal family and the nobles together for more than 7,000 years, and even once allowed the power of the nobles to override the king's power.

In the early days of the founding of Quel'Thalas, this method of concentrating resources on cultivating talents cannot be miscalculated.

After all, Dath'Remar was still facing a powerful threat from forest trolls at that time, and it really needed the full support of the nobles to maintain the start-up country.

It is impossible for any kind of system to be permanently applicable, and the implementation strategy must be adjusted according to the actual situation at that time.

But obviously, those with vested interests will not willingly sit back and watch the reform violate their own interests.

With Quel'Thalas winning the troll war more than 3,000 years ago and losing the external threat hanging around its neck, the founding nobles who had been the pillars of the kingdom quickly fell.

The meritorious king Anasteria saw this, and intended to support the emerging nobles who had made great contributions in the troll war to compete with the founding nobles. Most of these nobles were called royal nobles.

This infighting between the royal family of Quel'Thalas and the nobles lasted for more than 3,000 years. It was not until the orcs invaded Quel'Thalas and approached the city of Silvermoon that the winner was finally decided.

With the purging of a large number of founding aristocrats headed by the four great nobles, the emerging nobles finally began to rise in the country.

There is an old saying that the dragon slayer will eventually become a dragon.

Compared with the old aristocrats who had already been completely corrupted, there are still many families among the nobles who still have fighting spirit, but it is inevitable that there will be people who are assimilated by the wind of pleasure blown by the old aristocracy.

While Sharlayan was busy traveling around, the two Sun Kings of Anasterian and Kael'thas had been working on political reforms at home.

As the largest noble in the kingdom, it is obviously impossible for the Sunstrider royal family to kill themselves.

At the end of Anasterian's administration, it was indeed necessary to change. If no changes were made, Quel'Thalas would sooner or later be dragged down by those rice bug nobles who were full of fat and only knew how to enjoy and were unwilling to pay.

Under Sharlayan's suggestion, Kael'thas reused those meritorious nobles who were still willing to work hard for the revitalization of the kingdom, and eliminated the poisonous blood that had already been corrupted.

At the same time, Kael'thas began to promote a large number of civilian talents, and established a complete talent training and promotion system for this purpose, allowing Quel'Thalas, which was like a pool of stagnant water, to slowly re-flow.

Since Kael'thas ascended the throne, he has been busy with domestic reform affairs, and has no time to pay attention to the matter of family succession, so the position of queen has always been vacant.

Fortunately, the lifespan of the high elves is long enough. Kael'thas, who is less than 1,000 years old, is not in a hurry.

Kael'thas thought so and did the same.

With Sharlayan helping to share many complicated external affairs, Kael'thas can safely focus on domestic reforms.

Regardless of Sharlayan's glorious past these years, Kael'thas' trust as always is the most important support that allows him to roam around freely.

Sharlayan and Kael'thas cooperated very well inside and out, but Anasterian, who retreated behind the scenes, couldn't just watch her only son hold back and have no cubs.

After consulting Kael'thas himself, the aging Anasterian walked out of the deep palace after a long absence, and took over the matter with his own hands.

The old king's public criticism made the nobles in the country look very ugly. It was almost like pointing their noses and saying, "You uneducated waste, don't even think about sending those sons into the palace."

"I guess..." Sharlayan said thoughtfully: "This farce should come to an end in the near future. There is a high probability that the old king will choose a commoner woman to enter the palace to become the queen."

As Sharlayan's bedside people, Valeera, Stellagosa, and Onyxia have all seen the changes in Quel'Thalas over the years, and they also have eyes for Sharlayan and Kael'thas. The reform program that has been introduced is well-understood.

Sharlayan did not intend to completely turn the nobles into history, after all, the Deep Shadow family he belonged to was originally a member of the nobles.

What Kael'thas and Sharlayan want to kick away are those wastes who are lying on the merits of their ancestors and don't want to stand up. They use the gradually rising civilian power to add a sense of crisis to the noble elites, so that they can stand up again to revitalize their families and revitalize their families. nation.

With the same effort, noble children with more resources will be more likely to succeed.

With the long lifespan of the high elves, unless there is an individual who is cheating against the sky, how can the wealth and connections accumulated over thousands of years be easily surpassed by a generation?

If it weren't for the old nobles who wanted to overthrow the Sunstrider royal family by colluding with foreign enemies, the background accumulated by the founding nobles for 7,000 years is indeed stronger than the accumulation of 3,000 years for the nobles who rose after the war of trolls, let alone the small families that emerged later. up.

This is true for the nobles in Quel'Thalas, and it is the same between countries.

The high elves with a history of more than 7,000 years are still trying to catch up with the night elves with a history of more than 10,000 years. If they are not careful, they may even be surpassed by the human nations that have been working hard for more than 3,000 years.

An individual like Sharlayan who can achieve a class transition within a generation, from a noble descendant of the War of Trolls to the top boss of Quel'Thalas, is after all only a rare individual.

There is also a big reason for this because he has the blood of the dragon clan, as well as various technical and information assistance provided by netizens from other worlds.

To put it bluntly, what Kael'thas and Sharlayan wanted to do was to raise Gu.

Through various policy adjustments, the civilians are given opportunities and opportunities to rise up, so that the commoners who are eager to get ahead are desperately chasing those nobles who are still not peaceful and can be saved, and promote the comprehensive development of Quel'Thalas through healthy competition. National strength improved.

Against the background of this era, the first commoner queen in the history of Quel'Thalas will inevitably become a booster to stimulate the commoners to continue to work hard.

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