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Chapter 1258 Kael'thas'

Excluding the Sunstrider royal family, who are essentially the largest nobles in the kingdom, the four nobles with the title of hereditary duke are the pinnacle of all the nobles in Quel'Thalas.

It stands to reason that the four great nobles will naturally protect the interests of the nobles, because these nobles are the basic disk to maintain their influence.

But just like what Sharlayan mentioned to Kael'thas and the cabinet many times.

Today's Azeroth is undergoing major changes unseen in thousands of years. The old-fashioned Quel'Thalas must keep up with the changes of the times, otherwise, sooner or later, it will be left far behind by other countries that strive for change.

As the first civilized nation to emerge in the Eastern Kingdoms (troll conventions were ignored), Quel'Thalas had its own pride.

At the end of Anasterian's reign, due to the long-term internal friction between the Sunstrider royal family and the Silvermoon Council, Quel'Thalas was surpassed by Lordaeron, a rising star, in terms of overall national strength.

But even so, Quel'Thalas at that time still had a unique advantageous industry, and Lordaeron did not open a big gap.

With the young and energetic Kael'thas ascending to the throne, the flamboyant Lordaeron also encountered wind and rain many times in the following years, and the gap in national power between the two sides had a miraculous reversal.

The Scourge smashed the originally wealthy East Weld (Eastern Plaguelands) to pieces, and the neighboring East Tirisfal (Western Plaguelands) was also affected a lot.

After the Battle of Seamount, under the leadership of Queen Calia, the war-torn Lordaeron finally entered a state of full cultivation.

Today, East Tirisfal, which has been less damaged, has basically recovered its food production capacity, but the East Weald area is still in a state of chaos.

Under the leadership of the new Lich King, the reorganized main force of the undead withdrew from Azeroth and moved to Draenor to settle down. Only the Stratholme region remained as the last retreat of the new undead organization "Free Will".

For Calia, it is natural to dream of regaining Stratholme.

Baron Rivendell has no intention of continuing to fight Lordaeron in peacetime. He voluntarily gave up most of the land except Stratholme City. Lordaeron took back a large area of ​​East Weald including Darrowshire territory.

However, the existence of Stratholme, the city of the undead, has always made Calia feel like a stick in her throat.

Recently, she is trying to persuade Baron Rivendell to lead all the remaining undead out of Stratholme through diplomatic efforts, and return this last undead stronghold to Lordaeron's management.

Obviously, Baron Rivendell cannot easily agree to this request, and the two sides will continue to argue for a long time afterwards.

In the next few years, Lordaeron will focus on restoring its national strength. It will not be easy to catch up with Quel'Thalas, who has not suffered much damage in the war.

However, this does not mean that Quel'Thalas can sit back and relax.

After Sharlayan's deliberate weakening, Lordaeron is no longer the primary competitor in the eyes of Kael'thas.

The sun king, who seems to have a gentle personality but is actually soft on the outside and strong on the inside, set his pursuit target on the old powerful country on the other side of the sea-the Republic of the Night.

Even though the blessing of eternal life was lost in the Battle of Seamount, the foundation of the Dark Night Republic accumulated for tens of thousands of years is still extremely strong.

At least at this stage, there is still a long gap between Quel'Thalas and the Night Republic.

With such a long-sighted king at the helm, the cabinet and the heads of the major legions will naturally not only stare at the one-acre three-point land in front of them.

In order to stride forward with all his strength, the old Quel'Thalas must first remove the useless carrion attached to himself.

In Kael'thas' view, the founding nobles who were once the pillars of the kingdom have now become a stumbling block preventing Quel'Thalas from moving forward.

The leading figures of the four contemporary nobles are Solanlian, Calpurnia, Petra, and Matis, which happen to be two governments and two armies.

Kaelthas had a frank and secret talk with the four nobles they represented in private.

The first thing that needs to be determined is that Kael'thas does not intend to kill all the nobles.

It's not that Kael'thas, who has a soft personality, can't be so cruel, but it's not necessary.

The founding nobles have been passed down for more than 7,000 years. Even with the low birth rate of the high elves, such a long period of time will inevitably cause them to flourish.

The direct descendants of the backbone of these aristocratic families are indeed completely corrupted and beyond recovery, but this does not mean that the entire family needs to be completely eradicated.

Kael'thas made a promise to the four of Solanlian.

As long as the decaying old noble families can choose suitable heirs, he can allow the offshoots of these families to inherit the family line and continue to serve Quel'Thalas.

This can also be regarded as the last grace of the Sunstrider family to the descendants of those old brothers who supported them to go east to found a country.

Is it easy to succeed the big one with the small one?

Of course it is difficult.

Take the Morning Star family where Solan Lian belongs to as an example. The sporadic branches of the huge Morning Star family add up to thousands of people.

For such a huge family, it is of course impossible to distribute resources equally to everyone.

Those who can receive key training and resources are usually only the direct descendants of the family.

In order to prevent someone from the collateral line from threatening the status of the direct line, they would even deliberately suppress the talented collateral descendants. This is not uncommon in big families.

What? Deep shadow family?

The Deep Shadow family was honored for their military exploits in the Troll War, and it was only the third generation when it came to Sharlayan.

Due to the relatively shallow background, the entire Deep Shadow family has only two branches, Willais and Julian, and there is no dispute between the descendant and concubine at all, and the relationship between family members is very close.

It was precisely for this reason that Kael'thas did not seek Sharlayan's opinion when planning this conspiracy, because he lacked sufficient knowledge of the struggle between the direct line and the minor branches of the big family.

From the standpoint of Kael'thas, he didn't care about whether those who inherited the titles of the founding nobles were direct descendants or concubines. His only concern was whether the heirs of these nobles could continue to contribute to Quel'Thalas.

The seasoned Anasterian stopped Kael'thas just in time when he was about to end himself.

A very simple reason.

If you can support other families to seize power, the offshoots of the Sunstrider family will also be eager to stare at the throne you sit on.

After all, if you are in the first year of junior high school, and others are in the fifteenth year, you will always have to pay back when you come out to play.

Kael'thas, who was not thoughtful enough, was frightened into a cold sweat by his father's analysis, and immediately dismissed his intention to take action himself. He decided to let the four nobles who had already bowed to the royal family handle the issue of inheritance rights within these nobles.

The Sunstrider family was worried that the concubine would find an excuse to seize power because of this matter, and the heads of the four great nobles also had this concern.

This time, Solanlian summoned all the founding nobles to discuss important matters, mainly because she wanted to finally give these fat pigs a chance to be slaughtered.

Obviously, the fat pigs who are still drooling and talking nonsense at this moment don't realize the crux of the problem.


Several times of hinting and guidance failed to achieve any effect, Calpurnia finally gave up, and returned to the taciturn Solanian, Matis and Petra with a look of lovelessness and slumped on the chair.

"Tired, destroy it."



On the second day after the "secret" closed-door meeting ended, Sarlayan learned about it from Welles, and laughed uncontrollably on the spot.

"So didn't I say it a long time ago, those old aristocrats who have been fed up with their brains are hopeless, and pure mud can't support the wall."

"At this point, we can only give them a big internal change, otherwise those wastes who are clearly incompetent but have a lot of resources will do even more ridiculously stupid things sooner or later."

Welles nodded dumbfoundingly, and then said with emotion: "Now the Deep Shadow family is also a double noble family, and we must also take precautions against this."

"That's true."

Sharlayan agreed and said: "So, I plan to establish a family motto in my generation first, let's say that those who don't work don't eat."

"Want to inherit the title? All right, show your value. The Deep Shadow family will not let incompetent descendants inherit the title. That will only harm everyone in the family."

Welles looked at his nephew with a strange expression: "...You are talking about me, right? You are an immortal demigod. If you don't take the initiative to speak, who can take the title from you?"

"Ah this..."

A slightly embarrassed smile appeared on Sharlayan's face: "The truth is common, uncle, you don't want your family's reputation to be tarnished by incompetent offspring, right? So education should start from the baby."

"Okay~ I'll listen to you."

Welles patted Salayan on the shoulder angrily: "After a while, I will send your little cousin to you to receive education. Don't prevaricate because you don't have time."

"Oh, yes, there is one more thing."

In order to silence Sharlayan's planned rejection, Welles said something serious before turning around and leaving.

"I heard that you went to the Isle of Quel'Danas to meet Anveena Dennis before? The Sun King invited you into the palace for an interview, saying that he wanted to hear your evaluation of her from the fiery-eyed grand duke."

Sharlayan looked at the silent mobile phone on the table speechlessly: "...Can the mobile phone not work?"

Welles shrugged: "Your Majesty said that there are some things that he would be more at ease talking about in person."

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